
Mostrando entradas de febrero 23, 2020

CfP: Vulnerabilidad, mujer, salud y sociedad

Se abre   la llamada a   artículos   para el número   5.2   de   Musas :   revista   d e   Investigación   en   mujer ,   salu d   y sociedad , que abordará   cuestiones sobre   la vulnerabilidad , las mujeres ,   la salud y   la sociedad en   el sentido más   amplio.   El contexto   actual que   rodea   los procesos   de maternidad   invita   a reflexionar   a partir de las   precarias   condiciones   en las que   las mujeres   tienen que enfrentarse a   esta experiencia .   Se aceptan artículos   originales , revisión   bibliográfica y   trabajos de investigación   desde una perspectiva   histórica,   ética,   social o   antropológica .   El plazo   para el envío   de propuestas   es   el 15   de abril   de 2020   mediante el   website   de la revista

CfP: "Where are the Wonder Girls? Heroines and Persistence in Campus Novels" MLA Session

Enormous reading pleasure can be derived from Michael Chabon’s Wonder Boys but where are the wonder girls? Where are American (campus) novels about gallivanting women academics and writers based in academia, getting into trouble, having multiple lovers in different countries, shoplifting, dancing naked in the rain (the list is suggestive, not exhaustive)? Yet novels which are comic, feel-good, and sporting happy endings? There is a discernible tendency to cast as protagonists of campus novels and artist novels unhappy and unlucky women, tormented victims rather than fierce individuals with agency. I’m seeking papers on representations of women academics and writers in contemporary US campus literature depicting women’s efforts to survive as artists. I’m interested in e.g. how an artist heroine navigates the nexus between and the lacunae of intellectuality, creativity, and sexuality, juggling different roles the society has burdened her with, while battling vario

CfP: Environmental History Workshop 2020: Transformations

Building on the successes of two previous meetings (2018, Institute of Historical Research; 2019, Northumbria University) the Environmental History Workshop is very excited to share this CFP for our third meeting, which is to be hosted by the University of Liverpool. This one-day event will take place on 8 September 2020. We are particularly keen to encourage submissions from PGRs, early career researchers and scholars incorporating analyses that address underrepresented and marginalised groups, be they focused on issues of race, class, disability, gender, sexuality, or beyond. We welcome paper submissions on the theme of transformation. The world we live in is in constant flux. Even as we describe the environmental state or condition of a phenomenon in a particular time and place, transformation is already taking place. The issue of environmental change has animated environmental history since its inception, and climate change and environmental breakdown are giving th

CfP: Rethinking the Histories and Legacies of Industrial Cities

Call for papers: Rethinking the Histories and Legacies of Industrial Cities Workshop at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH), University of Luxembourg, 10-11 December 2020 Submission deadline: 31 March 2020 The history of (European) industrial cities is often told as a tragic tale of rise and decline: from rapid industrialisation in the late 19th century and economic prosperity during the Trente Glorieuses to the structural changes of the late 1970s and the subsequent deindustrialisation of the 1980s and 1990s. At first sight, Luxembourg’s steel towns like Esch-sur-Alzette, Dudelange and Differdange seem to be perfect examples of the typical Western European industrial model. Beginning in the late 19th century, they developed from mostly rural to industrial towns, experienced rapid economic development and urbanisation, attracted a domestic and foreign labour force, flourished during the first post-war decades, and were finally faced with the steel

CfP for common symposia of Science and Literature & Scientific Instruments Commissions for Prague 2021 DHST/IUHPST Congress

The Scientific Instruments Commission  and the Commission of Science and Literature invite papers for two special sessions in the 26th International   History of Science and Technology Congress organized by DHST/IUHPST in Prague, 2021 that we are co-sponsoring. Session I: Literary Instruments Since at least the seventeenth century, scientific instruments and apparatus have appeared in novels, poetry, drama and other literary genres, including more recently cinema and television. Literary authors might refer to contemporary science (John Milton on Galileo’s telescope), to future science ( Star Trek Original Series  on the “tricorder” of the 23 rd  century), or to past science (Luchino Visconti’s recreation of a nineteenth-century astronomical observatory in his 1963 film  The Leopard ). Papers in this symposium will offer case studies of such literary representations of scientific ap

CfP: Synthese Topical Collection: Simplicity out of Complexity? Physics and the Aims of Science

The world we live in is notoriously complex: there is an outright zoo of material particles, a vast variety of different species, a whole plethora of stars and galaxies, and so forth. Yet many scientific achievements, such as the Standard Model of particle physics or Darwin’s theory of natural selection, allow us to manage part of this complexity by means of a simple set of laws or general rules.  Simplicity has often been assumed to be an epistemic ideal, most clearly exemplified in physics, with its trend towards encompassing theories that feature only a small number of fundamental laws, capable of explaining a large number of diverse phenomena.  This view of science, with physics at the center stage, has arguably provided the dominant narrative in mainstream philosophy of science throughout the 20 th century. Yet many questions arise when one zooms in on the details. For instance: in what sense can the laws of physics be said to be simple, when concrete computations based on

JOB: Postdoc in Philosophy of Physics - ERC PROTEUS - UAB Barcelona

The Department of Philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona is seeking to appoint a postdoc in Philosophy of Physics for a fixed-term period of 24 months. The position is to support the research project PROTEUS (GA 758145)  - Paradoxes and Metaphors of Time in Early Universe(s) , which is funded by the European Research Council and led by Dr Silvia De Bianchi. The successful candidate will work in a multi-disciplinary research team. S/he is expected to both perform research independently and coordinate her work with other team members and other project partners, including members of the Institute for High Energy Physics (IFAE) at the UAB. S/he is also expected to take part in collaborative research activities with Daniele Oriti’s group in Munich (LMU). There are no teaching obligations, but the candidate is expected to take part in the seminars organized by the research team at the UAB and abroad. The successful candidate is expected to work o


Co-editors Calvin Mercer and Steve Fuller   Humanity is at a crossroads in its history, precariously poised between mastery and extinction. The fast-developing array of human enhancement therapies and technologies (e.g., genetic engineering, information technology, regenerative medicine, robotics, and nanotechnology) are increasingly impacting our lives and our future. The most ardent advocates believe that some of these developments could permit humans to take control of their own evolution and alter human nature and the human condition in fundamental ways, perhaps to an extent that we arrive at the "posthuman", the "successor" of humanity. This series brings together research from a variety of fields to consider the economic, ethical, legal, political, psychological, religious, social, and other implications of cutting-edge science and technology. The series as a whole does not advocate any particular position on these matters. Rather, it provi

Graduate Fellowship in Forest and Conservation History Deadline is 03/16/2020

The Forest History Society is pleased to offer the Walter S. Rosenberry Fellowship, a $15,000 stipend to support the doctoral research of a graduate student attending a university in North America and whose research contributes to forest and conservation history regardless of geographic focus.  Research focus on the historic relationships between humans, forests, and related resources is required.  Among the diverse topics that fall under the umbrella of the fellowship are forest landscape change and history, invasive species, forest and ecosystem management, forest policy and institutions, resource-dependent communities, private land ownership, science and technology developments, and sustainability. The recipient is selected on the basis of merit: proposals are judged in terms of overall significance, achievability, quality of presentation, academic record, and relevance to forest history. The winner will be announced in mid-May 2020. Application deadline is Mar

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Sciences X (PBCS X)

Url:  https://pbcsxworkshop.wixsite. com/pbcsxworkshop The Madrid Philosophy Network (MPN) is honored to introduce the tenth edition of the Research Workshop on Philosophy of Biology and Cognitive Science (PBCS), an annual encounter of young scholars that aims at bringing together researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds: philosophers, cognitive scientists, and biologists working on issues of common interest. In this workshop, young researchers can present their ideas and participate in the discussions, as well as attend the conferences of keynote speakers. Its main purposes are to serve as a tool for enhancing research through discussion and to promote the interdisciplinary of the ideas presented. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Marta Jorba (UPV/EHU) Javier González de Prado Salas (UNED) CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS This call is addressed to graduate, Master, Ph.D. students, as well as Doctors who finished their dissertations during the last three years, wor

CfP: MS9 - Models and Simulations 9 - Univ. Klagenfurt, Sept. 16-18, 2020

September 16-18, 2020 University of Klagenfurt Klagenfurt, Austria     Submission:  https://easychair. org/conferences/?conf=ms9 Deadline: April 3, 2020   Keynote speakers - Volker Grimm (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ) - Johannes Lenhard (University of Kaiserslautern) - Federica Russo (University of Amsterdam) - Ekaterina Svetlova (University of Leicester)   The Department of Science Communication and Higher Education Research is hosting the 9th Models and Simulations Conference (MS9) at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria. This continues a successful series of meetings focusing on the role of modeling, simulation, and computational approaches in the natural and social sciences, in medicine and engineering. Of interest are not only the development and use of models and simulations in research and technology but also the roles they play in other societal domains (e.g. politics, health, administration, finance and business).