
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 29, 2024

Novedad editorial: El ruido y el velo. Perder los derechos civiles en el México liberal

Cristina Sacristán, El ruido y el velo. Perder los derechos civiles en el México liberal. El caso Raigosa, 1872-1879 , México, Instituto Mora/Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2024, 357 páginas.  Resumen ¿Un loco razona? A este dilema se enfrentaron 16 médicos en la Ciudad de México en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX cuando el juicio de incapacidad por enajenación mental contra Felipe Raigosa atrapó el interés público y la prensa denunció el uso siniestro de la justicia contra un destacado abogado y político mexicano demandado por su esposa, Manuela Moncada, descendiente de la antigua nobleza mexicana. En medio de las controversias médicas, la trascendencia mediática, los intereses patrimoniales en disputa y las sospechas de parcialidad de algunos magistrados, la sentencia autorizó que una mujer casada viviera fuera del hogar conyugal, manejara su patrimonio y educara a sus hijos sin la mirada vigilante de su marido, en franca oposición a las directrices del liberalismo de esa época. Para enf

Oferta de contrato predoctoral PIF (antiguo FPI) vinculado a proyecto de investigación

El pasado 23 de julio se publicó la resolución provisional de la convocatoria de ayudas 2023 a “Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento” y a actuaciones para la formación de personal investigador predoctoral asociadas a dichos proyectos, en el marco del Programa Estatal para Impulsar la Investigación Científico-Técnica y su Transferencia, del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023. Entre los proyectos propuestos para su financiación figura el proyecto presentado por Ricardo Campos Marín (IP1) y Silvia Lévy Lazcano (IP 2) "DEL ENCIERRO MANICOMIAL A LOS MOVIMIENTOS EN PRIMERA PERSONA. EXPERIENCIAS, PERCEPCIONES Y REIVINDICACIONES DE LOS PACIENTES MENTALES EN ESPAÑA (SIGLOS XIX-XXI)" (PID2023-151059NB-I00)" EXPAME. El proyecto ha recibido la concesión de un contrato predoctoral por un periodo de 4 años para realizar la tesis doctoral en el Instituto de Historia del CSIC. El proceso de contratación se abrirá probablemente en noviembre. M

PhD vacancy : 4-year PhD position at the UAB History of Science Institute

The History of Science Institute (iHC) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona welcomes applications from PhD students for a fully-funded, four-year doctoral fellowship in the context of the project “Exchange Zones of Epistemic Resistance and Alternative Innovation: Activism, Grassroots Movements and Expertise, 1970s-1990s (PID2023-150413NB-C21, funded by the Spanish State Research Agency). This project will delve on the exchange zones between activists, grassroots groups, and experts in the Iberian Peninsula during the last decades of the 20th century, in three main areas: 1. Environment, energy and communities; 2. Body, gender and identities; 3. The city, mobility and urban sustainability. The selected candidate will join the PhD program in History of Science at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and become part of the research team of the project. In close collaboration with the principal investigator and the research team, the candidate will: develop a doctoral dissertation on a to

FEM ciència?, propostes de la SCHCT per repensar el feminisme, la història i la cultura científica

3r lliurament de la 4ª edició de “FEM ciència?: Història Ambiental” Entrevista a Andrea Álvarez Laorden. “Amb els satèl·lits es veu molt bé la tendència a privatitzar la ciència.” En aquesta entrevista parlarem amb Andrea Álvarez Laorden sobre les dades de satèl·lits, com afecten la percepció del clima global i com poden presentar biaixos sexistes, socioeconòmics o racistes. Andrea Álvarez Laorden és graduada en física per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; on també va rebre un màster en història i filosofia de la ciència i la tecnologia. Actualment està començant el seu segon any de doctorat al Institut d’Història de la Ciència (iHC-UAB). La seva investigació s’emmarca en el projecte CLIMASAT: Remote-Sensing Satellite Data and the Making of Global Climate in Europe, 1980s-2000s. I en concret estudia dades del satèl·lit SPOT- 1, principalment, de recursos de la terra, comunament utilitzades per la gestió territorial, tant el creixement urbà com en agricultura. També ha presentat una

Workshop internacional Expertos y Política en los siglos XVIII-XXI

En su afán por controlar la población y el territorio y movilizar los recursos, las élites gobernantes se han valido de personas expertas en distintos ámbitos. Los conocimientos científicos y técnicos han estado en el foco de las autoridades públicas desde muy temprano y su instrumentalización conllevó también la dedicación de grandes cantidades de dinero y otros recursos. Al mismo tiempo, hombres y mujeres que pretenden moldear los destinos del país o de la Humanidad acuden con frecuencia a argumentos expertos y a la autoridad experta para legitimar sus propuestas para la sociedad y sus posturas, incluso en el terreno moral. Además, las empresas privadas no solamente hacen uso del conocimiento experto para generar beneficios, sino también para ofrecer soluciones a problemas sociales e individuales, muchas veces desde una perspectiva tecno-optimista. Los argumentos expertos se discuten, defienden y cuestionan también en la opinión pública, un espacio cada vez más caótico e incontrolabl

CfP: Women Writing Natural Philosophy in Early Modern Europe

The Cultures of Philosophy project at the University of Exeter in the UK invites proposals for our first conference, ‘Women Writing Natural Philosophy in Early Modern Europe: Spaces and Exchanges’ to be held at Reed Hall, the University of Exeter, 2-4 June 2025. The history of philosophy is experiencing a major paradigm shift, with the work of early modern women philosophers in the spotlight (for e.g. Detlefsen and Shapiro 2023): this conference builds on that momentum to produce a more inclusive account of “science” in the long seventeenth century. The conference aims to recover women’s contributions to early modern natural philosophy, looking beyond the treatise and dialogue to other genres both in manuscript and print; and to examine women’s roles in transnational communities of scientific exchange. In particular, the conference will foreground women’s textual engagement with natural philosophy and investigate transnational institutions, communities, and collaborations. How are phi

Call for Articles: Selling Beauty: Historical Perspectives on the on the Marketing of Cosmetics and Makeup deadling 31/10/2024

Call for Articles: Selling Beauty: Historical Perspectives on the Marketing of Cosmetics and Makeup;  Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. Guest editor(s)Lauren Alex O’Hagan, Lucy Jane Santos Throughout history, women have been expected to discipline and reshape their bodies in accordance with expected norms of beauty. This expectation has only been exacerbated by the rise of social media and influencer culture. This special issue seeks to trace the origins of this ‘idealised femininity’ to early cosmetic and makeup marketing and the scientific rationalisation of beauty, critically examining how scientific discourse and ideas about beauty and health are channelled through marketing materials (e.g. advertisements, packaging, posters). Specifically, it aims to bring together a range of interdisciplinary researchers to historicise our understanding of contemporary trends in cosmetic and makeup marketing, demonstrating how advertisements can be mobilised by those in positions of po

Ecosystems of Philosophical Health - Call for Abstracts

Edited by Dr Luis de Miranda & Dr Jessica Böhme In an era marked by shifting paradigms, the concept of "philosophical health" has emerged as a crucial framework for understanding and cultivating human flourishing. Introduced in two books in 2024 (Bloomsbury), this approach offers a holistic perspective on well-being and quality of lives that transcends traditional boundaries between philosophy, psychology, and social sciences. Central to philosophical health is the recognition that our mental and emotional states are deeply entangled with our physical, social, and environmental contexts. Thus, the ecosystem of our philosophical health encompasses not only individual well-being but also the web of relationships and environments that support or hinder this state. The ecosystems of philosophical health stress the importance of nurturing our environments and paying attention to the often-overlooked factors that influence our philosophical state of well-being. Just as natural

Applications Open - Visiting Fellowships for 2025-26 - The Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh

The Center for Philosophy of Science invites applications for visiting fellowships for the fall and/or spring term of the 2025-2026 academic year. These fellowships allow philosophers of science to work on their nominated research projects in a supportive academic environment. Ten fellowships are offered each year. Eligibility:Applicants must hold a doctoral degree, preferably in philosophy or history and philosophy of science, or have an established position in the philosophy of science community. We particularly encourage applications from underrepresented groups. Support:Research must be funded by the applicant's university, a foundation, or a governmental agency. A stipend of $2,500 per month will be provided to help cover relocation costs. Expectations:Visiting Fellows have no formal duties but are expected to reside in Pittsburgh and engage in full-time research in their designated office at the Center for Philosophy of Science. Fellows should participate in the Center’s acti

CfP: Navigating Epistemic, Cultural, and Legal Translations: Processes, Hierarchies, Spaces

All cultural, social, political and legal exchanges involve processes of transfer and translation. They include not only linguistic and cultural transfer, but also the transposition and therefore resemantization of meanings, symbols, institutions, norms, practices, and discourses across time, spaces and legal systems. For instance, avantgarde movements, such as surrealism, as a transregional phenomenon comprising Europe and the Americas, translated cultural meaning back and forward within and between regional or linguistic contexts and artistic forms. Other processes of transfer and translations include networked social and political movements such as Latin American or East European feminisms. Legal orders – both domestic and international – are also shaped by processes of transfer and translation. Recent approaches in comparative law seek to take into account movements of norms and their contextualization. And even the language and vocabulary of international law, which is associated

CfP: 10th Workshop on Historical Epistemology - Lübeck 2025

Ten years ago, the Research Network on the History and Methods of Historical Epistemology, EpistHist, began in Paris with its inaugural workshop on épistémologie historique. These workshops have turned into an annual opportunity to discuss key issues in the history and philosophy of sciences and engage in contemporary methodological debates. By mobilizing historical epistemology as a broad approach, the workshops mediate between 20th-century French epistemology and its recent renewal in the English-speaking world. The abstracts and programs of past editions are available on the research network’s website: https://episthist.hypotheses.org/ . After editions in Paris, Dijon, and Venice, EpistHist is now crossing the Rhine and the Elbe rivers to celebrate its first decade at the Institute for the History of Medicine and Science Studies, University of Lübeck, where Hans-Jörg Rheinberger once conceived tools for interlacing the history of science with philosophy through historical epistemol