
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 18, 2018

CfP: special issue on Sexpertise: Sexual Knowledge and the Public in the 19th and 20th Centuries

We seek proposals for contributions to a special issue of a leading history of medicine journal on the modern history of “sexperts” and “sexpertise”. With these guiding categories in mind, contributions will seek to explore the circulation and transmission of sexual knowledge and ideas between experts and publics in the 19 th and 20 th centuries, or else to question this distinction altogether. Possible themes for consideration therefore include (but are by no means limited to) the following: Forms of “popular” sexual expertise and knowledge, such as sex manuals, marriage guides, family planning and sexual health instruction, and advice columns in newspapers and magazines “Alternative” forms of sexual expertise/knowledge and the creation of sexual counterpublics, as well as the partial admission of alternative forms of sexual knowledge into the cultural “mainstream” (e.g. those developed by the feminist and women’s health movements, new religious movements,...

CfP: Association of Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Barcelona 2019

The 50th Annual Conference of the ASPHS will take place in Barcelona, Spain, from July 10 -13, 2019 at the  Universitat Pompeu Fabra , hosted by the  Institut d'Història Jaume Vicens Vives . A welcoming reception will be held on Wednesday evening, July 10, and panels will run Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The banquet will take place on Friday 12 July.    The ASPHS invites proposals for panels, roundtable discussions, and individual papers. A typical panel session will include three papers, a chairperson, and a discussant (the chairperson may also double as the discussant). Proposals should include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a one-page curriculum vitae for each participant, including chairs and discussants. Please include each participant's name and e-mail address along with any special requirements. All rooms come equipped with computers, standard software, and projectors.   This year's conference will feature  Pa...

CfP to IDTC Symposium at XVIth CLMPST2019, Prague

Symposium proposed by the Inter-Divisional Teaching Commission (IDTC) of the DHST/DLPMST of IUHPST Papers are sought for a proposed symposium under the title “Climate Change: History and Philosophy of Science and NOS Challenges” at next year’s XVI International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST), due to be held in Prague from 5-10 August 2019 Rationale. The study of Climate Change as a philosophic subject was until recent times at very early stages (Winsberg 2018). The first entry related to ‘Climate Science’ in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy appear as late as 2018 (Parker, 2018). This is more awkward if we recall several of the main issues related to Climate Change and the scientific practice associated: epistemic trust, models, risk, uncertainty, probability, values, data, instruments and complexity among many others. Also, the bridge between research on Climate Change and policy and social spheres create ...

CfP: Afflicted Bodies, Affected Societies: Disease and Wellness in Historical Perspective

Url:  https://www.shu.edu/history/ The year 2018 marks the centennial of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic, one of the deadliest outbreaks of disease in recorded history.  To acknowledge the social impact of illness on humanity, the History Department at Seton Hall University will host a two-day symposium on disease and wellness in historical perspective. Some of the questions we seek to investigate over the course of this symposium are as follows:  How have notions of illness and wellness changed over time? In what ways have medical progress and discovery been shaped by wars and natural disasters?  How did regimes of hygiene fashion social hierarchies or imperial policy? What have been the social, political, and economic consequences of the diseased body and/or mind in various societies? How do civilizations conceptualize disease and miracles within faith practices?  How do public health and issues of social justice intersect?   Some additiona...

Chamada para trabalhos: Quinto Simpósio Internacional de Historia da Eletricidade

Durante os dias 6 a 11 de maio de 2019 celebrar-se-á, na Universidade de Évora, o Quinto Simpósio Internacional de Historia da Eletricidade que este ano será dedicado à eletricidade e à transformação da vida urbana e social. Desde 2012 celebraram-se quatro simpósios internacionais sobre a eletrificação: Barcelona (2012), São Paulo (2013), Cidade do México (2015) e novamente Barcelona (2017). Objetivos A partir da exposição de Eletricidade de 1881, que teve lugar em Paris, a eletricidade e as suas várias aplicações tiveram uma divulgação assinável. O mesmo se passou com a Exposição Internacional de Barcelona de 1888. Anos mais tarde, na Exposição Universal de 1900, um evento em que se procurava fazer o balanço do século, a “fada eletricidade” assumiu um lugar de relevo. Durante a segunda metade do seculo XIX, a eletricidade foi sendo instalada em várias cidades da Península Ibérica e da América Latina, numa dinâmica que se acentuou ao longo do século XX, embora com ritm...

Nova Exposició: La penicil·lina catalana

Una nova exposició del Museu d'Història de la Medicina de Catalunya per al Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona. D'accés lliure i gratuït, de dilluns a dissabte, en horari laboral, fins al març de 2019. L'exposició fixa la mirada en un grup de científics que van ser capaços d' aïllar i produir penicil·lina a finals de 1943, en unes condicions precàries. Es tractava d'un equip procedent del Laboratori Microbiològic Municipal, reunit al voltant de LETI, un d'aquells laboratoris dedicats a la producció de vacunes i sèrum creats a la Barcelona dels anys 1920. L'obtenció de la penicil·lina a Barcelona va tenir lloc en un context complicat, amb les urgències i necessitats causades per la guerra mundial, des d'un país col·lapsat després d'una guerra civil, amb una dictadura militar que imposava una autarquia econòmica i amb una epidèmia de tifus exantemàtic arreu del país. El nou ordre mundial que s'imposa des dels Estats Units d...

Graduate funding opportunities in History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge, 2019-20

The deadline to be considered for funding is noon on 5 December 2018. The Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge is the largest of its kind in the UK and has an unrivalled reputation for teaching and research. Staff have expertise in the history and philosophy of a wide range of sciences and medicine.  If you are interested in studying for an MPhil or PhD in History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge, you will find everything you need to know about the Department, the courses, the academic staff ( http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/ people/staff.html ), and the application process on our website at  http://www.hps.cam. ac.uk/studying/graduate/ . If you are interested in the sort of careers our PhD students go into, please see https://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/ study/graduate/phd/placement- record Students applying to start MPhil or PhD in 2019-20 have access to the following studentship opportuni...