
Mostrando entradas de julio 24, 2016

Call for Papers and Posters: Living in Emergency: humanitarianism and medicine

9th European Spring School on History of Science and Popularization Living in Emergency: humanitarianism and medicine Mahon (Menorca), 18-20 May 2017 Coordinated by Jon Arrizabalaga (IMF-CSIC, Barcelona), J. Carlos García-Reyes (ICIII, Madrid), Dolores Martín-Moruno (IEH2, Université de Genève) and Àlvar Martínez-Vidal (IHMCLópez Piñero, Universitat de València) CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS Present-day humanitarian crises, such as the Syrian Civil War and the subsequent refugee exodus, highlight the challenges of providing emergency medical relief to populations in distress, resulting from armed conflict or catastrophe, whether provoked by natural or artificial causes. Recent publications have also echoed the increasing concern with humanitarian medicine in the contemporary world, particularly, since the creation of Doctors Without Borders ( Médecins Sans Frontières ) following the Biafra War. The growing importance of humanitarian medicine is also reflec...

Biografies científiques valencianes

Totes les biografies són a :  http://opinions.laveupv.com/ cientifics-valencians-en-la- historia Biografies científiques valencianes  Conrado Granell Modesto  Al costat de les restes de la muralla carlista de Sueca i de la maquinària reconstruïda de l’antic Molí de la Baldovina —un exemple rellevant del patrimoni hidràulic valencià— es troba el carrer Conrado Granell. L’any 1965, el consistori suecà va dedicar a Granell aquesta via com a record del seu “acendrat patriotisme” i de “l’amor a la seua terra de Sueca”. Tot i que les autoritats franquistes de Sueca van aprovar aquesta retolació, la relació de Conrado Granell amb les elits polítiques i acadèmiques no va ser senzilla al llarg de la seua vida.  Continua llegint José Soler y Sánchez  A principi del segle XX, Gabriel Miró narrava les aventures de l’infatigable caminant Sigüenza per la muntanya alacantina, on, després de vint anys a Madrid, havia pogut tornar a...

Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine(s): History vs. Modernity

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  July 31, 2016 Location:  Poland Subject Fields:  Anthropology, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Psychology, Health and Health Care Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine(s):  History vs. Modernity International Conference 4-5 November 2016 – Warsaw, Poland organised by  Interdisciplinary Research Foundation Keynote speaker: Dr. Joana Almeida, University of London The consumption of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine (TCAM) – a wide range of practices, treatments and technologies that have not been traditionally associated with the public health care system or training of conventional medical practitioners – has attracted much attention as an emerging health care issue in recent years. Practices that include but are not limited to homeopathy, osteopathy, herbal therapy and acupuncture are widely used in many countries: survey findings indicat...

Putting History in its Place: Historic Landscapes and Environments

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  October 28, 2016 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  Archaeology, Architecture and Architectural History, Cultural History / Studies, Environmental History / Studies, Urban History / Studies Putting History in its Place: Historic Landscapes and Environments - University of Chester, 21st April, 2017 Following the spatial turn in history, place, space, and landscape deserve to be recognised as fundamental categories of historical social analysis. All human action is emplaced within historically specific and contingent landscapes and environments. These are not merely canvasses on which human action is played out, but constitute active social and cultural agents in producing change. The aim of this one-day symposium, sponsored by the Royal Historical Society, is to provide a forum for scholars to consider the relationship between historical change and historic landscapes and environments. Th...

CfP: Journal of Design History Special Issue - Locating Design Exchanges in Latin America and the Caribbean

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  January 9, 2017 Location:  United Kingdom Subject Fields:  Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Latin American and Caribbean History / Studies Journal of Design History Special Issue Locating Design Exchanges in Latin America and the Caribbean Guest editors: Patricia Lara-Betancourt (Modern Interiors Research Centre, Kingston University, London, UK) & Livia Rezende (History of Design Programme, Victoria & Albert Museum/Royal College of Art, London, UK) Call for Papers The Journal of Design History is calling for submissions to a special volume of research articles on Locating Design Exchanges in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to be published in 2018. Its aim is to unearth exchanges, connections and comparisons in design and material culture among Latin American and Caribbean nations and between the region and other global geographies since 1800. With 626 million inhabitants wh...

Environmental Justice, Political Resistance, and Social Movements: Defying Ecological Degradation in Latin America

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  August 20, 2016 Location:  California, United States Subject Fields:  Cultural History / Studies, Environmental History / Studies, Indigenous Studies, Latin American and Caribbean History / Studies UC DAVIS BRÚJULA JOURNAL CALL FOR PAPERS  VOLUME 11  Environmental Justice, Political Resistance, and Social Movements: Defying Ecological Degradation in Latin America  Throughout Latin America, disenfranchised communities continue to mobilize and engage in social movements against governmental institutions and international corporations responsible for the ecological degradation and exploitation of natural resources in cities, small towns and rural communities. Brújula invites scholars and activists to examine modes of resistance by communities whose livelihoods have been compromised due to the destruction and exploitation of resources vital to their survival. We welcome manuscripts that ...

Learned Societies and the Circulation of Knowledge, c.1750-2000

Call for Expressions of Interest: Learned societies and the circulation of knowledge, 1750-2000 From Aileen Fyfe and Jenny Beckman *Please cross-post and circulate* Are you interested in the history of the publications of a learned society or national academy – or do you know someone who is? We are planning to seek funding for a research network to compare the roles of different learned societies and national academies in the circulation of knowledge. From our own work on Britain and Sweden, we know that societies and academies have long been key players in the publication and circulation of research (especially in journals); and that these institutions typically organised their publishing operations in a manner quite different from that of the regular publishing trade. Societies and academies were motivated by a variety of non-financial goals, such as institutional reputation, national glory and the allegedly disinterested advancement of scholarship; and they used...

IHMC - Activitats Tardor 2016

Avanç de les activitats que desenvoluparem al Institut d’Història de la Medicina i de la Ciència López Piñero (IHMC) durant la tardor de 2016. Animem a totes les persones interessades a enviar propostes de col·laboració dins de les activitats d'investigació i divulgació de l'IHMC per al proper curs acadèmic 2016-2017. També hi ha la possibilitat de fer estades curtes i col·laboracions amb els grups de recerca. Institut d’Història de la Medicina i de la Ciència López Piñero L'Institut d’Història de la Medicina i de la Ciència López Piñero és un centre de la Universitat de València dedicat a la investigació i la divulgació entorn als estudis històrics i socials sobre la medicina, la tecnologia i la ciència. Compta amb programes propis de Màster i Doctorat en “Història de la ciència i la comunicació científica”. També desenvolupa activitats de divulgació científica (exposicions, cicles de cinema, etc.) i seminaris d’investigació. El centre està situat ...

The Future of Scholarly Knowledge: Principles, Pressures and Prospects - 35th Social Research conference

Type:  Conference Date:  October 13, 2016 to October 14, 2016 Location:  New York, United States Subject Fields:  Intellectual History, Literature, Research and Methodology, Social Sciences, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology In the mid-20th century when pure science needed no defense, the Ivory Tower metaphor celebrated the university as a site protected from political interference, commercial pressures and short-term problem solving.  The scholarly knowledge generated there, and at similar institutions and academies, depended heavily on public funding, private philanthropy, and university donors. Today, Webster tells us, the Ivory Tower is “an impractical often escapist attitude marked by aloof lack of concern with or interest in practical matters or urgent problems... where people make and discuss theories about problems...without having any experience with those problems.” This change can be seen in the dec...

Annals of Science Student Essay Prize

Submissions are being accepted for the Annals of Science best paper prize 2016. This prize is awarded annually to the author of an original, unpublished essay in the history of science or technology, which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The prize, which is supported by Taylor & Francis, is intended for those who are currently doctoral students, or have been awarded their doctorate within the past four years.   Essays should be submitted to the Editor in a form acceptable for publication in Annals of Science. View the Instructions for Authors ( http://www.tandfonline.com/ action/authorSubmission? journalCode=tasc20&page= instructions ). The winning essay will be published in the Journal, and the author will be awarded US$1000 and a free subscription to Annals of Science.   Papers should be submitted by 30th September 2016, with the winner being ...