
Mostrando entradas de marzo 10, 2013

HSS session: "Scientific examination of art and archeological artefacts"

During the latter part of the twentieth century, many museums installed scientific laboratories for the examination and conservation of artefacts.It has now become standard to perform elaborate scientific investigations before making any alterations to museum pieces. Yet, until the Second World War, science was often mistrusted and neglected as a proper source for art historical knowledge. Scientists were often regarded to be unqualified to speak out on art, and their evidence was considered to be without any value to the real connoisseur or art collector. This confrontation of science and art brings out many interesting themes. The rejection of scientific arguments in art historical debates highlights the public perception of science and art as antagonistic forces, in much the same way as P.C. Snow's famous Two Cultures book. It also underscores debates on the nature of knowledge and the role of the public in endorsing the boundaries of scientific authority. In this sessi

2013 Call for Submissions, Computer History Museum Prize

2013 Call for Submissions, Computer History Museum Prize The Computer History Museum Prize is awarded to the author of an outstanding book in the history of computing broadly conceived, published during the prior three years. The prize of $1,000 is awarded by SIGCIS, the Special Interest Group for Computers, Information and Society. SIGCIS is part of the Society for the History of Technology. In 2012 the prize was endowed in perpetuity through a generous bequest from the estate of Paul Baran, a legendary computer innovator and entrepreneur best known for his work to develop and promote the packet switching approach on which modern networks are built. Baran was a longtime supporter of work on the history of information technology and named the prize to celebrate the contributions of the Computer History Museum to that field. 2013 Call for Submissions Books published in 2010-2012 are eligible for the 2013 award. Books in translation are eligible for three years follo

JOB: Lecturer in Science Communication UCL STS

UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies seeks to appoint a full time Lecturer in Science Communication. The closing date for applications is Tuesday 23rd April 2013. It is hoped the successful candidate will join us from September 1st 2013. More: www.ucl.ac.uk/sts/vacancies Enquiries welcome.  Joe --  Professor Joe Cain Head of Department Department of Science and Technology Studies University College London | Gower Street | London | WC1E 6BT | UK J.Cain@ucl.ac.uk  |  www.ucl.ac.uk/sts/cain  | 0207 679 3041 (int'l +44 207 679 3041) Twitter: @profjoecain Degrees at every level:  www.ucl.ac.uk/sts/go “Really, really quite bloody fantastic.” (STS undergraduate student feedback from 2011)

Wiki for History of Science Society meeting proposals, deadline for submissions

The History of Science Society has created a wiki page for scholars to find others with similar interests for the purpose of developing sessions for the 2013 HSS Meeting in Boston, 21-24 November. The acceptance rate for session proposals has typically been significantly higher in the past than for individual papers, and submitted sessions generally have more cohesion than those composed of contributed papers; the wiki is intended to address both of those concerns, and we hope interested scholars will find it useful. The wiki can be found at: http://hssmeeting.wikia.com . The deadline for session and paper proposal for the 2013 HSS Meeting is Monday, 1 April 2013. More details about proposals are with the call for papers at http://www.hssonline.org/Meeting/index.html#program .

Social History of Medicine virtual issue on tuberculosis

Social History of Medicine marks World Tuberculosis Day (24 March) with a Virtual Issue on tuberculosis. With an introduction by Professor Greta Jones, a selection of articles and book reviews are freely available for download from now until the end of May 2013. The papers can be accessed here: http://www.oxfordjournals.org/our_journals/sochis/tuberculosis.html Or click on the links below to go directly to an article of interest: Introduction Greta Jones, Emeritus Professor of History, University of Ulster An introduction to this Social History of Medicine virtual issue Articles Simon Szreter The Importance of Social Intervention in Britain’s Mortality Decline c.1850-1914: a Re-interpretation of the Role of Public Health William Johnston A Genealogy of Tubercular Disease in Japan Vera Blinn Reber Blood, Coughs, and Fever: Tuberculosis and the Working Class of Buenos Aires, Argentina 1885-1915 Jim Phillips and Michael French State Regul