
Mostrando entradas de junio 5, 2016

Vacancy: Edinburgh Napier Principal’s Research Fellowships – apply by July 1st 2016

Edinburgh Napier University is currently advertising a great opportunity for anyone keen to focus on their research over the next five years with the ambition of promotion to Associate Professor. The University’s Principal’s Research Fellowships offer a five-year contract with a salary in the range of £37,768 to £46,414, and include an attractive support package. The posts correspond with the three broad areas that comprise the University’s Academic Themes: Information Society Sustainable communities Wellbeing Those of us in the Centre for Social Informatics are keen to see applications that fit to the Information Society theme, and especially those that align with, or extend, our current research interests and expertise in: Democratic digital engagement Digital culture Digital economy e-Government Information policy Information seeking behaviour and use The Information Society Information systems for organisational effectiveness Knowledge management Online ...

Historical perspectives on the elements and dynamics of the Marine socio-ecological system

The sixth Conference in the Oceans Past series will be held by CHAM-CSH, NOVA/UAc with the support of Sesimbra Municipality (Portugal) Programme: The submission of oral and poster papers encompassing, but not limited to, the following topics is encouraged: Historical changes in values, perceptions and governance of marine systems; Changes in human demographic, technological, economic, and cultural drivers of marine resource use; The role of gender in marine resource use and impact; Integrating population and ecological modelling into marine historical ecology; Historical case studies from Asia, Africa, and Central and South America; Historical scientific expeditions around the world. Participation: The conference is open to all students and researchers interested in the history of human interactions with life in the ocean The Oceans Past Initiative (OPI) is a global network for marine historical research. Our goal is to enhance knowledge and understanding of how the ...

CfP: New Journal - Historiography of Science and Ludwik Fleck

The new Journal "Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science" (see below) is pleased to announce a Call for Papers dedicated to the topic “Ludwik Fleck’s Theory of Thought Styles and Thought Collectives – Translations and Receptions”. Deadline for paper submission: August 30th, 2016. Publication of the issue: December, 2016. https://seer.ufmg.br/index. php/transversal/index

Call for Applications: PhD Programme: HISTORY – change and continuity in a global world

Applications: 2 May to 15 June 2016 (FCT grants) 2 May to 9 September (PhD Programme) This is an international and inter-university PhD programme, with the participation of the most relevant History departments and research units of the University of Lisbon (Institute of Social Sciences and Faculty of Letters), ISCTE- Lisbon University Institute, Portuguese Catholic University and University of Évora.  This PhD programme has been selected for funding by the Portuguese Agency for Science and Technology (FCT). It offers 4 PhD scholarships and further financial support throughout the preparation of the PhD dissertation.  Classes run in Lisbon from 19 September 2016 onwards. Courses and seminars are taught in Portuguese and English. Enrolled students receive monitoring assistance by tutors and supervisors. Please circulate this announcement among colleagues and graduate students of your institutions and networks.  For further information ple...

Co-Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science

The BSPS invites expressions of interest regarding the appointment of a new Co-Editor-in-Chief for the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science , to join current Co-Editor-in-Chief Prof. Steven French. The new Co-Editor-in-Chief will succeed Prof. Michela Massimi, who has decided to step down at the end of two BJPS editorial mandates. We hope to have the new editor in place by the beginning of 2017. In the first instance, interested parties should e-mail Assistant Editor Dr Elizabeth Hannon ( bjps@leeds.ac.uk ) who will give details of what is needed for a full proposal. Expressions of interest should be made prior to 1 October 2016 . Interested parties may also wish to talk with Prof. French, Prof. Massimi, Dr Hannon, or a member of the BSPS Committee if they have any questions about any aspect of the role. The Society is committed to improving diversity within the field and welcomes applications from wo...

Monsters: Theory, Translation, Transbiology

Type:  Call for Publications Date:  August 15, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  Cultural History / Studies, Film and Film History, Humanities, Popular Culture Studies, Women's & Gender History / Studies From the enduring popularity of narratives such as Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886) to current television series such as American Horror Story (2011-), world cultures appear to be obsessed with bodies and psyches deemed “monstrous.” Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, editor of the collection of essays Monster Theory: Reading Culture, proposes that monster’s body is a cultural body, a body that cannot be categorically confined, but exists to problematize and to escape any categories we may create.  In their 2012 text Speaking of Monsters: A Teratological Anthology, editors Caroline Joan (Kay) S. Picart and John Edgar Browning contend that the monstrous is “always already global,” because it can and does ...

MOSF Journal of Science Fiction (Vol. 1, No. 3)

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  July 1, 2016 Location:  District Of Columbia, United States Subject Fields:  Cultural History / Studies, Film and Film History, Literature, Social Sciences, Popular Culture Studies Deadline: 1 July 2016 The  MOSF Journal of Science Fiction  is accepting submissions for inclusion in Volume 1, Issue 3 until 1 July 2016 (anticipated publication date is late September 2016). Late submissions will be considered for inclusion in Volume 2, Issue 1. We are particularly interested in works that offer insight into the myriad facets of science fiction media as well as works emphasizing the interdisciplinary and innovative history of science fiction. Science fiction transcends boundaries of the imagination; thus, submissions from all academic fields are welcome and will undergo the same review process. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of our journal, we request that you make sure your ar...

Cfp Tensions of Europe Early Career Scholars workshop. Porto and online, August 1, 2016.

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  June 8, 2016 Location:  Portugal Subject Fields:  European History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Cfp Tensions of Europe Early Career Scholars workshop   Porto and online, August 1, 2016       In connection to the ICOHTEC conference in Porto this summer, the Early Careers Scholars group from the Tensions of Europe network ( http://www.tensionsofeurope.eu/ ) will arrange a one-day workshop. Participation is available both on site at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP,  http://icohtec2016.ciuhct.org/about-porto/venue ), and online through a meeting platform.    Tensions of Europe (TOE) is an international scientific network consisting of almost 300 historians trying to understand the role of technology in 20th century Europe. Since the start in 1999, the network explored a broad range of themes, focusing on ...

The ‘Heart’ and ‘Science’ of Wilkie Collins and his Contemporaries

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  June 17, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  Literature  Deadline for CFP: Friday 17th June 2016   Conference date: 24th September 2016 Location: Barts Pathology Museum, London Keynote: Dr. Tara MacDonald (University of Idaho) ‘“Why can’t I look into your heart, and see what secrets it is keeping from me?”’  The protagonist of Wilkie Collins’s Heart and Science (1883), surgeon Ovid de Vere, laments the difficulty in deciphering hidden emotions and secrets. Yet, the language suggests his medical background, striking a note with the novel’s supposedly anti-vivisection message and highlighting contemporary debates into the nature of experimental medicine, observation and epistemology. What is the best way of uncovering secrets, and what part does knowledge of the body play in this? Can medical training benefit from a thorough und...

Call for Papers: Psicoanálisis y Literatura en Europa y las Américas

Guest Editor/Editora Invitada: Anne-Cécile Druet (Université Paris Est, Marne-la-Vallée) Una de las disciplinas que más se prestan al estudio de las diversas reformulaciones y apropiaciones que ha sufrido el psicoanálisis a lo largo de su viaje transcultural es la literatura. La  historia de los encuentros y desencuentros entre las dos disciplinas ha dejado una huella tan profunda  en ambas que difícilmente se puede estudiar una sin aludir a la otra. Desde el mismo Freud hasta la  actualidad, las temáticas literarias han recorrido las teorías psicoanalíticas que unas veces se inspiran  en ellas, otras las convierten en objeto de análisis a través de procesos interpretativos que nutren el  desarrollo del pensamiento psicoanalítico, al tiempo que el mismo pretende ofrecer una clave de lectura  para el género literario. Por otra parte, la historia de la literatura del siglo XX no se puede escribir  dejando de lado las relaciones de amor y odio de tan...

Exposición Arte y Carne

La anatomía a la luz de la Ilustración que la Universidad Complutense se complace en presentar, rinde homenaje a un momento crucial de su propia historia: El encuentro de las artes y las ciencias, uno de los ejes del proyecto de ilustración, imprime un impulso decisivo a la construcción de la universidad moderna y sienta las bases de una concepción del saber interdisciplinar y transversal que conectar con los planteamientos más innovadores de nuestro propio tiempo. La exposición está estructurada en torno a una selección de la extraordinaria colección de esculturas anatómicas en cera del Museo de Anatomía Javier Puerta, que se muestra por primera vez al gran público, en diálogo con obras procedentes en su mayor parte de los fondos de la facultad de Bellas Artes. El montaje expositivo proporciona al visitante las claves de un discurso integrador de los saberes que tienen al ser humano como protagonista, no sólo como objeto de conocimiento, sino también en cuanto sujeto d...

Cfp Tensions of Europe Early Career Scholars workshop. Porto and online, August 1, 2016.

In connection to the ICOHTEC conference in Porto this summer, the Early Careers Scholars group from the Tensions of Europe network ( http://www.tensionsofeurope. eu/ ) will arrange a one-day workshop. Participation is available both on site at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP,  http://icohtec2016. ciuhct.org/about-porto/venue ), and online through a meeting platform.    Tensions of Europe (TOE) is an international scientific network consisting of almost 300 historians trying to understand the role of technology in 20th century Europe. Since the start in 1999, the network explored a broad range of themes, focusing on the linking and delinking of infrastructures, the emergence of transnational technical communities and the circulation of artifacts, systems, knowledge and people in Europe. By organizing inspiring conferences and summer schools as well as by stimulating international research collaboration and disseminating...

Call for Papers: Studies in the History and the Philosophy of Science: Special Edition by Catherine Herfeld and Chiara Lisciandra

Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science: Part A - Special Issue on ‚ Knowledge Transfer and Its Context ’ The primary purpose of this special issue of Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science: Part A ( http://www.journals.elsevier. com/studies-in-history-and- philosophy-of-science-part-a/ ) is to bring together a set of papers that address questions around the nature of knowledge transfer, and its implications for scientific tools and epistemic practices. Knowledge thereby becomes broadly understood as referring to scientific theories, methods, concepts, techniques, facts, etc. Processes of knowledge transfer, for example the transfer of physical theories and concepts into economics, occur in various ‘ contexts ’ . They can involve particular scientists, can occur across or within disciplines, can be undertaken with regard to distinct problems, advance through di...

CfP: The Society of Arts and the Encouragement of Mineralogy and Geology, 1750-1850, sent on behalf of WSG and HoGG

A joint meeting of the History of Geology Group of the Geological Society and the William Shipley Group for RSA History to be held on 9 th November 2017 at the Geological Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London First Call for Papers The Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, founded in 1754, was a quintessential enlightenment organisation dedicated to raising the standard of life through encouraging invention, discovery and improvements.  To this end it instituted a series of awards covering a broad spectrum of endeavour.   Prizes in the field of chemistry, cartography, and land reclamation encouraged the emerging science and field practice of mineralogy and geology.   Although there were direct awards for mineralogical maps of England, Scotland and Ireland, other less direct awards set the scene by enabling geology and mineralogy to develop by exploitation of minerals, by hydrological and coastal defence w...


We are excited to announce the second Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences article prize. This prize is awarded biennially for the best article published in the journal during the previous two years by an early career scholar. In 2015 the prize was won by Andrea Sullivan-Clarke for 'On the Causal Efficacy of Natural Selection: A Response to Richards' Critique of the Standard Interpretation of the Origin’. The next prize will be awarded in 2017, and we are currently looking for nominations. Articles published in 2015 and 2016 will be eligible for the 2017 prize. For full details please visit: http://www.journals.elsevier. com/studies-in-history-and- philosophy-of-science-part-c- studies-in-history-and- philosophy-of-biological-and- biomedical-sciences/news/ studies-in-history-and- philosophy-of-biological-and- biomedic The prize, which is supported by Elsevier, is intended for those who, at the time of the article's publicat...

Call for papers for a special issue of the EASTS Journal- Research Misconduct in East Asia

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  May 30, 2016 to August 30, 2016 Location:  Taiwan Subject Fields:  East Asian History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Social Sciences Research Misconduct in East Asia Call for papers for a special issue of the EASTS Journal Deadline for submissions: August 30, 2016 The Hwang scandal in South Korea, the Obokata scandal in Japan, and the growing number of retracted papers written by Chinese scientists who have been accused of fraud have led to a new interest in research misconduct in East Asia. While the scientific community has traditionally attributed such misconduct to individual researchers’ lack of ethical integrity, recent scholarship has tended to link scientific fraud closely with the characteristics of specific fields, institutional and cultural systems of science including the reward structure, and national politics concerning science. As such, the investigation of r...