
Mostrando entradas de junio 9, 2013

CFP: Body Burdens, Biomonitoring, and Biocitizenship

Since at least the publication of *Silent Spring*, scientists, policy-makers, and the general public has focused on pollution in the environment as the object of regulation and control, a source of fear and anxiety, and the subject of scientific testing. As technologies, analytical detection limits, and eco-populist, anti-toxic movements have developed over the decades, scrutiny has increasingly turned to the pollution in the body, captured by the notion of a “body burden:” the presence of industrial chemicals or radiation in the body. Body burdens become legible through practices of biomonitoring, and sometimes through claims of biocitizenship – through which life becomes the basis for making demands on the state (Murphy 2008, Petryna 2002). This panel seeks to bring scholars into a conversation on the history of the concept of body burdens and the practices of biomonitoring. In particular, how has notion of a body burden challenged or remade older scientific, legal, and ...

blioteca Virtual de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina

Estimados amigos: Ya está accesible en Internet la Biblioteca Virtual, proyecto en el que nos hemos embarcado para difundir los fondos de la Biblioteca y del Archivo de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina, y al que iremos agregando contenidos digitales. Podéis visitarlo en la siguiente dirección: http://bibliotecavirtual.ranm.es Igualmente, se pueden consultar nuestros fondos bibliográficos en el catálogo en línea: http://biblioteca.ranm.es Aprovecho la ocasión para enviaros un cordial saludo Nacho Díaz-Delgado Peñas Biblioteca-Archivo de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina C/ Arrieta, 12 28013 - Madrid 91 547 91 90


1 ST  EUROPEAN AUTUMN SCHOOL ON HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION: “SOURCES AND RESOURCES FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES IN THE ERA OF INTERNET”  Barcelona, 14-16 November 2013   THIRD CALL Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT) European Society for the History of Science (ESHS) Centre d’Història de la Ciència (CEHIC), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Càtedra Unesco en Tècnica i Cultura. Centre de Recerca per la Història de la Tècnica (CRHT), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)  The  Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica  is going to organize The  1 st  European Autumn School on History of Science and Education.  The main goal of the School is to provide training and to encourage debate, participation and effective interaction among the attending public and the invited specialists, dealing with basic and practical aspects concerning the interp...

Darwin-Butler Conference, Cambridge, 1-2 July

Registration is still possible for the Conference: 'The Shared Cultural Milieu of Charles Darwin and Samuel Butler: Science and Literature in the Nineteenth Century' Monday 1st - Tuesday 2nd July, in the Divinity School, St John's College Cambridge. This conference will extend the discussion of Darwin's reception in Europe, published in two volumes as *The Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe* (2008) in the well-established Series on the Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe (Bloomsbury) as well as in the third volume, 'The Literary and Cultural Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe' (forthcoming 2014). It   will consider not only Darwin's impact on culture, especially literary culture, but also the milieu in which writers like Darwin and Butler could emerge from very similar educational and cultural backgrounds and contribute to both literature and science. Through our work on the European reception, a new fo...