
Mostrando entradas de abril 1, 2018

Nuevo número: Dynamis, vol 38(1)

DYNAMIS Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam VOLUMEN38(1) 2018 SUMARIO Declaración de Sant Joan d’Alacant en defensa del Acceso Abierto a las publicaciones científicas Medidas municipales contra la peste en la Lleida del siglo XIV e inicios del XV Guillem Roca Cabau La esfera terrestre en el cosmos isabelino: una aproximación a la difusión temprana del copernicanismo en Inglaterra Virginia Iommi Echeverría   Despejando las sospechas: informes médicos en los tribunales de justicia de la comarca de la Ribera del Júcar (ss. XVI y XVII) Carmel Ferragud y María Luz López Terrada Fuentes lexicográficas para la historia de la alimentación y del fraude alimentario en la España del siglo XIX Bertha Gutiérrez Rodilla Historias de la niñez enferma. El caso del primer hospital marítimo de América Latina.  Buenos Aires 1893-1945 Adriana Carlina Alvarez Cardozo Huellas dactilares a través del mundo transat...

Inspiraciencia - Concurso de relatos de inspiración científica (octava edición)

E stá abierta la octava edición de Inspiraciencia , el concurso de relatos de inspiración científica, que organiza el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas con la financiación de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología. El plazo de presentación de relatos finaliza el 17 de mayo . Hacer de la ciencia, ficción. Inspiraciencia es una invitación a todas y a todos para pensar e imaginar la ciencia desde la creación literaria. El objetivo es fomentar el acercamiento al pensamiento científico y a distintas facetas de la ciencia a través de la escritura. Es una actividad que atraviesa disciplinas, favoreciendo la creatividad, la reflexión y la especulación. Los participantes pueden presentar relatos de como máximo 800 palabras , en castellano, catalán, gallego o eusquera, en una de las dos categorías: joven (de 12 a 17 años) o adulto (a partir de 18 años). ¡Inscripciones abiertas! El concurso se acompaña del taller ‘Esculpiendo el libro’, los días 20 y 27 de...

CfP: Humanities in Transition, 23-26 October 2018, IMF-CSIC, Barcelona

Url:  https://humanitiesconference.imf.csic.es/en Every academic discipline is concerned in some way or other with the human being, but among the great variety of branches of knowledge there are some that focus more closely on the human condition and its capacity for cultural creation: as a whole these are referred to as the humanities. Today reference is made, with some justification, to a ‘crisis in the humanities’, a problematic situation increasingly confronted by intellectuals and one that may have major consequences well beyond the cultural field as such. Are the humanities necessary? We believe they are; indeed, we are absolutely convinced they are. It would be difficult to learn to live together, not only amongst each other as human beings but also with the environment which we inhabit, if we do not do so on the basis of knowledge and values inherent to and offered by the humanities. One of the characteristic traits of humanities studies is critical ...

"Science in Film and the Deficit Model" Science in Context

Guest edited by Fernando Vidal and Carlos Tabernero Fernando Vidal Introduction: From “The Popularization of Science  through Film” to “The Public Understanding of Science” Eleanor Louson Taking Spectacle Seriously: Wildlife Film and the  Legacy of Natural History Display Felicity Mellor Configuring Epistemic Authority: the Significance of  Film Style in Documentaries about Science Carlos Tabernero The Changing Nature of Modernization Discourses in  Documentary Films David A. Kirby Harnessing the Persuasive Power of Narrative: Science,  Storytelling, and Movie Censorship, 1930–1968 Kirsten Ostherr The Shifting Aesthetics of Expertise in the Sharing  Economy of Scientific Medicine Fernando Vidal Accuracy, Authenticity, Fidelity: Aesthetic Realism, the  “Deficit Model,” and the Public Understanding of Science

Biologiser les faits sociaux --Colloque Novembre 2018 Lyon

 Colloque international en français Le colloque se tiendra à Lyon (ENS Lyon, site Buisson) les 22 et 23 novembre 2018. Il est organisé par le Laboratoire junior « Corps ordonnés, la production des normes en Turquie et en France ». La notion de biologisation du social renvoie à une forme croissante de justifications individuelles ou collectives des pratiques sociales : il s’agit de faire référence à une biologie réelle ou fantasmée pour légitimer les manières de dire, de penser et d’agir. Cette biologisation traduit une forme d’importation du vocabulaire et des résultats des sciences biologiques dans les discours et les pratiques, scientifiques comme ordinaires (Lemerle et Reynaud-Paligot, 2017). « Coup de foudre » amoureux analysé comme une réaction à une compatibilité phéromonale, alimentation « paléo » pour nourrir un corps dont l’équilibre génétique aurait été défini et arrêté voici plusieurs milliers d’années, ressemblances entre membres d’une même famille v...

ERC Endeavor “EarlyModernCosmology”. Three pre-doctoral fellowships

The Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage ERC Endeavor “EarlyModernCosmology” The ERC research endeavor, “Institutions and Metaphysics of Cosmology in the Epistemic Networks of Seventeenth-Century Europe” (proposal number 725883), was established at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice beginning in November 2017. It will benefit from the financial support of the European Research Council for five years. Historian and philosopher of science, Pietro Daniel Omodeo, will lead an international research group investigating early-modern Protestant and Catholic cosmologies in their institutional, political, and ideological settings. The project has a wide-ranging thematic, geographical, and geopolitical scope. It will be reinforced by a methodological and philoso...

CfA: Bucharest-Princeton Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy and Science (17th edition)

Invited speakers include: Arianna Borrelli (TU, Berlin), Antonio Clericuzio (Roma Tre), Daniel Garber (Princeton), Dana Jalobeanu (Bucharest), Arnaud Pelletier (Bruxelles), Koen Vermeir (Paris). The Bucharest-Princeton Seminar is an annual interdisciplinary meeting of scholars and students of early modern thought. Its aim is to create a stimulating environment for discussing papers and ideas through formal and informal discussions, reading-groups and round tables. Morning sessions are organized as reading groups, while the afternoon sessions give participants an opportunity to discuss their own special interests with an open and sympathetic audience of students and scholars with broad interests in early modern philosophy and early modern science. Texts for the reading groups are distributed one month in advance. There is no pre-established theme, but we are looking for contributions emphasizing the interplay between early modern philosophy and the “sciences” of the seventeenth centu...

CfP: MMLA Narratives of Illness (abstracts due April 15)

URL:  https://www.luc.edu/mmla/convention/specialsessionscallforpapers/ Midwest Modern Languages Association, Kansas City, Nov. 15-18, 2018  Special session call for papers "Awash in Significance": Narratives of Illness   This panel considers ways that narratives of consumption/tuberculosis and other illnesses “awash in significance” (Susan Sontag, Illness as Metaphor) engage with other aspects of culture and identity. How do issues of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and disability figure in representations of illness? What role do literary and artistic representations play in changing definitions of pathology? What do images of illness reveal about concepts of modernity, technology, urban space, and consumerism? How do cultural narratives of illness relate to the construction of spaces for regulating health, or to experiences of travel and migration? What links exist between representations of illness and sociocultural roles of writers and reade...

CfP: Collective Wisdom: Workshop I: Early modern English and German collecting networks and practice

Early modern English and German collecting networks and practice: medicine and natural philosoph y (8-9 June 2018, Leopoldina, German National Academy of Sciences, Halle)   The shift from a purposefully and playfully disordered Kunstkammer to the well-ordered Enlightenment museum is known. What has yet to be explored fully is the process through which this transformation occurred. This two-day workshop will investigate the role of learned societies in that transformation between England and German-speaking lands, focusing on the relatively understudied period from the foundation of the Leopoldina as a medical association (1652) to the start of the Royal Society Presidency of Joseph Banks (1778). It will explore why it was that physicians seemed to have such a seminal role in collecting and connoisseurship in both regions. Did medics in the Leopoldina, the Society of Antiquaries in London and the Royal Society have similar collecting practices, strategies, and un...

Visiting Philosophy of Science Position, Notre Dame

Url:  https://philjobs.org/job/show/9894 The Philosophy Department and the Program in the History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) will make one visiting appointment, to begin Fall Semester 2018. Rank: Assistant Professor, with an initial appointment for one year, which may be renewable for a second year. AOS: Philosophy of Science. AOC: Open, but candidates with teaching interests in the Philosophy of Technology and the Philosophy of Medicine are particularly encouraged to apply. The teaching load will be 2-2, at all levels, with opportunities to teach in the following programs: Philosophy Department, graduate HPS program, and undergraduate Science, Technology, and Values program. HPS is an interdisciplinary PhD program, which trains its students rigorously in Philosophy, History, or Theology. There would be normal non-teaching duties, including mentorship of graduate students. The University of Notre Dame is an international Catholic research university, and an Equal Opportun...

Medical History - April 2018 Issue Out Now

The new issue of Medical History (Volume 62 / Issue 2, April 2018) is out now. The issue features the following articles: *Jonathan Barry - The ‘Compleat Physician’ and Experimentation in Medicines: Everard Maynwaring (c.1629–1713) and the Restoration Debate on Medical Practice in London (Open Access) *Elise Juzda Smith - ‘Cleanse or Die’: British Naval Hygiene in the Age of Steam, 1840–1900 (Open Access) *James E. Bennett and Chris Brickell - Surveilling the Mind and Body: Medicalising and De-medicalising Homosexuality in 1970s New Zealand *Louis Dwyer-Hemmings - ‘A Wicked Operation’? Tonsillectomy in Twentieth-Century Britain Further information is available via Medical History's website: https://www.cambridge.org/ core/journals/medical-history/ latest-issue