
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 4, 2016

CfP: III Congreso internacional sobre vínculos históricos entre España y Norteamérica

Raíces y herencia hispana ayer y hoy Alcalá de Henares, 26-28 de abril de 2017 La presencia de la cultura hispana en Norteamérica es parte intrínseca de la realidad identitaria del pueblo norteamericano desde sus raíces. América es hispana, es europea, es africana, es asiática y por ello es América. Estas raíces nos llevan en un viaje de ida y vuelta desde la España medieval que atraviesa el océano llevando conquistadores, cruces, lengua y cultura hacia el nuevo Mundo y regresa a partir del siglo XIX en ciencia, tecnología, cultura, democracia, inglés; gracias a esa influencia recíproca nacida de un mismo árbol. La América hispánica nos hace ser conscientes de un pasado común, de pertenecer a un mismo conjunto unido por dos idiomas y, un destino histórico también compartido. El Instituto Franklin de la Universidad de Alcalá , la División de Estudios Interdisciplinares de City College of New York y el Instituto Cervantes de Nueva York, se unen por tercer año consec...

CfP: BSPS Annual Conference (Edinburgh 13–14 July 2017)

Plenary Speakers Martin Kusch (Vienna) Anya Plutynski (Washington St. Louis) Michela Massimi (Edinburgh) Christian Wüthrich (Geneva) Local organiser: Mark Sprevak The BSPS Annual conference immediately precedes the  91st Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association . Call for Abstracts Submissions are invited from anyone with a scholarly interest in the philosophy of science. Submissions from graduate studen...

CfP: Science, Technology, and the Politics of Knowledge in Global Affairs

Science, Technology, and the Politics of Knowledge in Global Affairs March 30-31, 2017 Deadline: December 15, 2016 Keynote speaker:  Sheila Jasanoff , Harvard Kennedy School Scientists, state actors, international institutions, and lay activists vie for credibility and legitimacy to both frame and control global issues. Science and technology experts are routinely cast into a supporting role to bolster their claims. From nuclear weapons in war, to nuclear energy in the battle against climate change; from new information technologies in surveillance regimes, to the use of randomized controlled trials in international development research – scientific and technological expertise operate as instruments of power and authority, which can serve to legitimate or contest new policies and regimes of global governance. The Buffett Institute’s second annual graduate student conference will investigate expert knowledge in global affairs, looking at the ways...

CfP: WORLDS OF NATURE AND MEDICINE: New Historical Perspectives

LAGLOBAL Conference/Workshop August 2-3, 2017. Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Since the sixteenth century New World and in particular Iberian and Latin America knowledge has been critical to the modern making of ‘nature’ and ‘medicine’.  Nevertheless, this long history of the making of new knowledge is not fully recognized in canonical narratives of the histories of science and medicine, which still emphasize European and North-American ‘discoveries’ and pay little attention to the transoceanic circulation of knowledge and people.  At this two-day workshop, leading historians from around the world will present new research on the emergence and development of concepts and practices related to natural history and materia medica in the New World from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, illuminating the connections between global and local processes in natural science and medicine. Papers can be presented in Portuguese, En...

Research Fellow in History

Department of Social and Environmental Health Research Salary:   £37,889 to £43,028 per annum inclusive Closing Date:   Sunday 08 January 2017 Interview Date:   To be confirmed  Reference:   PHP-SEHR-13 URL:  https://jobs.lshtm.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=PHP-SEHR-13 We are seeking to appoint a Research Fellow to work on the research project ‘‘Progressives to laggards’? Health system reform in Britain and New Zealand, 1948-1993’. This project is part of Dr Martin Gorsky’s Wellcome Trust Medical Humanities Investigator Award ‘Health Systems in History: ideas, comparisons, policies’ and will be conducted in collaboration with Professor Linda Bryder (University of Auckland) and Professor John Stewart (Glasgow Caledonian University).   The post-holder will be expected to carry out research on the comparative history of health policy in Britain and New Zealand since 1948, present...

CfP: Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference

Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference 29 th – 30 th June 2017 Call for Papers The by now well established University of Exeter Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference is returning in 2017 for the fourth consecutive year to showcase the diversity of contemporary medical humanities research. Our conference this year will provide a platform for an international community of postgraduate researchers to share insights and network with academics working within and across disciplinary boundaries. While we encourage innovative submissions that relate to any aspect of medical humanities, the following subject areas are of particular interest:  ·          History of medicine ·          Disability studies ·          Gender and sexuality ·          Transformations of the body ·   ...

CfP: Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference 2017

Call for Proposals / Call for Abstracts < http://www.utdallas.edu/c4v/ 2017-cfp/ > The 7th Annual Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology Conference at The Center for Values in Medicine, Science, and Technology The University of Texas at Dallas Richardson, Texas, USA May 18-21, 2017 Including sessions presented jointly with the Comics and Popular Arts Conference < http:// comicspopularartsconference. org/ > ## Keynote Speakers * Alice Dreger, PhD, historian and author of Galileo’s Middle Finger * Ari Larissa Heinrich, PhD, UC San Diego - Department of Literature ## Conference Description This interdisciplinary conference seeks to explore the interplay between human, ethical, cultural, and political values, on the one hand, and science, technology, engineering, and medical research and practice, on the other hand. We invite presentations that seek not only to understand how values and science can and do influenc...

Exposición "La medicina de les dones. Ginecologia Històrica a Catalunya"

Entrem en el darrer mes per tal de visitar l’exposició, que quedarà tancada el 5 de gener de 2017. Recordeu que la visita es gratuïta, a la seu del Col·legi de Metges de Barcelona, en horari laboral, de dilluns a dissabte. No us perdeu la possibilitat de veure en directe una cadira de parts: una reflexió que va més enllà de la transformació espacial de les persones que hi participen. Una darrera oportunitat per a veure escultures en guix policromat i en cera sorgides dels tallers escultòrics de la Facultat de Medicina de la Universitat de Barcelona al segle XIX. Un espectacular quadre de J. Sala permet assistir a una intervenció quirúrgica en una de les primeres sales d’operacions de la Barcelona de finals del segle XIX. També l’extraordinària riquesa material de la ginecologia i de l’obstetrícia com a especialitats mèdiques en el seu procés de formació a la Catalunya contemporània. No descuidem tampoc els espais professionals a la geografia de la ciutat de Barcelona. ...

PG Engagement Fellowship: Linnean Society

On behalf of the   British Society for the History of Science (BSHS) , The Linnean Society of London is hosting an Engagement Fellowship, worth £1,000, for current Master’s or doctoral students whose research is in the history of science, technology or medicine for a total duration of one month in 2017. It is anticipated that this BSHS-funded Fellowship project will be split into two, two-week placements; the first at Burlington House, Piccadilly to undertake research using the Linnean Society’s collections and archives, and the second at the Linnean Society’s Wimbledon site to then produce a science festival exhibition from the research. About the Project In this project (Classification through the Ages), the Engagement Fellow would spend two weeks utilising a selection of the Linnean Society’s historical archives and collections to research how methods and techniques in classification and taxonomy have changed over the last few hundred years. The Fell...

CfP: Food Anxieties in Twentieth Century Britain and Ireland

Call for papers: Food anxieties in Twentieth Century Britain and Ireland Friday 7 th  April 2017 Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland, Ulster University. BA-03-019-3 (Board Room, Belfast campus) The twentieth century witnessed mounting anxiety about what we eat.  In the western world obesity rates rose, the popularity of ‘junk food’ raised concerns about dietary health, and constant food scares caused deep unease. Partly in response to such problems, the post-war period saw rising interest in organic food, vegetarian diets and health foods. The changing epidemiological structure of western societies meant that people were more likely to live longer but suffer from chronic illness such as diabetes and heart disease linked by medical scientists to poor dietary choices. This workshop will explore anxieties that surrounded food in twentieth-century Britain and Ireland. It asks: In what ways were diet, health and illness linked? To what extent ...

CfP: Science in Public 2017

Our 11th Annual Conference will be on the theme of 'Science, Technology and Humanity' and will be held at the University of Sheffield, 10th - 12th July 2017.  We are issuing a Call for Open Panels with a closing date of 31st January 2017 . For further details please see: https://scienceinpublic.org/sc ience-in-public-2017/ or email warren.pearce@sheffield.ac.uk In addition to our annual conference, Brunel University will be hosting a SiP research-practice workshop on the theme of informal science learning, titled 'STEM and Beyond? Informal Science Learning Across Disciplines', on 19th May 2017. We invite contributions from researchers or practitioners by 6th February 2017 For further details please see: https://scienceinpublic.org/st em-beyond/ or email Neil.Stephens@Brunel.ac.uk

CfP: Power and Persuasion: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Constructing and Contesting Legitimacy

12th Annual University of Maryland History Graduate Student Association Conference Deadline for Abstract Submission: December 21, 2016 Legitimacy is a concept that has long been the purview of political science and political history, but is by no means limited to those fields. In fact, the formation, enforcement, and disruption of l egitimacy bears directly on many facets of human life, from the most intimate relationships to global issues of war and peace. The importance of legitimacy, in discourse and practice, makes it a compelling focus for deeper exploration and understanding. What then is legitimacy? According to Max Weber, “Action, especially social action which involves social relationships, may be oriented by the a ctors to a belief ... in the existence of a ‘legitimate order.’” But how do social actors in history create and contest such “legitimate orders”? Who gets to decide who, and what, is “legitimate” and what is “illegitimate”? Legitimacy is re...

Call for Participation: Lost in Translation? People, technologies, practices and concepts across boundaries

Lost in translation? People, technologies, practices and concepts across boundaries First Joint Meeting, Red esCTS and Portuguese STS Network, Lisbon 7-9 June 2017 Call For Participation  We are pleased to announce the first joint meeting of the Red EsCTS and the Portuguese STS network.  The meeting will take place in Lisbon, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (Av. Prof. Aníbal de Bettencourt, 9, 1600-189 Lisboa;  www.ics.ulisboa.pt ) from the 7th to 9th of June with the following title: Lost in Translation? People, Technologies for Practices and Concepts Across Boundaries. We welcome proposals for papers, communications, audiovisual presentations and alternative formats. Portugal and Spain share many things but they are also divided by several boundaries – political, linguistic, historical, technological. Part of a same peninsula, they are nonetheless entities on their own right: two countries, two political systems, several...

CfP: Living in a Toxic World (1800-2000)

11th International Conference on the History of Chemistry.  Trondheim, Norway, 29 August-2 nd September 2017   Living in a Toxic World (1800-2000) Session organized by Ximo Guillem ( Ximo.Guillem@uv.es ) and José Ramón Bertomeu-Sánchez ( bertomeu@uv.es )   Institute for the History of Medicine and Science, University of Valencia : < www.uv.es/ihmc >   Historical studies on toxic products have flourished during the last decade. The studies have been inspired in part by the growing social concern over the thousands of new products deposited every year into the atmosphere, rivers, sea, ground, our food, and our bodies. During the last two centuries, this range of substances has included mineral products (compounds of mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic), substances synthesized or isolated in laboratories (pharmaceuticals, plastics, and pesticides) and many other organic products (such as polyvinyl chloride, bisphenol-A, just to name ...

Call for Applications: BSHS PG Fellowship @ Bristol Museum

BSHS Engagement Fellow (A funded placement opportunity supported by the British Society for the History of Science) Bristol Museums Development Trust supporting Bristol Museums & Archives Jamaican Natural Science Collections: Illustrated Manuscripts & Herbarium (1750s - 1790s) We are pleased to announce the opportunity for a current postgraduate student working in the history of science, technology and medicine or a closely-related field to work with the curator of natural science at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, researching the Jamaican Natural Science collections. The Fellowship is worth £1,000, which will support up to one month’s work (20 working days) on a part-time basis (one or two days a week, preferably Tuesday or/and Thursdays) from January 2017, with further funding of up to £500 towards project outputs. All work is expected to be complete by the end of June 2017. The collections to be studied comprise 3 volumes of bound herbarium (1786...