
Mostrando entradas de julio 15, 2018


10th European Spring School on History of Science and Popularization HANDLING THE BODY, TAKING CONTROL: TECHNOLOGIES OF THE GENDERED BODY Institut Menorquí d’Estudis, Maó (Balearic Islands, Spain) 23-25 May 2019 Organized by the Catalan Society for the History of Science   Coordinated by Montserrat Cabré and Teresa Ortiz-Gómez CALL FOR PROPOSALS The aim of the 10th European Spring School [ESS] “Handling the body, taking control: Technologies of the gendered body” is to encompass a diversity of themes around the axis of the historical construction of the gendered body as a locus of both empowerment and disempowerment and the place of the natural philosophical and biomedical disciplines in shaping the political and subjective dimensions of human experience.   The School is particularly concerned with exploring how diverse intellectual and social movements have struggled to gain authority and cultural hegemony over women´s bodies by way of defining sexual dif...

Premio Historia de la Medicina

La Real Academia de Medicina y Cirugía de Andalucía Oriental (RAMAO), convoca anualmente premios diversos. Este año, en colaboración con la Catedra Antonio Chamorro-Alejandro Otero de la Universidad de Granada, ofrece un premio de 2.000 €, al mejor artículo de revista publicado sobre Historia de la Obstetricia o de la Ginecología durante los años 2015 a 2018. El plazo finaliza el 1 de diciembre. Las bases del concurso figuran en la pagina web www.ramao.es

CfP: IV Jornadas Internacionales sobre Historia de la traducción no literaria

Traducción y enseñanza en España (siglo XIX) Valencia, 19-21 de noviembre de 2018 https://www.uv.es/ histradcyt18/index.htm La traducción técnica y científica del francés al español en España durante el siglo XIX es una actividad de naturaleza social (i.e. con repercusiones para el conjunto de la sociedad) y no solo textual. El saber técnico, el científico, el histórico, el filosófico, etc. se ofertan en el país porque se juzgan necesarios para su desarrollo, permitiendo o, al menos, favoreciendo la modernización en actividades, entre otras, científicas, industriales, agrícolas e institucionales. El campo de la educación en España, también de naturaleza social, es especialmente revelador de la demanda de traducciones de este ámbito: muchos textos didácticos traducidos provienen de Francia, país que desde el principio de siglo fue objeto de cambios notables desde el punto de vista...

CfP: Workshops "Humanities in Transition" (Barcelona,23-26 October, 2018)

Des del comitè organitzador del Congrés “Humanitats en Transició”, us comuniquem que s’ha obert el termini per a la presentació de propostes de participació activa en els tallers:   -   2   de setembre del 2018 : data límit per a la presentació de propostes de participació (els interessats rebran una resposta i instruccions durant el mes de setembre).   Trobareu l’oferta de tallers als arxius adjunts d’aquest correu.   Els tallers són concebuts com espais de lliure debat en els quals puguin sumar-se, de manera activa, aquelles persones que estiguin interessades.   Els coordinadors dels tallers decidiran el format final que tindran, així com la forma de participació dels intervinents externs.   Aquells que estigueu interessats i ja estigueu inscrits al congrés, haureu d’enviar un correu electrònic a l’adreça   hht@imf.csic.es , indicant el nom i el coordinador/a del taller. Aquells que encara no hagin formalitzat la ins...

CfP - Academic Freedom in Historical Perspective

Academic freedom is a central idea in modern scholarship. Even if a precise definition of it is difficult to state, it can be understood as the freedom for members of academia to teach and research without being restrained by political or social surveillance. The concept is not legally defined, it proceeds from customs, conventions or even traditions. Legally, discussions on academic freedom fall into the category of freedom of speech, even if this concept only partly corresponds. When first created in the Middle Ages, universities were religious institutions. Throughout the centuries, they had to fight to escape the Churches’ influence. Modern universities created in the 19th century were both instruments of learning the new techniques of capitalism (in engineering, for example) and for the promotion of the new nation-state. They were instruments of nationalisms. In the 20th century, dictatorships and totalitarian regimes severely restricted any freedom in academic ...

CfP: The 1918 influenza pandemic

Url:  https://vibconferences.be/event/the-1918-influenza-pandemic-historical-and-biomedical-reflections The 1918 influenza pandemic: Historical and biomedical reflections At the centenary commemoration of the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, many questions with regard to the origin, the development and the impact of this worldwide phenomenon remain largely uncharted.   Where did this virus come from? To what degree and how were its genesis and its rapid transcontinental spread caused and/or facilitated by the war circumstances? Which genetic features of the virus explain its unusually high pathogenicity? How did medical and political authorities react? Why were some age groups spared by this dreadful virus? Is it possible to fathom the impact of the pandemic both on the everyday life of citizens and on general developments in science, culture and politics? How far can a historical approach contribute to the understanding of current-day pandemics, and...

CfP: 'Scientific Reasoning in Action: From the Early Modern Period to 1900'

Workshop on Scientific Reasoning in Action: From the Early Modern Period to 1900 Ghent University, 10-12 October 2018   The scope of this workshop The international workshop ‘Scientific Reasoning in Action: From the Early Modern Period to 1900’ seeks to scrutinize scientific reasoning processes in actual scientific practice (induction, transduction, abduction, analogical and statistical reasoning, and, in general, reasoning from observational and experimental information, and collecting historical and experimental histories), ranging from the early modern period to 1900. Submissions on all scientific disciplines during this period will be considered. Ideally, submissions should approach scientific reasoning processes from an Integrated History and Philosophy of Science perspective, i.e. they should integrate historical and philosophical perspectives in their analyses. More historically oriented subm...

One year Postdoc position History of Pragmatism Nantes and Le Mans U.

Url:  https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/324185 Research Project :Transferts transatlantiques du pragmatisme.Enquête sur des circulations conceptuelles transdisciplinaires contemporaines-----Transatlantic transfers of pragmatism. A Survey of Contemporary Transdisciplinary Conceptual Circulations After a disappearance of more than half a century of the international academic agenda, we have witnessed, from the 1980s and until today, a rather dramatic revaluation of the "pragmatist" thinking in philosophy but also in very diverse fields: in history, in sociology, in anthropology, in Science and Technology Studies and cognitive sciences, etc. So, over the last thirty years, this conceptual register, most often labeled as "American", has been widely mobilized in Europe, where it has sometimes been presented as a way of thinking capable of initiating important epistemological innovations in the world. traditional intellectual frameworks, whether national ...

Opportunity to work in Science Museum Group Research team

Url:  https://ce0111li.webitrent.com/ce0111li_webrecruitment/wrd/run/ETREC107GF.open?VACANCY_ID%3D2683872kFv&WVID=7271880URt&LANG=USA Are you an experienced academic grants manager with a passion for museums?  Do you have an interest in the history of science? Here is an opportunity for you to apply your knowledge and skills as we develop the Science Museum Group's academic research programme in support of our public programmes and major projects. In this role, you will bring your knowledge of the academic funding sector, your skills in writing and costing proposals, and your enthusiasm for collaborating with colleagues to enable a significant enhancement of our funded research programme. You will work with curators and other professional staff to develop, refine and submit funding applications. You will help us diversify our funders, and you will become a key member of our Research & Public History team contributing to our whole programme. ...

CfP: CLMPST2019, August 5-10, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic

16 th CONGRESS OF LOGIC, METHODOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (CLMPST 2019) Czech Technical University, Prague, Czechia, 5–10 August 2019 http://clmpst2019.flu.cas.cz/ Submission deadline: 15 December 2018 The International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST) is organized every four years under the auspices of the Division for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the International Union for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (DLMPST/IUHPST). The Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences is proud to host the 16 th CLMPST in the summer of 2019. CLMPS 2019 will host three plenary lectures and over twenty invited lectures. CLMPST 2019 calls for contributed papers and contributed symposia in 20 thematic sections: A. Logic A.1 Mathematical Logic A.2 Philosophical Logic A.3 Computational Logic and Applications of Logic A.4 Historica...

Job: Women's Engineering Society Centenary Trail Project Officer

WES Centenary Trail Project Officer The UK’s Women’s Engineering Society (WES) has just been awarded a grant of £66,800 by the Heritage Lottery Fund to run its WES Centenary Trail project. The Centenary Trail Project Officer role is supported by the grant and is pivotal to the celebration of 100 years of the Women’s Engineering Society in 2019. We are looking for an organised and enthusiastic project manager with an interest in women’s history, experience of working with volunteers and setting up events, with a bit of social media savvy. Ideally you will have done some Wikimedia editing and be familiar with Heritage Lottery Fund systems. This is an 18 month contract - September/October 2018 to February/March 2020 depending on start date. Salary £25,000 pro rata (22 hours per week) for 18 months. Part time (flexible working available) Home working but able to work occasionally at the WES office in Stevenage and travel across the country for meet...

CfP: RSA Toronto 2019: Renaissance Philosophy

Papers and/or panels on  Renaissance Philosophy  are invited for the 65 th  Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America ( 17-19 March 2019 ) in Toronto, Canada. Although papers on all aspects of Renaissance philosophy and thought will be considered, preference will be given to those focusing on one or more of the following topics: -ethics and politics (in particular, how the ties between these two areas shift during the period in question)   -philosophy across languages (including the rise of philosophy in the vernacular; the relationship of vernacular philosophy to that produced in other vernaculars or in Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Latin; issues of “translation” in philosophy)   -philosophy and literature   -Aristotelianism and anti-Aristotelianism (including the Plato–Aristotle controversy)   -intersections between philosophy and history of the book   We aim for a good chronological and geographical spread where ...