
Mostrando entradas de octubre 7, 2018

Seminario on line: Promesas incumplidas. Una historia política de las pasiones

SEMINARI Presentació del llibre: Promesas incumplidas. Una historia política de las pasiones Promesas incumplidas   és una història de l'ambició, lligada a la promesa igualitària i al desengany que va marcar el Romanticisme. Així mateix, l'obra explora les emocions més estretament relacionades amb la rivalitat, però també la fraternitat, el patriotisme, la compassió o l'amistat. Les fonts consultades inclouen textos biogràfics i autobiogràfics, tractats de medicina, de filosofia moral i política, així com del que avui denominem psiquiatria. Javier Moscoso és professor de recerca d'Història i Filosofia de la Ciència en l'Institut de Filosofia del CSIC. Doctor en Filosofia, la seua singladura professional li ha conduït al Centre Alexandre Koyré de París, a l'Institut Wellcome d'Història de la Medicina, on va ser investigador durant quatre anys, al Departament d'Història de la Ciència de la Universitat d'Harvard i a l'Institut M...

CfP: Fourteenth annual symposium on the social history of military technology

The 14th Annual Symposium of the Social History of Military Technology (SSHMT) will be scheduled as part of the program for the 46th Conference of the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC), Katowice, Poland, 22–27 July 2019. SSHMT seeks papers about: (1) representations of weapons as well as weapons themselves, about ideas as well as hardware, about organization as well as materiel; (2) ways in which social class, race, gender, culture, economics, politics, or other extra-military factors have influenced and been influenced by the invention, r&d , diffusion, or use of weapons or other military technologies; (3) the roles that military technologies play in shaping and reshaping the relationships of soldiers to other soldiers; soldiers to military, political, and social institutions; and military institutions to other social institutions, most notably political and economic; and/or (4) historiographical or museological topics that discuss ...

New Open Access Book: Being Modern: The Cultural Impact of Science in the Early Twentieth Century

UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of a brand new open access book that may be of interest to list subscribers: Being Modern: The Cultural Impact of Science in the Early Twentieth Century. Download it free from: http://bit.ly/2ycca0B About the book In the early decades of the twentieth century, engagement with science was commonly used as an emblem of modernity. This phenomenon is now attracting increasing attention in different historical specialties.  Being Modern  builds on this recent scholarly interest to explore engagement with science across culture from the end of the nineteenth century to approximately 1940. Addressing the breadth of cultural forms in Britain and the western world from the architecture of Le Corbusier to working class British science fiction,  Being Modern  paints a rich picture. Seventeen distinguished contributors from a range of fields including the cultural study of science and technology,...

PhD opportunity at Ingenio (CSIC) / Open Univ. Catalonia

One 4-year PhD studentships in the project  “Mapping Mental Health Research against Needs” A 4-year PhD studentship (2019-2023) is available  within the project “Mapping Mental Health Research against Needs” ( MapaMent ) conducted by   Ismael Ràfols  at  Ingenio  (CSIC, an institute of science policy studies) and  Paula Adam  at  AQuAS  (the public Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Assessment).  The PhD student will enrol in the programme  Information and Knowledge Society Doctoral Programme  of UOC (the Open University of Catalonia), where he will be co-supervised by  Marta Aymerich  (vice-rector for research and member of the  eHealth Centre ) and Ismael Ràfols (CSIC). If interested, please contact  i.rafols@ingenio.upv. es  as soon as possible (preferably by October 22nd). The project MapaMent  aims develop methods for priority setting in health...

Graduate funding opportunities in History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge, 2019-20

The Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge is the largest of its kind in the UK, and has an unrivalled reputation for teaching and research. Staff have expertise in the history, philosophy and sociology of a wide range of sciences and medicine. They run major research projects in association with the AHRC, Wellcome, the European Research Council and national museums.  If you are interested in studying for an MPhil or PhD in History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge, you will find everything you need to know about the Department, the courses, the academic staff ( http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/ people/staff.html ), and the application process on our website at  http://www.hps.cam. ac.uk/studying/graduate/ For those considering doing a PhD, the Department will be running a workshop at 3-4 pm on Friday 2 November 2018 . Led by the Director of Graduate Studies, this workshop will explain the Depa...

CfPanelists: History of Technology and Disability – session during International Committee for the History of Technology ICOHTEC conference

To see the original CfP please visit  ICOHTEC's website . Seeking panelists to a session on complexity and history of mutual relations between technology and disability for 2019 ICOHTEC conference to be held in Katowice, Poland 22-27 July 2019. The panel will engage with the main conference theme (technology and power) by examining the disability-technology relations in local, statewide, and global frameworks. In this panel I hope to explore an entanglement where technology, disability, poverty, gender, and ethnicity intersect – all these aspects influence the accessibility as well as development of instruments, services and “technical literacy”. Please have a look at the list of potential topics, and consider it more as an inspiration than a closed and ready catalog of problems: the bio/medical technologies as biopolitical tool strategies and contexts of resistance against bio/medical technologies prosthesis as cultural artefact and political statement di...

CfP: 3rd IU Graduate Student Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine

3rd ​ ​IU Graduate Student Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine.  29th and 30th March, 2019.  Indiana University Bloomington,  Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine,  Submission Deadline: January 1st, 2019 The Indiana University Department of History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine and HPS Graduate Students Association are calling for submissions from graduate students working on topics relating to the history and/or philosophy of science for its third graduate student conference in the spring of 2019. Submissions are welcome on a breadth of historical or philosophical topics in the sciences. This conference is intended to be an opportunity for graduate students to share their work, make connections, and receive feedback from peers and faculty in a congenial environment. The anticipated schedule is for 30 ­minute student presentations, followed by a 10­ minute response by ...