
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 3, 2017

Recurso on line: Nous Vídeos

La secció de vídeos de l'IHMC ha estat enriquida amb dues noves produccions audiovisuals que corresponen a seminaris impartits als darrers mesos: "El poder de la Química a l'Espanya de Franco" Impartit per Agustí Nieto-Galan, Centre d'Història de la Ciència (CEHIC), Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) “La figura del cura pederasta en la cultura del anticlericalismo español” Impartir per F rancisco Vázquez García, Universitat de Cadis.

Exposición: "Frankenstein o el modern Prometeu. Diàlegs entre ciència i literatura"

Coincidint amb la celebració dels dos-cents anys de la publicació de la novel·la més famosa i coneguda de Mary W. Shelley, el Palau de Cerveró de la Universitat de València acull l’exposició ‘Frankenstein o el modern Prometeu. Diàlegs entre ciència i literatura’. L’exposició, produïda pel Vicerectorat de Cultura i Igualtat de la Universitat de València i l’Institut d’Història de la Medicina i de la Ciència López Piñero es va inaugurar el dia 22 de novembre i podrà visitar-se fins al 23 de febrer. D’acord amb el professor de la Universitat de València i comissari de l’exposició, Pedro Ruiz Castell, l’exposició “pretén mostrar la relació entre la ciència i la literatura, que es va consolidar sobretot al llarg del segle XIX, moment en què es van articular una sèrie de discursos, en el marc del Romanticisme, que pretenien harmonitzar enteniment i imaginació, al mateix temps que desafiar les normes d’objectivació, fins i tot en la literatura especialitzada i entre la comunitat científica...

CfP “Challenging Europe: Technology, environment and the quest for resource security”

Tensions of Europe – Research Group on Technology, Environment and Resources   “ Challenging Europe:   Technology, environment and the quest for resource security ” Call for Papers for a Special Issue and a Writing Workshop,  KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,  13-15 June 2018.  Deadline 15 January 2018   The Research Group on Technology, Environment and Resources of the Tensions of Europe Network invites applications for contribution to a special issue and a writing workshop dedicated to the improvement and finalization of well-developed draft contributions to this special issue. The special issue will tie major results and work at former events of the research group together, but it also opens up for new contributors who are not yet members of the research group and who are engaged in relevant research. Invited are authors who are able to deliver serious, fairly mature drafts of full-length papers. The draft papers should...

CfP: ESHS/BSHS, London 2018: The nature of the city. The making and circulation of knowledge in interurban spaces (Europe and Latin America,19th-20th centuries)

SESSION PROPOSAL AND CALL FOR PAPERS   European Society for the History of Science / British Society for the History of Science   London, 14-17 September, 2018   The nature of the city. The making and circulation of knowledge in interurban spaces (Europe and Latin America, 19th-20th centuries)   Organizers:  Álvaro Girón (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona),  Oliver Hochadel (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona),  Carlos Tabernero (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) This session will ask how knowledge was produced and circulated in urban spaces in Europe and Latin America, from the second half of the nineteenth century until well into the twentieth century. The assumption is that the urban space conditions (generates, facilitates but also obstructs) the production, appropriation and communication of knowledge. And in turn: the process of generating knowledge (about nature, but also about man and society) shaped the modern city in Europe and Latin America in ...

CfP: 3rd International Conference on Science and Literature

Following the successful two International Conferences on Science and Literature which took place in Athens and Poellau this Conference is the third to be organized under the aegis of the Commission on Science and Literature DHST/IUHPST. The third International Conference will be co-organized by the Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC) with the technical support of the Hellenic Open University. As it was the case with the first two Conferences, the third one does not have a specific theme, as its intent continues to be the creation of an open forum for all scholars interested in Science and Literature, thus bringing into the dialogue multiple perspectives. Nevertheless, the Conference will be organized along thematic sessions, according to the papers which will be accepted by the Scientific Committee. Proposals for individual papers or panels of three or four papers should be submitted  from 1 st December until the 29th of February 2018. They must include the title...

CfP: European Society for the History of Science, Biennial Conference, 2018

PANEL PROPOSAL AND CALL FOR PAPERS   European Society for the History of Science, Biennial Conference UCL Institute of Education London, 14-17 September, 2018 http://eshs2018.uk/ 'Cultures, stars and numbers:  intercultural exchanges in East Asian mathematics and astronomy.' Organisers: Christopher Cullen (Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, UK); Daniel Morgan (CNRS & Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France); Anjing Qu (Northwest University, Xi’an, China); Quan Tang (Xianyang Normal University, Xianyang, China) Pre-modern East Asia was the home of distinctive traditions in both mathematics and astronomy.  During the first millennium CE these traditions, first developed in China, became common to the whole region, including Korea and Japan. Within the broad theme of the conference, ‘Unity and Disunity’, the aim of this panel is to encourage discussion of relevant issues in a regional and global historical and cultural context. Despit...

Duke University, History of Medicine Travel Grants

The History of Medicine Collections in the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University is accepting applications for our travel grant program.  http://library.duke.edu/ rubenstein/history-of- medicine/grants Research grants of up to $1,500 will be offered to researchers whose work would benefit from access to the historical medical collections at the Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Our holdings include over 20,000 print items and 4,500 unique manuscripts along with photographs, prints, and over 800 medical instruments and artifacts including a large collection of ivory anatomical manikins. Collection strengths include but are not limited to anatomical atlases, human sexuality, materia medica, pediatrics, psychiatry, and obstetrics & gynecology,. Any faculty member, graduate or undergraduate student, or independent scholar with a research project requiring the use of materials held by the History of Medicine Col...

CfP: Integrated HPS (&HPS7)/Evolution of Knowledge conference

The Evolution of Knowledge &HPS7: Integrated History and Philosophy of Science, 7 th conference Leibniz Universität Hannover, Hannover, Germany, July 5-7, 2018 Call for papers and posters   The Committee for Integrated HPS and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science invite the submission of individual paper and poster abstracts for “The Evolution of Knowledge/&HPS7”, the 7 th conference in the series Integrated History and Philosophy of Science . We seek contributions that genuinely integrate the historical and philosophical analysis of science (i.e., the physical sciences, life sciences, cognitive sciences, and social sciences), or discuss methodological issues surrounding the prospects and challenges of integrating history and philosophy of science. (For information about &HPS and previous conferences, see http://integratedhps.org/en/ ) The theme "evolution of knowledge" aims at refocusing the history and philosophy of science on long-...

Singer Prize - British Society for the History of Science

The British Society for the History of Science is delighted to invite submissions for the Singer Prize 2018.  The prize, of up to £300, is awarded every two years to the writer of an unpublished essay, based on original research into any aspect of the history of science, technology or medicine. The prize is intended for younger scholars or recent entrants into the profession. Candidates must be registered for a postgraduate degree or have been awarded such in the two years prior to the closing date.  All nationalities are welcome. Essays must not exceed 8,000 words and should be submitted in English.  They should adhere to BJHS guidance to authors in all respects. The prize may be awarded to the writer of one outstanding essay, or may be awarded to two or more entrants. Publication in the  British Journal for the History of Science  will be at the discretion of the Editor. Essays under consideration elsewhere or in press are not eligible. ...

CfP/CfA: Racism and the Disciplinary Differentiation of Science and Philosophy

Url:  http://www.utdallas.edu/c4v/ 2018-conference/ > **Invited Speakers:** * Demetrius Eudell (Wesleyan) * Justin E.H. Smith (Université Paris Diderot) * Naomi Zack (University of Oregon) Co-Organizers: Matthew J. Brown and Peter K.J. Park Co-Sponsors: Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology and Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies, The University of Texas at Dallas This workshop seeks to weave together three historical threads that have each separately received significant attention in recent years, but which have not so far been followed together, perhaps due to the siloing of different sub-disciplines of and approaches within the history of ideas: (1) the role of racism in the formation of the philosophical canon, (2) the role of racism in the emergence of science as a distinct pursuit, especially the life and social sciences, and (3) the disciplinary and professional differentiation of philosophy and science from one another...

CfP: Art, Technology, Education, Law, Society and Sensory Diversity

Uncommon Senses 2 Art, Technology, Education, Law, Society and Sensory Diversity Montreal, 2-5 May 2018 “The sensorium is a fascinating focus for cultural studies,” wrote Walter J. Ong in “The Shifting Sensorium” (1991). Ong’s words heralded the arrival of sensory studies, an interdisciplinary  field of inquiry which takes a cultural approach to the study of the senses and a sensory approach to the study of culture. Sensory Studies has galvanized much exciting and provocative research and experimentation in the humanities and social sciences and visual and performing arts over the past three decades. Uncommon Senses 2 aims to take stock of the many advances in sensuous scholarship and art practice since the first Uncommon Senses conference at Montreal’s Concordia University in 2000. The conference is organized around three broad topic areas: •  Crossing Sensory Borders in the Arts: The Rise of Multisensory Aesthetics and New Media Art •  ...

CfP: Atoms for Peace In Europe Around the Globe Conference/Workshop in Barcelona

This is a call for paper proposals for a conference on the Atoms for Peace era (ca. 1954-1965).  The general focus of this conference is on public/society -- industry/government interactions.  We are interested in papers that go beyond single country surveys to consider transnational, bilateral and multilateral connections, including the role of international organizations; comparative studies; analysis of areas of nuclear science and geographic regions less studied; and cultural manifestations.  In this workshop, we seek to go beyond national origin stories to produce an innovative group of articles for publication.  Papers should be based on primary sources including archival materials. US President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced the Atoms for Peace initiative in a speech to the United Nations in December 1953. His goals were to encourage a broad array of peaceful atomic programs (agricultural, industrial, medical, power production, transport);...

CfP: Dossier "History, Science and Nature"

The journal F ronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science (ISSN 2238-8869) would like to invite you to submit a paper proposal for the special Dossier “History, Science and Nature”: The relation between History, Science and Nature is extremely dynamic and interdisciplinary, allowing a deeper knowledge on the uses of the planet and Nature (Earth / Oceans / Seas). Through the analysis of the last we intend to develop a transnational and comparative perspective of the History of Sciences and Technologies. We also intend to understand Nature as a way of modernization of the economic, social, scientific and cultural activities of the different States and Nations. Nature also seen as an agent of new practices and sociabilities, representative of new philosophical and social ideals, in which the production, circulation and appropriation of knowledge and techniques is a reality, creating important networks that unite the Mediterranean world with ...


Workshop, 10-11 July 2018 Department III, Artefacts, Action and Knowledge | Max Planck Institute for the History of Science Boltzmannstr. 22, 14195, Berlin, Germany Conveners: Dagmar Schäfer (MPIWG, Germany), Annapurna Mamidipudi (Maastricht University, the Netherlands and MPIWG, Germany), and BuYun Chen (Swarthmore College, USA and MPIWG, Germany) This interdisciplinary workshop interrogates the peripheral, intermediary, and ephemeral substances that have been critical to the historical formation of chemical technologies and the making of stable products across the Global South, broadly construed. With this workshop, we aim to begin a conversation among scholars who work across disciplines and regions in the Global South on: 1) how to investigate materials that are no longer present in surviving artifacts; and 2) how to recover the connected histories of knowledge and technology that underpinned their making. For example, how did the availability of mordants – ...

Short-Term Post-Doctoral Fellowships at Leeds

In collaboration with the University of Leeds Special Collections, we are pleased to announce a limited number of short-term post-doctoral fellowships for 2018.   These fellowships are designed exclusively for early-career researchers to make use of the  Special Collections held within Brotherton Library : https://library.leeds.ac.uk/ special-collections Successful applicants will spend four weeks in Leeds to carry out research activities aimed at developing the fellow’s ability to make strong applications to externally-funded post-doctoral positions which must then be held at the University of Leeds   Fellows are awarded £2,000 living expenses and up to £500 travel expenses, while they are in Leeds.   For further information and details on how to apply: https://library.leeds.ac.uk/ news/article/418/ brothertonlhri_short-term_ post-doctoral_fellowships_2018

CfP: ESHS/BSHS 2018: Little science

Symposium proposal, ESHS and BSHS meeting, London September 2018  http://eshs2018.uk Little science Compared to all that we know about Big Science, little is known about little science. The concept itself lacks a proper definition: what does “little” stand for? Inexpensive? Of scarce interest to the media? Little or slow? Little science risks being conceived of as the negative counterpart, the obsolete precursor, or the poor sister of Big Science, a scientific practice on its way to extinction. The symposium will challenge these meanings and explore ways to think about little science on its own. For the sake of clarity, little science will be provisionally defined as a contemporary knowledge-making practice performed by small teams of researchers that know each other and acknowledge that personal relations are central to research; as a practice that does not necessa...

Roy Porter Essay Prize 2017

The Society for the Social History of Medicine are delighted to advertise the 2017 Roy Porter essay prize. Original, previously unpublished, essays are invited from both undergraduate and postgraduate students in any area of social medical history. The winner wins £500 and the opportunity to be published in Social History of Medicine . The deadline is 1 February 2018 and further information on how to apply can be found here: https://sshm.org/portfolio/ prizes/

CfP: ESHS-BSHS Symposium on 20th-century Biological Syntheses

Synthesis or Syntheses?: Unity and Disunity in 20th-Century Biology The Modern Evolutionary Synthesis (ca. 1930-1950) is supposed to have forged a neo-Darwinian orthodoxy has provided the foundations of evolutionary theory ever since. However, today there are active debates surrounding the evolutionary synthesis: should we stick with it? Extend it? Scrap it altogether? This means the foundations of ‘The Evolutionary Synthesis’ are, as we speak, being revisited and reflected upon by historians, philosophers and scientists themselves.     In this symposium we are interested not just in critically examining those foundations, but also in challenging the narrative that there occurred a (singular) synthesis in evolutionary biology in the early/mid 20th-century. We suspect that there were in fact myriad syntheses being forged, amongst various disciplines and in different national contexts, not to mention the personal syntheses negotiated and achieved in the mi...

CfP Unifying phenomena in a divided world: History of climate and meteorology in Europe (ESHS London 14-17 September 2018)

We welcome papers for a proposed symposium at next year’s European Society for the History of Science Conference (London, 14-17 September 2018), on the following topic:  Unifying phenomena in a divided world: History of climate and meteorology in Europe (16 th -19 th Century) Among the most pressing scientific, political, and financial questions that the world is facing today is the implementation of international agreements and common measures to be taken against and reduce the effects of climate change, as the recent Paris agreement testifies. Our view of climate has changed throughout the centuries, but it constituted a central question for scientists and natural philosophers already in Early Modern Europe. The purpose of this symposium is to explore the notion of climate in various European countries between the 16 th and the 19 th century, by taking into account the place that the study of climate had within meteorology, the technologies employed for its im...

CfP: Discourses of weakness and the futures of societies

Discourses of weakness and the futures of societies June 28 th to June 30 th 2018 Goethe University Frankfurt/Main Reflecting one’s own weakness and putting it into words almost always includes a certain amount of willingness to change. Or, to put it the other way round: for a historical formation, the willingness to develop its own abilities or to find new orientations towards the future quite often is linked to the establishment of a variety of discourses of weakness. Adopting such a perspective has an impact on assessing processes of social innovation: the motivation to employ something “new” is less related to the question of genuine innovation but much more to the wish to change a social formation, since one’s own current status has been recognized as “being weak” in one or several respects. Innovation thus needs to be related not only to ingenuity but rather to the willingness to change oneself or the social formation to which one belongs, which in t...

CfP: The Global Knowledge of Economic Inequality. The Measurement of Income and Wealth Distribution since 1945

Economic inequality has become one of the most contentious political topics of our time, and statistics on income and wealth disparities have come to play an increasingly important role in modern political culture, influencing public debates about distributional questions, societal self-descriptions and perceptions of other societies. Global knowledge on economic inequality and poverty evolved incrementally, with important spurts occurring in the 1960s/1970s and then again during the 1990s/2000s. The first initiatives towards an international standardisation of income and wealth statistics were launched by the UN and the OECD during the 1960s/70s, but made only slow progress. This contributed to delaying the debate about global inequality, which had long been confined to measures like GDP per capita, while comparisons in terms of personal income have only recently been possible since more data has become available. Both these debates and the underlying statistics hav...