
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 19, 2023

Novedad bibliográfica en open acces: The Search for Wellbeing and Health between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period

Edited by Javier López Rider This book compiles a series of works on cosmetics and health care, covering different geographical areas of Europe. The studies also focus on different cultures, with some chapters dedicated to the Hebrew sphere, others to the Muslim world, and a larger percentage dealing with Christian society. Url: https://www.archaeopress.com/Archaeopress/Products/9781803275772 Contents Foreword Cosmética, salud y belleza en la medicina hebrea medieval – Meritxell Blasco Orellana Obras maestras de la farmacología andalusí – Ana María Cabo-González Galen’s impact: wound treatment in De compositione medicamentorum per genera and beyond – Manuela Marai Trading beauty. Commerce and cosmetic recipes in medieval and early modern ages – Rafael María Girón Pascual and Javier López Rider El negocio del bienestar: una cuenta de farmacia del siglo XVI – Efrén de la Peña Barroso Serving the Eye, Serving the Soul: Religion and Healing in Georg Bartisch’s Ophthalmodouleia (1583) – Wen...

Novedad bibliográfica: Los ingenieros en España

Autora: Darina Martykanova Url: https://web-argitalpena.adm.ehu.es/listaproductos.asp?IdProducts=UHCPA235933&titulo=Los%20ingenieros%20en%20Espa%EF%BF%BDa.%20El%20nacimiento%20de%20una%20%EF%BF%BDlite La ingeniería representa una profesión que cuenta con un gran reconocimiento social. Ser ingeniero se considera un signo de inteligencia, de esfuerzo y de la voluntad y capacidad de transformar el mundo. Sin embargo, no fue siempre así ni tampoco gozan los ingenieros de un alto estatus social en todos los países. Recordemos que en Inglaterra, cuna de la Revolución industrial, la ingeniería fue durante muchas décadas una carrera despreciada por las élites sociales. La buena imagen de la ingeniería y el prestigio social de los ingenieros en España, al igual que en Francia, Por tugal o Rusia, no es natural, sino que es resultado de un proceso que este libro quiere desentrañar. Desde las academias de ingenieros del Ejército, pasando por los poderosos cuerpos del Estado como los de Caminos...

CfP: Special Issue: Oral History and Disability

The Oral History Review is happy to announce a call for papers for a special issue dedicated to Oral History and Disability. It is currently slated for the Spring 2025 issue of the OHR. Oral historians often write and talk about inclusion, even radical inclusion. What does this mean in practice? What contributions have oral historians made – or can they make – to Disability Studies? What are the cultural representations of disability and how can oral historians add to a view of disability beyond the traditional, mostly medical, and socially constructed ones? What do the practices of oral historians with disabilities look or sound like? What can oral historians learn about communication from people with disabilities? And how do such themes as embodiment, trauma, and identity, topics oral historians often discuss, apply to disability? For this issue, we especially want to encourage multimedia submissions and to push thinking around new technologies for both interviewing and oral history ...

CfP: British Society for the History of Mathematics 'Research in Progress' meeting for research students

The British Society for the History of Mathematics will be holding 'Research in Progress', its annual meeting for research students, at The Queen's College, Oxford, on Saturday 2nd March 2024. The meeting will be held in person, though a livestream may also be possible (to be confirmed). The day provides an opportunity for early-career scholars in the history of mathematics to showcase their current research, and will conclude this year with a keynote lecture by Dr Rebekah Higgitt (National Museums Scotland). Talks will be 30 minutes each (including time for questions). Research students who are interested in offering a presentation are invited to send a proposed title and abstract to Christopher Hollings by 30th November 2023. The organisers will be in touch shortly thereafter with a decision. Registration costs will be waived for speakers, but unfortunately, we are unable to provide travel or accommodation expenses. Eligible students who require funding might wish to appl...

CfP: Mathematics and Its Historiography in the Long Twentieth Century: Circulations and Interactions

Mathematics and Its Historiography in the Long Twentieth Century: Circulations and Interactions Workshop at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany, March 13-15, 2024 Mathematicians have long maintained a unique relationship to their past. The libraries of most mathematical departments, unlike those of their counterparts in, say, physics or biology, continue to harbor copies of sources from ancient or early modern times; sources that still hold a place of honor as common sources of inspiration and learning. Examples of this abound: André Weil, for instance, famously recounted in his autobiography Souvenirs d’apprentissage (1991) how meditating on Fermat’s texts and methods led him to a deeper understanding of Diophantine equations and thus to one of the central insights of his dissertation. A century prior, the Danish geometer Hieronymous Zeuthen had also jointly pursued mathematical research and historical investigations, whilst expounding the virtues of the latter as a tool for ...

CfP: Fourth Workshop on Scientific Archives

The Committee on the Archives of Science and Technology  of the  Section on University and Research Institution Archives  of the  International Council on Archives  is pleased to announce the Fourth Workshop on Scientific Archives. This workshop aims to bring together a diverse community of collaborators participating in generating, preserving, arranging, processing, appraising, digitizing, providing access to the contemporary archives of science and technology. Dates: Wednesday, June 5 and Thursday, June 6, 2024 Hosted by:   University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Library , USA Registration opens: January or February, 2024 Format: In-person workshop Day 1 – June 5, 2024 The first day will include traditional presentations with an emphasis on the theme of open archives and open science. Topics may include but are not limited to the following: Partnership between scientists and archivists in appraisal of modern scientific records Barriers for creating...

CfP: Pluralizing Hospital Histories. Charity, Resilience, and Transformation in the Longue Durée

October 7-9, 2024 I St. Katharinenspitalstiftung Regensburg, Germany Application documents: Title, paper proposal (max. 1,000 words) and academic short CV The conference asks about socio-economic and cultural conditions for the resilience or vulnerability of historical hospital institutions. Through the discussion of concrete case studies, the conference aims to stimulate crossdisciplinary reflections on historical lines of development and ruptures in the genesis, practice, and reception of pre-modern hospitals. The selection of papers aims to be as broad and open as possible, both epochally and spatially. A special temporal focus will be laid on the dynamics of the European / Mediterranean Late Middle Ages with their specific framework conditions for the emergence of hospices and hospitals, some of which persist to the present day. Specifically, the conference will focus on long-lived welfare institutions in urban contexts. Can resilience strategies be derived from the source material...

CfP: HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology: Call for 2 thematic dossiers to be published in 2025 (submission of proposals 20 January 2024)

HoST encourages submissions of original historical research exploring the cultural, social and political dimensions of science, technology, and medicine (STM), both from a local and a global perspective. Past thematic issues have dealt with topics as diverse as circulation, science communication, natural history, or the relation between science, technology and politics. Future issues might deal with both established and emerging areas of scholarship. The editors of HoST are looking for proposals for two thematic dossiers to be published in 2025 (HoST volume 19, issue 1-June; issue 2-December). Each thematic dossier should be prepared by the guest editor(s) and include four research papers along with an introduction. Proposal submission guidelines Proposals should include the following items:An abstract describing the topic for the thematic dossier and its significance (500 words); A list of the contributors along with the titles and abstracts (300 words each) of the four research paper...

ACM History Fellowships

The Association for Computing Machinery History Committee’s call for proposals for the history and archiving fellowship program is now open. We’d appreciate your sharing this call with anyone who may be interested. The ACM History Committee’s 2024 fellowship competition is for research and archiving projects on or centrally-related to ACM history. The History Committee plans to support up to four projects with awards up to $4,000. The History Committee has awarded over 40 fellowships since the start of this fellowship program in 2009. The full call can be found in the link https://history.acm.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/ACM-fellowship_CFP_2024.pdf or on the ACM History Committee Website ( history.acm.org ). The deadline for submissions is February 15th, 2024.