
Mostrando entradas de abril 11, 2021

CfP - Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There

On the occasion of the sesquicentenary of Lewis Carroll’s  Through the Looking-Glass  in 2021 we will hold a fully-online conference whose focal point will be the Looking-Glass itself. Aiming to explore the significance of the mirror in literature, science, theology, art and other fields, it hopes to explore any facets of this concept that were relevant to ideas that shaped Carroll’s work, or, which have since been integral to its interpretation at different points in time. Embracing Lewis Carroll’s polymathic interests, as man of the Church, of science, a collector of scientific instruments, a mathematician, lover of theatre and the arts, we invite submissions from scientists, historians, theologians, philosophers, and art historians as much as those from scholars of literatures of the fantastic, childhood, film, theatre and music, and practitioners, such as curators, educators or artists. This re-appreciation of  Through the Looking-Glass  will show that, more than...

CfP: Culturas Científicas - Universidad de Santiago de Chile

El Departamento de Filosofía de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile invita a académicos/as e investigadores/as a someter a consideración aportes para el Volumen 2 (núm. 1) de Revista Culturas Científicas, que será publicado en Julio del 2021. Esta publicación académica intenta ser un espacio de diálogo interdisciplinar para la difusión de estudios meta-científicos. Los aportes pueden ser presentados tanto en español como inglés y las temáticas aceptadas por la revista son, aunque no exclusivamente, las siguientes: a) Filosofía general de las ciencias y filosofía de las ciencias especiales b) Historia de las ciencias c) Filosofía e historia de la tecnología d) Investigaciones acerca de aspectos lógicos, didácticos, jurídicos, económicos, éticos, sociológicos o antropológicos de las ciencias. e) Estudios sobre ciencia, tecnología y sociedad (CTS)  Se recomienda a los autores/as enviar sus artículos al menos dos meses antes de la publicación del volumen 2 (núm. 1) si su objeti...

CfP: Escuela de Primavera de la SCHCT, Maó noviembre 2021 Pandemic pasts, Pandemic futures

11-13 November 2021  (alternative date, 26-28 May 2022) Organized by the Catalan Society for the History of Science Coordinated by Francisco Javier Martínez, Celia Miralles-Buil, and Quim Bonastra All the information about the School's topics, schedule and program (keynote lectures, workshops and poster sessions) is available at the following website:   https://blogs.iec. cat/schct/11th-european- spring-school/  The 11th ESS is open to junior scholars and postgraduate students of both social sciences/humanities and scientific background, who will have a great opportunity to engage with cutting edge work and present their own contributions. The School will particularly favour proposals that cross boundaries between disciplines, temporal focus and working spaces. All participants are expected to take part in the discussions of the lectures and workshops, to visit and comment the posters exhibit and to engage in the mentoring and artistic s...

CfP: Science and the Moving Image: Histories of Intermediality

  Location:  Online (Zoom) Date:  November 2nd and 3rd  PM (UK time), 2021   Since the advent of film in the late nineteenth century, moving images have been integral to making and communicating science. A rich interdisciplinary literature has examined such representations of science in the cinema and on television and investigated how scientists have used moving images to conduct research and communicate knowledge. Responding to growing interest in science and the moving image, this online workshop uses the concept of ‘intermediality’ as a starting point to discuss new approaches and methodologies. Intermediality, coined by media scholars to describe the interplay between different media, magnifies their multiple meanings and heterogenous interrelations. Moving images especially invite intermedial analysis because they are often composed of interrelated visuals, speech, music, and text; film can also be cut into stills for reproduction in newspapers, advertisem...

CfP: 32nd Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics, “Mathematics in Times of Crisis”

The Novembertagung on the History and Philosophy of Mathematics is an annual international conference aimed at graduate students in the history and philosophy of mathematics and neighbouring fields. It provides an opportunity for young researchers to present and discuss their research in a safe, informal environment, and serves as a place for them to share experience and advice, as well as to establish new contacts. Participants are welcome from around the world. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will be held online.    Abstracts, of around 250 words, should be submitted as a PDF file via email to  novembertagung2021@gmail.com . In your email, please also include your full name and affiliation as they should appear on the conference program. The deadline for submissions is July 1st 2021. For additional information, please visit our webpage:   https://novembertagung. wordpress.com   On the Theme: Crisis, instability and times of uncerta...

2 post-doc positions, history of epidemiological reasoning in 20th C, deadline 7 May 2021

Two full time post-doc positions in my ERC research project on the history of epidemiological reasoning in the 20 th  century. Deadline is the 7 th  of May 2021 and the positions will be located at STIS,  https://www.sps.ed.ac. uk/science-technology-and- innovation-studies   at the University of Edinburgh.    Both positions will run for almost four years (from October 2021 to June 2025) and each of the post-docs will be in charge of one of two research themes (Correlation or Configuration). We’ll be working in a small team throughout the project with a strong emphasis on a good and inclusive research culture. I welcome applications from candidates with a background in history of medicine and public health, STS, medical anthropology, sociology of health or similar fields.   Further information on the project can be found on its website ( http://theepidemy.net ) and you’ll find the full job descriptions following this link:  https://elxw.fa.em3. ora...

PhD Studentship: Women and Geology in Oxford, 1813–1914

Coming Out of the Shadows: Women and Geology in Oxford, 1813–1914    The School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science in the University of Leeds and the the Oxford University Museum of Natural History (OUMNH) are pleased to announce the availability of a fully funded 3.75 year (or part-time equivalent) PhD studentship from October 2021 under the AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) Scheme. This project explores the shifting activity of women in Oxford geology as a means of charting the changing opportunities and roles for women in science in Britain across the long nineteenth century. It draws on the manuscript and object collections of the OUMNH both to recover the often hidden work of women in collecting, curating, and drawing specimens, and to contextualize emerging, more publicly visible, forms of work in describing, theorizing, and writing.  The project will be jointly supervised by Dr Jon Topham and Prof. Graeme Gooday (University of Leeds) and Ms ...

Call nou programa Work In Progress IHC. Curs 2021-2022

L'Institut d'Història de la Ciència de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona està preparant un nou programa de Seminaris Work in Progress pel proper curs acadèmic 2021-22. Els  Work   in   Progress  són un  fòrum de discussió transversal on podeu presentar recerques i projectes en curs, noves idees per projectes, esborranys d'articles, qüestions historiogràfiques, etc. Està obert a membres i no membres  de l'IHC .   Hi ha la possibilitat, que encoratgem, de pre-circulació prèvia d'un text que permeti tenir una discussió més rica. Els seminaris Work in Progress tindran lloc els divendres a les 12h.  Us adjuntem el calendari amb les dates que tenim lliures.  Sempre que les circumstàncies ho permetin, els seminaris es realitzaran de forma presencial a la UAB . Si no ho permeten, els farem de forma virtual. La vostra proposta ha d' in cloure un  títol, un petit  resum , una imatge que il·lustri el seminari,  així com ...

CfP: ESSHC 2022 Sexuality Network (Gothenburg, Sweden)

14th European Social Science History Conference,  Gothenburg, Sweden, 20-23 April, 2022 The ESSHC Sexuality Network invites paper and panel proposals for its biennial meeting in 2022. Founded in 1998, the Sexuality Network is Europe’s oldest and only recurrent forum for the presentation of new work in the history of sexualities from around the globe. It brings together both junior and senior scholars of sexual history from a wide range of countries, and is neither restricted to European topics, nor to European historians. As always, the Network organizers will consider individual papers and pre-organized panels on the history of sexuality from a diversity of topics, cultural and geographical settings as well as historical periods. Particularly welcome are themed pre-organized panels (of 3 to 4 papers) or topical roundtable discussions, which explore new areas or directions, or that fill historiographical gaps. The Network is especially interested in papers and panels that exp...

PhD project: "The Materiality of Health & Safety"

The National Railway Museum, which is part of the Science Museum Group, is seeking applicants for a funded PhD project,   "The Materiality of Health & Safety." More details can be found here:   https://wrocah.ac.uk/2021-cda- projects/ If you have any questions about this post, please get in touch with the Research and Public History Team at SMG:  https://www. sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/our- work/research-public-history/

6 to 8 Junior (postdoc)/Senior Fellowships on transformations in science and technology

Starting in October 2021 for up to 12 months Fellowships offered by  Käte Hamburger Kolleg Cultures of Research (RWTH University Aachen, Germany)  International center for advanced studies in history, philosophy, and sociology of science and technology The new Käte Hamburger Kolleg Cultures of Research is an international center for advanced studies at RWTH Aachen University, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The center has openings for a total of 10 international fellows from the humanities and social sciences, as well as from natural, life, and technical sciences. Fellows will be offered a free space in which to develop their own research and to exchange ideas with each other. Cultures of Research is positioned where the fields of history, philosophy, and sociology interface with natural science and technology. The focus of the center's work is on the manifold research cultures within the sciences, their commonalities and differences, and how t...

CfP: Diplomatic Studies of Science

  Monday, November 8th, 2021 and  Tuesday November 9th, 2021 9:00 a.m. to  6:00 p.m.,  Maison de la Chimie,  28 Rue Saint-Dominique,  75007 Paris The  Gordon Cain Conference 2021  focuses on the fascinating interplay of science, technology and international affairs after the Second World War. By doing so it marks the emergence of Diplomatic Studies of Science as a field at the intersection of Science and Technology Studies, History of Science, Diplomatic History, and International Politics. The Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry at the Science History Institute and the Gordon Cain Conference Fellow, Maria Rentetzi, invite contributions that explore the ways science and diplomacy have been co-produced throughout the second half of the 20 th  century reaching the present. Call for Abstracts To submit a paper to the 2021 Cain Conference, please send a 250-word abstract and a two-page CV to the following email address:  Cainconferen...

Centre for History in Public Health - MSc Studentship

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) has been awarded funding by the Wellcome Trust (through their Master’s Programme Awards in Humanities and Social Science) to support one studentship through MSc Public Health in 2021/22.   The studentship will support:  tuition fees at the Home (UK) full-time fee rate for one year; and tax-free stipend of GBP 17,000.00, paid out to the awardee directly in 12 monthly instalments; and expenses for MSc project fieldwork of up to GBP 1,044.00. The successful student will be required to follow a humanities and social science ‘pathway’ through the MSc Public Health scheme. This will involve taking modules in humanities and social science disciplines and using one or more of these approaches in the MSc project.