Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships

Call for expressions of interest for the submission of Marie Sklodowska-Curie proposals - History of Nuclear Energy and Society
·       Job Description
·       Job Summary: Dr. Albert Presas i Puig, established at the Department of Humanities of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), offers two positions for candidates interested in submitting a proposal for the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships. Dr. Presas is member of the History of Science Studies Research Group, devoted to the promotion of the understanding of science and technology as social factors that are in turn shaped by historical, cultural and social forces. He is also the PI of the international project "History of Nuclear Energy and Society" ( His research interests focus on science, culture and power; science in the European periphery; Science and Francoism and the history of nuclear energy. We are interested in sponsoring two post-doctoral students working in some of these domains: history of the nuclear energy in Europa; nuclear energy and society; nuclear energy and culture; history of nuclear energy and economics; history of nuclear energy and policy.
·       Job Description: The Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA IF) scheme is a prestigious European funding programme that supports mobility, career development, and training within and beyond Europe. The scheme offer 2-3 years’ highly-competitive salary and research costs. MSCA IF involve a joint application between the researcher and Universitat Pompeu Fabra. They are for Experienced Researchers (4 years full time research experience or PhD) moving to Barcelona from another country. Projects are between 12 to 36 months with a typical total budget of around €85,000 per annum. A Career Restart option is available to those inactive for 12 months or more and a Reintegration option is available to those previously active in EU who seek to return. All expressions of interest must meet the eligibility criteria of the scheme – applicants must have a PhD, or equivalent research experience. Applicants from any country may apply, but must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the submission deadline.
·       Nr of positions available: 2
·       Main Research Field: History
·       Sub Research Field: History of science
·       Career Stage: Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)
·       Research Profiles: First Stage Researcher (R1)
·       Research Profiles: Recognised Researcher (R2)
·       Research Profiles: Established Researcher (R3)
·       Benefits: The annual budget includes funding for salary, research costs and a contribution to the overhead costs of the host organisation. Salary is not negotiable and based on H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie rates. Fellows will have their offices at the UPF main campus (Ciutadella). The campus offers libraries and IT services, language training and cultural/sports services. From their office, fellows will have remote access to the UPF libraries, to inter-library lending, IT Services and to an extensive range of electronic resources including journals.
·       Comment/web site for additional job details: Researchers willing to apply with Dr Presas under the aforementioned Actions should check that they fulfil the eligibility criteria and then send an expression of interest, consisting of: - A Curriculum Vitae (please follow the template provided in the call) - A summary presentation of their research proposal (5 pages aprox.), including: * Excellence: subsections 1.1 and 1.2 * Impact: subsections 2.1 and 2.2 * Implementation: subsection 3.1 You need to follow the European Commission template for Individual fellowships, which can be found at - A motivation letter (1 page) - The contact information of two referees Expressions of interest must be submitted by the 31st of May to: josep.niubo(a) (Title of the email "Marie Curie application - Presas") Proposals will be pre-selected on the basis of internal evaluation. Candidates will be informed of the results of the pre-selection by the 15th of June. The deadline for the submission of proposals to the Commission has been set for the 14th of September 2016. Eligibility criteria according to the call: At the deadline for the submission of proposals (14/09/2016), researchers: - shall be in possession of a doctoral degree or 4 years of full-time equivalent experience; - must not have resided or carried out their main activities in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the above mentioned deadline.

·       Job Details
·       Type of Contract: Temporary
·       Status: Full-time
·       Working Hours (hours per week or free text): 37.5
·       Science4Refugees: Yes
·       Company/Institute: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
·       Country: SPAIN
·       City: Barcelona
·       Postal Code: 08005
·       Street: Ramon Trias Fargas, 27
·       Organisation/Institute Contact Data
·       Organisation: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
·       Organisation/Institution Type: Academic
·       Faculty/Department/Research Lab: Servei de Recerca
·       Country: SPAIN
·       City: Barcelona
·       Postal Code: 08005
·       Street: Ramon Trias Fargas, 27
·       E-Mail:
·       Website:
·       Application Details
·       Envisaged Job Starting Date: -
·       Application Deadline: 31/05/2016
·       How To Apply: e-mail

·       Application e-mail: