Post-doctoral fellowship in history of medicine at the University ofOttawa (2019-20)
The University of Ottawa, Faculty of Medicine, invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship in History of Medicine, renewable for a second year, to begin September 1, 2019. We welcome applications from candidates who hold a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in History and whose work deals with any aspect of the history of medicine, broadly defined. Scope and Expectations: Postdoctoral appointments at the University of Ottawa involve substantial full-time research and scholarship. It is expected that the postdoctoral fellow will undertake research in his/her/their area of specialization and disseminate the results. In addition, there will be opportunities to collaborate on a research project with the supervisor, Susan Lamb, and to contribute to the Faculty of Medicine’s Medicine, Humanities and Ethics Program as a content expert and/or workshop facilitator. There are no formal teaching obligations. Eligibility: Applicants must have received the Ph.D. in History or equiv...