
Mostrando entradas de enero 26, 2014

Nuevas perspectivas en Historia de la ciencia (Podcast)

Os adjunto un nuevo podcast: Nuevas perspectivas en Historia de la ciencia : un programa de la UNED en Radio 3, con   Javier Moscoso   (CSIC),   Agustí Nieto-Galan (UAB) y   Fernando Vidal   (ICREA) Saludos David -- **** Dr. David Teira Dpto. de Lógica, Historia y Filosofía de la ciencia (UNED) http://www.uned.es/personal/dteira/  

Professorship at CHSTM, University of Manchester, UK

As part of the University of Manchester's Project Diamond initiative, the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine seeks candidates for a chair (senior research-focused professorship). We invite applicants from all HSTM-related sub-fields, methodologies and geographic specialisations, and would particularly welcome applicants who share our interest in approaching modern (post-1800) HSTM as an integrated field of study, with links to Science Communication. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 25 February. For all details including the online application form, please refer to the full announcement at https://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=7271 . Informal enquiries should be addressed to Professor Michael Worboys, michael.worboys@manchester.ac.uk . For more information about CHSTM and its activities, see http://www.manchester.ac.uk/chstm .

Workshop: Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents

Editing Institute Welcomes Applications for 2014 The Association for Documentary Editing (ADE) welcomes applications for the 43rd Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents, to be held 20-24 July 2014 in Louisville, Kentucky. The Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents is an annual five-day workshop for individuals new to the field of historical documentary editing. With the needs of the participants as a guide, experienced documentary editors provide instruction in the principles and practices of documentary editing and insight into the realities of work on a documentary edition. Documentary editing is the craft of preparing historical writings or literary works for publication in print or online. The goal is to produce an authoritative edition of the material, with an accurate transcription of the original manuscript and an editorial framework that facilitates understanding of the text and context. Participants in the Editing Institute might be joining...

David Igler. The Great Ocean: Pacific Worlds from Captain Cook to the Gold Rush. New York Oxford University Press, 2013.

David Igler.   The Great Ocean: Pacific Worlds from Captain Cook to the Gold Rush.   New York   Oxford University Press, 2013.   255Â pp. $29.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-19-991495-1. Reviewed by Ronald Schultz (University of Wyoming) Published on H-Empire (January, 2014) Commissioned by Charles V. Reed Bright Lights and Shadows in the Eastern Pacific Understanding the Pacific Ocean as a system--as Fernand Braudel and David Abulafia have done for the Mediterranean and a long list of writers beginning with Charles Verlinden have done for the Atlantic--is a project that has confounded even the best historians and anthropologists of the past two generations. Instead of a "Pacific system" in one way or another each of them has carved out a section--usually the southern islands--of the Pacific Basin for discussion, leaving the whole story for later writers to untangle. David Igler's, _The Great Ocean: Pacific Worlds from Captain Cook to the Gold Rush_ re...

Call for Papers ERASMIAN SCIENCE The infuence on Early-Modern science of Erasmus of Rotterdam and his legacy

for a special issue of the JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY OF IDEAS in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science – MPIWG, Berlin htp://www.jihi.eu • htp://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de Erasmus of Roterdam stands out, in cultural history, as the main representative of European humanism. His works infuenced more than one generation of early modern scholars and intellectuals, he established an international respublica literarum sharing common humanistic values, and his editorial activity set unprecedented high standards of scientifc quality. His oeuvre radiated out particularly from major printing centers (Venice, Basel and Paris), and was immediately echoed in Britain and throughout continental Europe. Te aim of this special issue of the Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas is to answer the many relevant questions concerning whether the label “Erasmian Science” can be extended beyond the spheres of rhetoric, pedagogy, and the edition of religious te...

Durham PhD Studentships in Philosophy of the Natural, Social and Policy Sciences

Durham University - Two PhD Positions in Philosophy of the Natural, Social and Policy Sciences The Department of Philosophy at Durham University and Centre for Humanities Engaging Science and Society (CHESS) are inviting applications for two full-time, three-year PhD positions in philosophy of the natural, social and policy sciences, starting in October, 2014. Suitable candidates should have a Masters degree (with merit or distinction) or equivalent, an interest in science and policy and are expected to work in one of the six areas below. We are especially interested in work on these topics that interfaces with climate science, medicine, economics and other social sciences, and social policy. Evidence, conviction, endeavour The nature of evidence; policy deliberation,; policy formation and implementation; evidence-based medicine; evidence-based social policy; hierarchies of evidence; evidence amalgamation; non-randomised and randomised experiments; theory and practice of...