
Mostrando entradas de junio 11, 2023

CfP: Writing a British Childhood in a Global Context? Critical Perspectives on Enid Blyton

Organizer: Dr. Aileen Behrendt (University of Potsdam), Dr. Hadassah Stichnothe (University of Bremen), Dr. Stefanie Jakobi (University of Bremen) Confirmed keynote speakers: Prof. Kim Reynolds (Newcastle University) Prof. Emer O’Sullivan (Leuphana University Lüneburg) “#TeamBlyton” – With this hashtag, children’s book author Mithu Sanyal joined the defense of Blyton’s legacy, despite her texts’ blatant racism (Sanyal 2023). This strategy of acknowledging the problematic discourses that pervade Blyton’s oeuvre (be they race, class, or gender) while asserting her importance even within 21st-century children’s and young adult media is a common one across national borders and fits current Western debates about cultural accountability. Countless republications, adaptations, and sequels have secured Blyton's place in the transnational literary market. But Blyton’s ongoing international relevance as a popular author has not prompted much academic interest. In fact, her works have been “

CfP: RCL nº. 59 | Media-Bodies: matter and imaginary

Editors: Aida Castro (ICNOVA / I2ADS) Maria Mire (CICANT / AR.CO) Media-bodies are frontier bodies that operate in the spaces-between. They are bodies that define and materialise themselves, acquire and install bodies in the crossings and, for this very reason, are open to the practices of the imaginary. Media-bodies show their specific experiences, politics and languages: they are their own medium appearance and their own essay and we can say that this emerges in the embodiment of the materialities they convoke, evoke or even in those that circulate and imagine in the crossings. Does (in) a media-body vibrate the latency of its temporality? The cyborg, as Donna Haraway (1985) presented in her manifesto, would then be a media-body par excellence, a modern archetype. This body, even if obsolete, is still a figure that allows us to think about the materialities of its appearance, connected with the operations of the languages of that same embodiment: the duplicity and simultaneity that i

CfP: Revisiting the Challenger Expedition, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, 7 November, 2023

Beyond the Ocean’s Depths: Revisiting the Challenger Expedition (1872-1876), 7 November 2023.  National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London This event is in part sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology Studies at University College London. Revisiting the Challenger Expedition (1872-1876) With the environmental threat of global warming, rising seas and biodiversity loss, knowledge of the ocean is more important than ever. The Challenger Expedition , named after the British Royal Navy vessel HMS Challenger which circumnavigated the globe from 1872 to 1876 with the aim to explore the deep sea, has been celebrated as a foundational moment in the history of modern oceanography. Data and specimens obtained from the expedition are actively studied by scientists today and provide a historical benchmark for climate change and species distribution. Meanwhile, historians are increasingly calling for the voyage’s imperial context to be recognised and are bringing attention to people a

Two postdoc positions at Utrecht University

Two postdoctoral positions at Utrecht University are currently being advertised as part of an ERC Advanced Grant for the project 'BOHR21: Niels Bohr for the 21st Century'. Deadline for applications is 6 July 2023. Bohr was a central figure in the development of 20th-century physics, but his thought is difficult to understand, its reception has been fraught with misunderstandings, and its contemporary relevance is still unclear. The project will make extensive use of historical sources and address these topics in the context of the philosophy of physics, the philosophy of biology and general philosophy of science. For more information and to apply, please see https://www.uu.nl/en/organisation/working-at-utrecht-university/jobs/two-postdoc-positions-in-history-and-philosophy-of-physics-or-science-08-10-fte .

FEM ciència? 3ª temporada

Propostes de la SCHCT per conèixer quin paper juguen les dones a la història de la ciència ( https://blog.iec.cat/schct/fem-ciencia/ ) En breus començarà la tercera temporada de FEM ciència?, una iniciativa d’entrevistes a historiadores de la ciència sobre el paper que ocupen les dones a la cultura científica, a càrrec de Mar Rivera Colomer. Aquesta tercera temporada incorpora dues novetats. Les entrevistes s'organitzaran en dos blocs: cultura material de la ciència i comunicació de la història de la ciència. Cada bloc tindrà 4 entrevistes i una taula rodona final on participaran totes les entrevistades. Esperem que aquest format sigui més interactiu. Per tant, us animem a totes a participar enviant les vostres preguntes, reflexions o idees per les taules rodones i les entrevistes del segon bloc. Per fer-ho podeu enviar un correu electrònic a: femciencia2@gmail.com . Finalment, recordar que podeu consultar les entrevistes a la pàgina web de la Societat Catalana d'Història de l

Sesión informativa online de programa de máster y doctorado en Historia de la Ciencia

Sesión informativa programas de Máster Interuniversitario en Historia de la Ciencia y Comunicación Científica y Doctorado Interuniversitario en Estudios Históricos y Sociales sobre Ciencia, Medicina y Comunicación Científica (UA, UMH, UV) En esta sesión online se ofrecerá información sobre los programas de máster y doctorado en historia de la ciencia y comunicación científica. Se trata de unos estudios oficiales ofrecidos por universidades públicas de España e impartidos íntegramente de forma online. Esta sesión informativa  tendrá lugar el jueves 22 de junio  de 17:30 a 19:00 (CEST) de forma online en el siguiente enlace Zoom:  https://uv-es.zoom.us/j/99620188908#success La sesión comenzará con la presentación del programa de Máster Oficial Interuniversitario en Historia de la Ciencia y Comunicación Científica a cargo del profesorado del máster de las tres universidades implicadas, integradas en el Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero. Se presente presentar el máster en líneas ge

CfA: PostDoc position in History of Science, TU Berlin

Research assistant with teaching obligation (PostDoc)  from the next possible date for a maximum of five years at the division of History of Science, Technical University Berlin The position holder will contribute to shaping the History of Science division (Prof. Schürch) in research and teaching and will actively participate in the interdisciplinary exchange within the institute, the faculty and the university. His/her research will focus on the history of science from the early modern period onwards in a way that resonates with the research focus of the division. In teaching (4 hours/semester), s/he will offer seminars in the history of science for the BA-KulT and MA-TGWT degree programs. More info about the position:  https://www.jobs.tu-berlin.de/ en/job-postings/166983

Applications for NYAM Library 2024 History of Medicine Fellowships are open

The New York Academy of Medicine Library offers two annual research fellowships to support the advancement of scholarly research in the history of medicine and public health. Fellowship recipients are in-house scholars who conduct research using the Library's collections and resources. Applications for 2024 fellowships are now open until August 25, 2023. Url:  Library Fellowships Page