
Mostrando entradas de octubre 10, 2010

SSHM 2010 Roy Porter Student Essay Prize Competition

The Society for the Social History of Medicine invites submissions to its 2010 Roy Porter Student Essay Prize Competition http://www.sshm.org/ Link to the rules and entry form: http://www.ucd.ie/history/body.htm#porterprize ------------------- Rules The Society for the Social History of Medicine invites submissions to its 2010 Roy Porter Student Essay Prize Competition. 1.   Prize: One prize will be awarded for the best original, unpublished   essay in the social history of medicine in this competition. The winner   will be awarded £500.00. The winning entry may also be published in the   journal, Social History of Medicine, subject to the usual editorial   procedures, including double blind refereeing. 2. Eligible Candidates:   Students: undergraduate or postgraduate, part-time or full-time. All   candidates must join the Society for the Social History of Medicine. A   membership form is avail...

2011-2012 Lemelson Center Fellowships, Travel to Collections Awards

2011-2012 Lemelson Center Fellowships, Travel to Collections Awards The Lemelson Center's Fellowship Program and Travel to Collections Awards support projects that present creative approaches to the study of invention and innovation and draw upon the holdings of the Archives Center and curatorial divisions at the National Museum of American History.   Projects may include, but are not limited to, historical research and documentation projects resulting in publications, exhibitions, educational initiatives, and multimedia products. Both programs provide access to the Smithsonian's vast artifact and archival collections, as well as to the expertise of the Institution's research staff.   The Center offers fellowships and travel grants to pre-doctoral graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, and other professionals who have completed advanced training. The Archives Center holds more than 20,000 feet of archival materials. The collections are particularly strong...

Evento Rede Hiss

Caros amigos, Enviamos programação incial do II Encontro Paulista Memória, Saúde e Sociedade ? Rede Hiss , dando continuidade ao mesmo encontro realizado no ano de 2008. Logo enviaremos folder completo. Abraço, Márcia R. Barros da Silva Departamento História - FFLCH - USP Objetivos Este segundo evento realizado pela RedeHiss - Rede  Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa em História da Medicina e Saúde em São Paulo pretende intensificar o encontro e o trabalho dos pesquisadores atuantes no campo da História da Medicina e da Saúde e campos afins. Nosso objetivo é discutir as condições de organização, acesso, pesquisas, projetos e divulgação de trabalhos nas diferentes correntes e representações da em história da medicina, da saúde e áreas aproximadas em São Paulo. Data e local Evento - II Encontro Paulista Memória, Saúde e Sociedade ? Rede Hiss Público-alvo - Pesquisadores, professores, estudantes e interessados da área da saúde, História das ciências, História da Me...

Presentación de la Colección Historia de la Ciencia.

Prohistoria Ediciones tiene el agrado de invitar a ustedes a la presentación de la colección Historia de la Ciencia, dirigida por Irina Podgorny. El encuentro tendrá lugar el miércoles 20 de octubre de 2010, a las 15.30 hs. en el Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata, La Plata (Provincia de Buenos Aires). La presentación estará a cargo del Dr. Guillermo Ranea (Universidad Torcuato Di Tella). La entrada es libre y gratuita. Venta en línea: http://www.prohistoria.com.ar/ediciones/catalog/index.php Librerías amigas: www.dondeconseguirprohistoria.blogspot.com Capítulos de estos libros en PDF, descarga gratuita: www.scribd.com/prohistoria .