
Mostrando entradas de enero 24, 2016

CFP for Special Issue in Food, Culture and Society: Less Palatable, Still Valuable: Taste, Agrobiodiversity, and Culinary Heritage

Type: Call for Papers Subject Fields: Area Studies, Environmental History / Studies, Public Health, World History / Studies, Social Sciences CFP for Special Issue in Food, Culture and Society   Less Palatable, Still Valuable: Taste, Agrobiodiversity, and Culinary Heritage   People across the world eat many things that they would readily admit are not particularly tasty. Contexts include economic boycotts, dietary restrictions, ritual meals, and hunger. Taking into consideration that taste and palatability are culturally conditioned, this special issue of Food, Culture, and Society explores the relationship between taste and value by focusing upon cultivated and wild food plants that are perceived to be socio-culturally important even as they are characterized as bland, less delicious, and even “bad.” This special issue brings attention to cases in which  edible plants considered less palatable are valued because they contribute to agro...
XV PREMI ANTONI QUINTANA I MARÍ per a treballs de recerca d’estudiants de batxillerat  BASES 2016 La Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT), amb la intenció de despertar l’interès per l’estudi i la recerca de la història de la ciència i de la tècnica entre els estudiants de batxillerat, convoca el quinzè Premi Antoni Quintana i Marí amb les bases següents: 1. Poden participar-hi tots els alumnes dels centres de Batxillerat dels Països Catalans. Els originals hauran d’estar redactats en llengua catalana. 2. Les obres que es presentin a concurs han de ser fruit del treball de recerca individual o col·lectiva, tutelada, que els estudiants de Batxillerat duen a terme com a part del seu currículum. 3. Els treballs han de versar sobre aspectes de la història de la ciència, de la medicina i de la tècnica en qualsevol dels seus àmbits temàtics, cronològics i geogràfics. 4. El format i l’extensió dels treballs són lliures. S’ha de lliur...

Clystère n° 47 - fevrier 2016

Clystère n° 47 – Février 2016 est paru ( February 2016 is online / Febrero de 2016 acaba de salir ) : http://www.clystere.com   Editorial : copyright ! (Jean-Pierre Martin) Les banques d’images d’histoire de la médecine en utilisation libre sur Internet (Jean-Pierre Martin)   Histoire des instruments : Histoire des instruments de chirurgie (Moncef Sfar Gandoura) Reconstruction d’une pièce d’inhalateur Colombus (Jean-Claude Leleux)   Histoire de la santé : Médecine navale à Pearl Harbor (Xavier Riaud) « L’itinéraire des voies digestives »  Cahier publicitaire des Laboratoires Beytout et Foulon illustré par Dubout (Bernard Petitdant)   Nouveautés en librairie Courrier des lecteurs

Eighteenth-Century Studies special issue: Color in the Long Eighteenth Century

Type: Call for Publications Date: July 15, 2016 Subject Fields:  Humanities, Slavery, Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Atlantic History / Studies, Early Modern History and Period Studies Eighteenth-Century Studies Special Issue:  Color in the Long Eighteenth Century Call for Submissions Eighteenth-Century Studies , a cross-disciplinary journal committed to publishing the best of current writing on all aspects of eighteenth-century culture, is planning an upcoming special issue dedicated to the theme of how people understood and assigned meaning and value to color in the eighteenth century.  Topics might include color in literature and the visual arts, changing perceptions of race, scientific understandings of optics and color theory, and color in commercial goods (dyes and textiles, for example), among many others.  Broadly speaking, how did eighteenth-century actors perceive color in the physical world around them? ...

Final Call for Papers: OZSW-GCTP2016 (Twente)

The Dutch Research School of Philosophy Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy ( OZSW-GCTP2016) How Philosophy Meets the World University of Twente , Enschede, Netherlands April 20-22, 2016 Philosophers are often pictured as far removed from reality, living in ivory towers. But often philosophy, even of the more theoretical kind, has potential for a huge impact on the way we think about aspects of the world and live our lives. Philosophers themselves often need more encouragement to think about how their ideas and fields have meaning and relevance beyond academic walls, and the directions along which their fields can change our ideas about the world or make contributions to practical problems in science, ethics, society, and so on. For the Dutch Research School of Philosophy Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy ( OZSW-GCTP2016) , we are interested in how young researchers situate and demonstrate the relevance of their work. What is the significance ...

Call for Papers: Science in Public (13-15 July 2016, University of Kent)

Call for Papers and Panels: Science in Public 2016 University of Kent, Canterbury, 13-15 July 2016 The annual Science in Public conference is an occasion for cross-disciplinary debate and discussion and a forum for sharing all work considering the relationships between science, technology, medicine and their multiple publics. We welcome submissions from scholars of, for example, science communication, history of science, science policy, geography, psychology, literature, social or cultural studies and practitioners of communication, engagement or the arts in relation to science. Papers may relate to science in mass media, museums or online spaces; public engagement and participation; popular science and its histories; science, publics and policy; and science in fictions, art and cinema. The theme for this year’s conference, hosted by the Centre for the History of the Sciences at the University of Kent, is Science in Public: Past, Present and Future . We theref...

Reminder CFP: SSHM 2016 - Medicine in its Place. Deadline 1 Feb

One week left to submit your abstracts for SSHM 2016: Society for the Social History of Medicine Conference 2016 Medicine in its Place: Situating Medicine in Historical Contexts 7 - 10 July 2016 Canterbury, England, United Kingdom Hosted by the Centre for the History of Medicine, Ethics and Medical Humanities, University of Kent http://www.kent.ac.uk/history/ events/conferences/sshm2016. html The Society for the Social History of Medicine hosts a major, biennial, international, and interdisciplinary conference. In 2016 it will explore the theme of place. The committee conceives 'place' in its broadest sense – from political, spatial, and cultural spaces, to the narrow confines of a patient's hospital bed. The biennial conference is not exclusive in terms of its theme, and reflects the diversity of the discipline of the social history of medicine. Call for Papers Proposals that consider all topics relevant to the histor...