
Mostrando entradas de junio 29, 2014

CfP Technologies of Daily Life in Ancient Greece, 3 July 2015, Swansea University

Call for Papers: Technologies of Daily Life (TODL) in Ancient Greece Swansea University 2-3 July 2015 Organizers: Tracey Rihll (History and Classics, Swansea University), Evelien Bracke (History and Classics, Swansea University), Laurence Totelin (History and Archaeology, Cardiff University) The Ancient Greeks are renowned as creators of political, social and artistic inventions; for example, democracy, trial by jury, symposia, drama, realistic (mimetic) sculpture, and the classical architectural orders with columns, triangular pediments and tiled roofs. As the last examples make clear, the Greeks were creative with things as well as with concepts and ideas. The extraordinary achievements of the ancient Greeks were supported and enabled by technologies that they invented and then applied in daily life. For example, the Athenians used a machine called a kleroterion to select jurors randomly, and a sort of stopwatch to ensure plaintiffs and defendants had equal time to persuad...

SSHM Undergraduate Prize 2014

The Society for Social History of Medicine invites submissions to its 2014 SSHM Undergraduate Prize Competition. Up to 6 prizes will be awarded for the best unpublished original research essays in the social history of medicine. We will consider two groups of undergraduate students: humanities and social science students, and medical, healthcare and allied science students. Up to THREE prizes will be awarded to each group. The winners will be awarded GBP100.00 each. The winning entries may also be published on the Society's website, http://www.sshm.org/ . Deadline: 1st September 2014. Please see below for fuller prize regulations. Enquiries should be directed to the SSHM Membership Secretary, Catherine.cox@ucd.ie . Please forward this advert to any of your applicable students.

Search for new Managing Editor: NTM - Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin

Aufruf zur Interessensbekundung Für NTM - Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin – suchen wir ab sofort eine/n "Managing Editor". NTM ist die größte Zeitschrift für Wissenschafts-, Technik- und Medizingeschichte im deutschsprachigen Raum. Als Mitgliederzeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaften und Technik (DGGMNT) ist NTM ein Aushängeschild der deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Die Aufgabe der/s Managing Editors besteht darin, im Verbund mit den Herausgebern die Publikation der Zeitschrift zu gestalten und weiterzuentwickeln. Zu den üblichen Aufgaben gehören die Planung und Koordination der quarta lsweise erscheinenden Hefte, die redaktionelle Betreuung der Manuskripte, die Kommunikation und Abstimmung unter den HerausgeberInnen, in Abstimmung mit dem Herausgebergremium die Kommunikation mit den GutachterInnen und AutorInnen, die Pflege der internationalen Kontakte und die Abstimmung m...

Visiting Fellowships at Leeds Centre for HPS, 2014-15

The University of Leeds Centre for History and Philosophy of Science invites applications to its Non-Stipendiary Visiting Fellowships scheme for the academic year 2014-15. Visiting Fellows will be provided with full library and information systems access, and with office space where possible.  There are no formal duties.  Fellows will be expected to pursue their research and to participate in seminars, reading groups and other aspects of the research life of the Centre for HPS. Fellowship periods can be from 3 months to 1 year.  Junior and senior applicants are equally welcome, although applicants must hold a PhD. The fellowships are non-stipendiary. Proposed research projects should clearly mesh with the research interests of members of the Centre for HPS. To apply, please send a CV, plus a letter indicating (a) the research project you would pursue during the fellowship period, an d (b) your preferred start and end dates to Dominic B...

Parutions sur les périodiques savants

Cher(e)s collègues, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication de la monographie Les journaux savants dans l’Europe moderne. Communication et construction des savoirs / Scholarly Journals in Early Modern Europe. Communication and the Construction of Knowledge , attendue par certains depuis longtemps. Elle fait l’objet d’un numéro double des Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences , vol. 63, n° 170-171, Juin-Décembre 2013, dirigé par Maria Conforti, Patrizia Delpiano et moi-même. Les 23 contributions concernant les périodiques de différentes aires géographiques ont été regroupées en quatre parties qui suivent le devenir des journaux, des stratégies éditoriales des éditeurs aux appropriations par les lecteurs, en passant par les réseaux d’informateurs et les publics.   Je vous signale également la parution d’un ouvrage collectif (issu d’un projet d’ANR), La communication en Europe. De l’âge classique au siècle des Lumières , sous la direction de Pierre-Yves B...