
Mostrando entradas de enero 15, 2012

Ciclo de Conferencias "Los jueves en el Museo": Ciencias Complementarias en Arqueología (San Fernando, Cádiz)

Ciclo de Conferencias "Los jueves en el Museo": Ciencias Complementarias en Arqueología (San Fernando, Cádiz) Invierno 2012. LUGAR: SEDE MUSEO HISTÓRICO MUNICIPAL DE SAN FERNANDO (Cádiz). -JUEVES 19 DE ENERO, a las 19 horas: D. Juan Jesús Cantillo Duarte (Investigador Área Prehistoria, Universidad de Cádiz). "Los  moluscos en la vida y la muerte de las sociedades de la Prehistoria Reciente de San Fernando: el ejemplo de Campo de Hockey". -JUEVES 16 DE FEBRERO, a las 19 horas: D. José Ángel Zamora López (Científico Titular, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales CSIC). "Occidente aprende a escribir: testimonios de escritura fenicia en la bahía de Cádiz". -JUEVES 15 DE MARZO, a las 19 horas: Dª. Milagros Macías López (Antropóloga). "Huellas de enfermedades y actividades laborales en los restos humanos procedentes de enterramientos fenicio púnicos y romanos de San Fernando".

National Museum of Health & Medicine Guide to the Collections available

Actually, it's been available for free online at http://www.archive.org/details/GuideToCollections2009 for a couple of years. However, if your library would like a print volume, I've created a version at http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/nmhm-guide-to-the-collections-2009/18831419 I'm afraid I'm still old-fashioned enough to believe in books, and since I've left the Museum, sadly I don't expect another version of this to appear. It's sold for the cost of printing by Lulu.com and I don't make any profit from it. And if you don't like mine, you can make one of your own! It's public domain. Here's the description: An overview of the holdings of the five main departments of the National Museum of Health and Medicine, located around Washington, DC. Includes a basic listing of the major collections in the archives, anatomical, historical, neuroanatomical and embryological departments. A record will look like this sample: OHA 25 Curatori...

II Encuentro de la Red de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología del Estado Español (eSCTS)

II Encuentro de la Red de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología del Estado Español (eSCTS) Fecha del encuentro: 23-25 de mayo de 2012. Lugar: Instituto Jovellanos, Gijón (Asturias). Convocatoria de Propuestas de Comunicación “Entre el desencanto y la esperanza” Para el segundo encuentro de la red proponemos una reflexión colectiva bajo el lema ‘Entre el desencanto y la esperanza’. Cuando Hesíodo relata el mito de Pandora describe como, al abrir la vasija que contenía todos los males, permitió que se dispersasen por el mundo. Solo quedó uno dentro: la esperanza. Una segunda versión del mito, afirma que en la vasija que Pandora portaba no contenía en realidad males, sino bienes y, al abrirla, todos ellos, a excepción de la esperanza, regresaron con los dioses. De este modo, en la mitología griega, la esperanza se presenta como un concepto ambivalente, puede ser descrita como un bien o como un mal, como una consoladora llamada a la acción o como una baza para el inmovilismo...


Call For Papers ~ FOOD AND HOSPITALS: AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE ~ Brussels, Belgium, 26-27 April 2013 Hosted by the University of Birmingham (Brussels campus) and the Free University of Brussels (VUB), Sponsored by the Society For Social History of Medicine While contemporary grumblings about hospital food have become the quintessential hospital complaint, it is undeniable that a clean, warm bed, rest and the provision of food and drink, rather than medicines and therapies have always greatly increased hospital patients’ chances of recovery. Indeed diet has from the time of Galen been a central part of medical therapy. However, even if central to the day-to-day routine of hospitals, workhouses and asylums, food and drink continue to be overlooked in historical accounts of hospitalisation. This conference aims to foreground the role of food and drink in health care institutions in the past. The Advisory Board of the INHH, as organisers of this conference, wish to invite proposals f...

Thomas Harriot Seminar 2012 and Harriot Seminar Website

http://www.bbk.ac.uk/english/our-research/research_seminars/thomas-harriot-seminar The Thomas Harriot Seminar (THS) exists to promote the study of the life and times of the Elizabethan mathematician and natural philosopher Thomas Harriot (1560-1621). The THS meets bienially in Durham (in December) and features papers both on the work of Harriot himself, and on various aspects of the history of sixteenth- and early-seventeenth century science and mathematics (including the history of navigation) and the discovery and colonisation of the New World. It publishes an occasional newsletter, and a series of Occasional Papers (details of how to purchase these are available on the website). The next Thomas Harriot Seminar will be held at St Chad's College, University of Durham on the 15-17 December 2012. Speakers will include: Matteo Valleriani, Adam Mosley, Alexander Marr, Jim Bennett, Philip M. Sanders, Makiko Okamura, Jackie Stedall, and Robert Goulding. The 2012 Thomas Harriot Lec...

Assistant Curator and Curator/Senior Curator of Technology

Dear all, We are currently advertising for an assistant curator of technology (maternity cover) and a curator/senior curator of technology: http://vacancies.nms.ac.uk/nms/vacancies/microsite.asp Although a key role of these posts will be to help deliver the next phase of our gallery master plan we are keen to see applications from candidates with a research interest in the history of technology. Best wishes, Klaus Dr Klaus Staubermann Principal Curator of Technology National Museums Scotland Chambers Street Edinburgh EH1 1JF Tel (0)131-247-4357 Fax (0)131-247-4312 e-mail k.staubermann@nms.ac.uk http://www.nms.ac.uk Fascinating Mummies - mummies as you've never seen them before. National Museum of Scotland, 11 Feb-27 May. www.nms.ac.uk/mummies National Museums Scotland, Scottish Charity, No. SC 011130 This communication is intended for the addressee(s) only. If you are not the addressee please inform the sender and delete the email from your system. The state...

Objects in Motion, Material Culture Review

Call For Papers: "Objects in Motion" Material Culture Review (MCR) invites contributions to its special issue "Objects in Motion," which takes up the 2011-2012 theme of Yale University's Material Culture Study Group. A forum for scholars to engage with artifacts, ideas and methodologies, Yale's Material Culture Study Group is currently exploring the ways that the movement, dispersion, renewal or adaptation of cultural objects shapes our relationships with material and social practices. Movement, in this sense, is not confined to a set of prescribed spatial parameters; some objects of focus traverse transnational boundaries (as is the case within today's globalized economy) while others are examined for their movement between or within local contexts. Some are designed or adapted for portability inside the domestic sphere. Extending this dialogue, we invite a broad range of papers that consider how objects accrue cultural meaning through their mobility....

2nd cfp: Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming

CALL FOR PAPERS Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming 5-6 July 2012 http://www.computing-conference.ugent.be/hapop12 as part of AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012 - Alan Turing 2012 2-6 July 2012 http://events.cs.bham.ac.uk/turing12/index.php ------------------------------------------------------------------ OCCASION As part of the AISB/IACAP World Congress programme, the Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science at Ghent University organizes a one day Symposium on the History and Philosophy of Programming. On the Occasion of the Turing Centennial, from 2-6 July 2012, the AISB (The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour) and the IACAP (The International Association for Computing and Philosophy) merge their annual symposia/conferences to the AISB/IACAP World Congress. The Congress serves both as the year's AISB Convention and the year's IACAP conference. The Congress has been inspired by a desire to honour Alan Turi...

Call for abstracts: Scientific Families

Science as Culture Call for papers for a special issue on Scientific Families: Migration, Networks, and Reproduction Guest editors: Staffan Bergwik, Helena Pettersson, Sven Widmalm The “scientific life” is – sociologically, historically, and philosophically – a more complex and challenging concept than the biographical idea of a “scientist’s life”. As historian Steven Shapin, more than anyone else, has shown, it is analytically useful to view knowledge production in the light of sociocultural categories like virtue, identity, or embodiment. The epistemological authority of science is closely connected with the moral and civic legitimacy of scientific forms of life, as they are practiced and perceived in various cultural and historic settings. Changes in scientific forms of life and in the scientist’s public persona indicate changes also on the epistemological level of science. This special issue will investigate the ramifications of one significant aspect of the scientific life,...

“Color, Commerce, and Consumption in Global Historical Perspective”

*“Color, Commerce, and Consumption in Global Historical Perspective”* June 21-23, 2012 Conference at the German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C. Convener: Regina Lee Blaszczyk   *Call for Papers* Historians of business, technology, and industry have examined the role of the nineteenth-century German chemical industry in revolutionizing the production of dyes, paints, and pigments. We know a good deal about chemists, R&D directors, and managers in the global chemical industry, but we know less about how their color inventions and innovations had an impact on markets, product design, and consumer culture during the great industrial era that stretched from the 1850s through the 1970s. This workshop seeks to attract scholars in various disciplines (including history, anthropology, art history, design history, sociology, and cultural studies) whose original research on broad historical topics (e.g., the history of marketing, the history of international business, the h...

CFP STS-Meeting Stockholm, May 2-4, 2012

Call for Papers STS Meeting in Stockholm KTH Royal Institute of Technology May 2-4, 2012 Convener: Division of History of Science and Technology, KTH Deadline: February 15, 2012 Dear STS scholars in Sweden and beyond, We would like to invite you to the Swedish STS-meeting 2012, which will take place at KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm from May 2 to May 4. In the tradition of STS meetings in earlier years, we seek to bring together the diverse and dispersed community of STS, to provide room for presenting current research, exchanging ideas, discussing projects, and networking. Confirmed keynote speakers: - Rebecca M. Herzig, historian of science and professor of Women and Gender Studies at Bates College, Maine, USA (opening lecture on Wednesday, May 2) - Alf Hornborg, cultural anthropologist and professor at the Human Ecology Division at Lund University (plenary talk before final panel discussion on Friday, May 4). We encourage submission of proposals for individual ...