
Mostrando entradas de mayo 2, 2021

Tesoros y fantasmas de la ciencia española

Tesoros y fantasmas de la ciencia española es una serie documental de cinco episodios de cerca de 30 minutos de duración, realizada por los hermanos Juan y Paco Pimentel, historiador y cineasta respectivamente. Mediante unas entrevistas, algunos profesionales (historiadores, bibliotecarios, científicos) nos hablan de ciertas piezas, personajes y capítulos del pasado relacionados con el fascinante mundo del conocimiento. Cinco historias tan bellas como desconocidas para el gran público: un lapidario medieval, un tratado de anatomía renacentista, una colección de ilustraciones botánicas, el esqueleto fósil de un animal extinto y finalmente una campaña de vacunación para combatir una pandemia. Una serie que quiere contribuir a hacer cultura científica en España. Trailer: https://vimeo.com/540201391/d5daa44c6f Ver en Filmin: https://www.filmin.es/serie/tesoros-y-fantasmas-de-la-ciencia-espanola

CfP: La hambruna española del franquismo (1939-1952)

La hambruna española del franquismo (1939-1952) Universidad de Granada, 11 y 12 de noviembre de 2021   Lugar : Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Granada Fecha : 11 y 12 de noviembre de 2021 Fecha límite para el envío de propuestas : 31 de mayo de 2021 Fecha límite de envío de comunicaciones : 15 de septiembre de 2021 Organiza : Proyecto de investigación “HAMBRUNA; La hambruna española: causas, desarrollo, consecuencias y memoria (1939-1952)”, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ref. PID2019-109470GB-I00), Departamento de Historia Contemporánea de la Universidad de Granada y Red “Niveles de vida, salud, nutrición y desigualdad (NISALdes) (Ref. RED2018-102413-T)   JUSTIFICACIÓN Y OBJETIVOS El franquismo siempre responsabilizó de los “años del hambre” (1939-1952) a tres factores ajenos a su política: las destrucciones de la guerra, el aislamiento internacional y la “pertinaz sequía”. No obstante, hace tiempo que los historiadores demostraron que, tras la...

Nueva publicación: New World Objects of Knowledge

Edited by Mark Thurner and Juan Pimentel From the late fifteenth century to the present day, countless explorers, conquerors, and other agents of empire have laid siege to the New World,  plundering and pilfering its most precious artefacts and treasures. Today, these natural and cultural products—which are key to conceptualizing a history of Latin America—are scattered in museums around the world. With contributions from a renowned set of scholars, New World Objects of Knowledge delves into the hidden histories of forty of the New World’s most iconic artifacts, from the Inca mummy to Darwin’s hummingbirds. This volume is richly illustrated with photos and sketches from the archives and museums hosting these objects. Each artifact is accompanied by a comprehensive essay covering its dynamic, often global, history and itinerary. This volume will be an indispensable catalog of New World objects and how they have helped shape our modern world Introduction by Mark Thurner and Juan Pime...

CfP: Feminismo/s 41(Rethinking motherhood in the 21st century: New feminist approaches)

Motherhood has been one of the central topics of feminist research and debate since, at least, the 1960s. Feminist approaches to it have been diverse and shifting, and they have in turn been linked to different ways of understanding feminism and to theoretical discussions about sexual difference. Over the last years, and in the context of the global reactivation of the feminist movement, there has been a rise in publications regarding maternity/maternities from new perspectives that permeate the different academic fields. This monograph wants to contribute to the current interdisciplinary academic research on maternity/maternities. Our starting point is an understanding of motherhood as a shifting concept that has been historically changeable regarding both its meaning and its contents, and the identities and experiences it creates and it is based on. At the same time, the cultural load it has in different cultures and historical contexts is still a matter ...

CfP: Online-Workshop “International Knowledge Transfer within the Brewing Industry of the 19th and 20th Century”, October 1, 2021

Before global brands and multinational firms began to dominate the brewing industry during the second half of the 20 th  century, the production and consumption of beer was a local and regional phenomenon – at least according to the familiar narrative found in some of the literature. However, this view obscures previous international exchange and transfers when, for instance, German technological advances accelerated the worldwide development of a highly professionalized industry. In turn, U.S.-American breweries have provided innovative marketing impulses since the early 20 th  century. These are just two examples emphasizing the importance of the transnational transfer of brewing expertise. Participants of the workshop are asked to provide further examples from multiple countries by examining (local) preconditions and backgrounds of change and adaptations as well as (mutual) influences. The goal of the workshop is to overcome the all too frequently applied national frame o...

Call for Sessions: "History of Insurance in a Global Perspective"

International Conference . University of Basel, Switzerland 20–22 July 2022 This international conference investigates insurance as a crucial element of the globalization of finance and of capitalism in general. Since the early modern period, geographical diffusion of insurance is closely linked to processes of globalization and deglobalization. The conference presents a broad picture of the multidimensional history of international insurance. This covers different periods, regions and branches of insurance: from late- medieval and early modern maritime insurance over the diffusion of life and non-life insurance in the Western hemisphere during the 19 th century to the rise of non-Western markets and corporations in colonial and post-colonial contexts. This global lens invites the combination of the wide global perspective with local, micro-historical perspectives. Relevant topics include, for example, the diffusion of marine insurance in 19 th century East Asia, a...

II Jornadas Ibero-Americanas de Jovens investigadores em Património Industrial

Mais informações:  https://iberoamericanaspatrimonioindustrial2020.weebly.com/ As II Jornadas Ibero-Americanas de Jovens Investigadores em Património Industrial surgem com a ideia de gerar um espaço de encontro entre jovens investigadores acerca de suas linhas de investigação e metodologias - Chamada para artigos até  23 de Maio de 2021 . Estas jornadas potencializam um encontro de docentes, investigadores, técnicos do património, empresários, estudantes e outros públicos interessados, para reflectir e trocar experiencias sobre a salvaguarda do património industrial. As comunicações apresentadas devem abordar tanto a dimensão teórica como a prática em relação com as temáticas definidas para estas II Jornadas Ibero-Americanas de Jovens Investigadores em Património Industrial. A documentação, proteção, reabilitação, difusão, gestão e participação, são actividades que contribuem de forma determinante para elevar as potencialidades do Património Industrial e para o ...

RCPE launch website on Victorian Highlands and Islands medicine

The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh has launched a new web resource, Remote & Rural Remedies. You can find it here:   https://www.rcpe.ac.uk/ remoteandruralremedies Its core is a digitised and transcribed collection of surveys which were carried out by the College between 1850 and 1852. These surveys gathered information on the number of medical practitioners in the parishes and the conditions faced by those accessing and providing medical care.  The surveys provide a stark account of what it was like to need medical attention in remote and rural Scotland. You can browse the full list of surveys, search the collection or browse by People or Places listed within the surveys.   The online resource also includes a map with clickable locations highlighting some of the stories found in the surveys as well as school activities, videos, blogs, interviews with medical practitioners, a timeline of medicine in the Highlands and Islands and online exhibitions.   We...

New open access book: The Global Smartphone by Miller et al (UCL Press)

UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of a brand new open access books that are likely to be of interest to list subscribers: The Global Smartphone: Beyond a Youth Technology by Daniel Miller et al. Free download:  https://bit.ly/3b2Artr The Global Smartphone.  Beyond a youth technology Daniel Miller, Laila Abed Rabho, Patrick Awondo, Maya de Vries, Marília Duque, Pauline Garvey, Laura Haapio-Kirk, Charlotte Hawkins, Alfonso Otaegui, Shireen Walton, and Xinyuan Wang Free download:  https://bit.ly/3b2Artr The smartphone is often literally right in front of our nose, so you would think we would know what it is. But do we? To find out, 11 anthropologists each spent 16 months living in communities in Africa, Asia, Europe and South America, focusing on the take up of smartphones by older people. Their research reveals that smartphones are technology for everyone, not just for the young.

CfP: Women, Creativity and, Nonviolence

Women, Creativity and, Nonviolence  seek to explore the creative ways in which women around the globe have contributed towards significant   nonviolent   changes   in the contemporary world . Potential areas to be examined: Women, Nonviolence, Art (especially Street Art) and Literature Women, Nonviolence and Film Women, Nonviolence and Social Media Women, Nonviolence and Leadership Women, Nonviolence and Music Women, Nonviolence and Indigenous Art Women, Nonviolence and Black Lives Matter Women and Creative Civil Resistance Women, Nonviolence and  the Covid 19 Pandemic Women and the Future of Nonviolence This interdisciplinary edited volume is open to numerous disciplines such as: Sociology, Cultural Studies, Gender and Women Studies History, Language and Literature, Religious Studies, Indigenous Studies, Peace Studies among others. Please send  an abstract (250 words maximum)   and a short biography( about 100 words...

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships in Early Modern Thought at the University of Bucharest - Expressions of Interest

The research group in Early Modern Thought at the University of Bucharest  invites expressions of interest from candidates wishing to apply for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship in Early Modern Science, Philosophy, and/ or Intellectual History. Information about the 2021 call will be soon available at the following link:  https://ec.europa.eu/research/ mariecurieactions/node_en . The research group in Early Modern Thought is a very active interdisciplinary group of scholars working on a variety of aspects of the Renaissance and the early modern period (philosophy, literature, religion, science, etc.). Our members do research and teach in several faculties at the University of Bucharest (Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest-ICUB. For more details, please visit:  https://icub.unibuc.ro/2021/04 /19/early-modern-cluster-at-th e-university-of-bucharest/ ). We coordinate various research projects, and ...

Call for book chapters for proposed edited book on ‘Breath, Body, and Air in South Asia’

  We invite abstracts for book chapters for a proposed edited book examining the triad of  breath, body, and air  in South Asia, with a primary focus on India. Important scholarly work in the humanities and social sciences is increasingly engaging with the intersections of air pollution, breathing bodies, toxicity and the environment. Simultaneously, recent research in (medical) anthropology and the history of medicine have foregrounded breath and the body through work on diseases such as tuberculosis and healing traditions such as Ayurveda. This proposed edited volume seeks to bring together the thematics of breath, body, and air, drawing on recent developments in various disciplines and sub-fields within the social sciences and humanities. The aim is to offer a comprehensive analysis of the many ways in which these thematics intersect and interpolate in different contexts in South Asia, with a keen eye toward the social and political implications of such intersections. ...

Mostra virtuale "La biblioteca di Leonardo" ("Leonardo's Library" Virtual Exhibition)

È online la mostra virtuale   La biblioteca di Leonardo , accessibile in otto lingue, che racconta uno degli aspetti meno conosciuti del Genio di Vinci: appassionato lettore, alla fine della sua vita arriverà a possedere quasi duecento volumi, un numero straordinario per un artista-ingegnere del ‘400. La mostra virtuale è un'importante risorsa a corredo dell'esposizione  Leonardo's Intellectual Cosmos , prodotta dal Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, in collaborazione con il Museo Galileo e visitabile alla Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz dall'11 maggio al 28 giugno 2021. Maggiori informazioni