
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 1, 2015

Call for Papers ‘The Making of the Humanities V

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 5-7 October 2016 Fifth Making of the Humanities (MoH) conference brings together scholars interested in the history of the humanities disciplines, including archaeology, art history, historiography, linguistics, literary studies, musicology, philology, and media studies, tracing these fields from their earliest developments to the modern day. We welcome paper and panel submissions on any period or region. We are especially interested in work that transcends the history of specific humanities disciplines by comparing scholarly pract ices acr izations.  Full information:  www.historyofhumanities.org  Keynote Speakers Karine Chemla  (CNRS  & U. Paris Diderot ) Anthony Grafton  (Princeton U.) Sarah Kay  (New York U.) History of Humanities journal Selected conference papers will be published in the new journal  History of Humanities . The journal is also open for direct submis...


IHMC2 - BOLETÍN DE NOTICIAS INSTITUT D'HISTÒRIA DE LA MEDICINA I DE LA CIÈNCIA LOPEZ PIÑERO SEMANA 9-15 NOVEMBRE 2015   SEMINARIOS   Martes 10 de noviembre. Hora 20 h. * Organitzado con el Instituto Francés: Ciencia, justicia y derecho. Olivier Leclerc conferencia (Centro de Recherches crítiques sur le Droit, Université Jean Monnet, París) "El juez y el experto: ciencia en los tribunales de Justicia” (francés con traducción simultánea).    Presentación del libro “La verdad sobre el caso Lafarge: ciencia, justicia y derecho durante el siglo XIX”, José Ramón Bertomeu Sánchez. Coloquio. Lugar: Instituto Francés, Moro Zeit, 6. 46001 Valencia.     CINE   Jueves 12 de noviembre. Hora: 18h Cine: La camarera (Waitress, Adrienne Shelly, 2007) Ciclo con la exposición 'Stevia, la panacea dulce' que se inaugura en el mes de noviembre en el Palacio de Cerveró. Lugar: Sala de conferencias, Palacio de Cerveró, plaza Cisneros, 4. 46003 Valencia ...

Reminder: After the End of Disease CFP

CFP: After the End of Disease London, May 26-27, 2016 Public and academic discussions on the end of diseases are abundant in the midst of recent epidemic crises. Faltering vaccination rates have seen old diseases, like measles and whooping cough resurface to epidemic proportions in the Global North. Several global epidemic crises, such as the swine flu and ebola, have prompted international organizations, local governments, pharmaceutical companies, research institutions and individuals to respond in manifold ways with the aim of controlling and eventually ending epidemic diseases. Ending diseases for good have been the goal of several eradication campaigns over the 20 th century and are the focus of global projects such as the polio eradication initiative, spearheaded by the a public-private partnership including the WHO, the CDC, UNICEF, the Rotary and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In his now classic article ‘What is an epidemic?’, Charles Rosenberg pointed ...

PhD studentships in any aspect of the history of medicine at the Open University 2016

Staff at the Open University have extensive expertise in the history of medicine especially from the ancient to the early modern period and research is channelled through a research group based in the Arts Faculty. Applications are invited for October 2016 entry to our PhD programme. The Open University is part of the CHASE AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership (alongside the Courtauld Institute of Art, Goldsmiths, University of London, and the Universities of East Anglia, Essex, Kent and Sussex) and successful applicants for PhD study will be able to apply for studentship funding. Applications for funding will be considered by the Open University with the best applicants put forward to the CHASE selection panel. Applications will be considered on a competitive basis. For UK students, these awards cover both fees and maintenance and for EU residents awards are on a fees only basis. The funding will cover professional development opportunities, including the enhancement of p...

Program for workshop "Jesuit early modern science in a digital perspective", Wuppertal, Nov 2015

Dear all, The program for our workshop "Jesuit early modern science in a digital perspective. The Jesuit Science Network" in Wuppertal is now available. The workshop will take place at Wuppertal University at the end of this month, Nov 26+27, in room K.11.07. You can find a description and the program of the workshop below and download the poster from http://www.izwt.uni-wuppertal.de/fileadmin/izwt/Tagungen_Workshops/WS_15-16/WupNov2015Poster.pdf . Best regards, Dagmar Mrozik === Workshop description In recent years, an ever growing number of scholars in the humanities have realized the benefits they can gain from using digital methods in their work. This holds particularly true when it comes to dealing with large amounts of similarly structured information, as is the case in the study of early modern Jesuit science: biographical information of the involved actors, bibliographical information of published scientific works and unofficial manuscript...