
Mostrando entradas de abril 28, 2024

Premio internacional Jorge Juan. Ciencias, artes y humanidades en el siglo XVIII

Bases La FUNDACIÓN JORGE JUAN establece el I Premio Internacional 'Jorge Juan', dotado con 3.500 euros, sobre el tema LAS CIENCIAS, ARTES Y HUMANIDADES EN EL SIGLO XVIII. Podrá participar en el concurso cualquier persona física que presente un trabajo de investigación original e inédito, relacionado con el tema propuesto. Los trabajos que opten al premio lo harán bajo un lema que figurará claramente en su portada, no pudiendo ser firmados ni identificados directamente de forma alguna. Junto al trabajo se entregará un sobre cerrado y lacrado en cuyo exterior aparecerá escrito el lema y cuyo interior contendrá la identificación completa, detallada e inequívoca del autor/a o autores del trabajo. El trabajo, del que se presentarán 3 copias, deberá estar redactado en castellano y constará de una introducción que contendrá un resumen del contenido y una memoria. El texto se presentará en papel din A4, en tipo de letra Times New Roman, cuerpo de letra de 12 ptos, interlineado 1,5 y co...

XXIV Simposio de la SEHM: «Fuentes y métodos: problemas y soluciones»

Ya está disponible la página web con toda la información sobre el próximo simposio de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina que se celebrará en Valladolid los días 28 y 29 de noviembre de 2024: https://n9.cl/sehm2024 Como ya se adelantó en un correo anterior, el tema a tratar será: «Fuentes y métodos: problemas y soluciones». Además de contar con tres mesas monográficas, el comité organizador anima a la presentación de comunicaciones orales y pósteres sobre la temática del congreso. Las propuestas deberán ser remitidas a la dirección simposioSEHM2024@gmail.com siguiendo el modelo que se adjunta en la sección «Comunicaciones» de la web, antes del día 15 de septiembre de 2024. Además, se convocan dos becas de inscripción para estudiantes de grado y posgrado. La fecha límite para la solicitud de estas ayudas será también el 15 de septiembre.

CfP: Ignorances in the sciences

We are pleased to send you the call for papers for the special issue "Ignorances in the sciences" of the journal Lato Sensu. The submission deadline is January 31, 2025. Papers can be written in French or in English. In this special issue, we propose to take an epistemological stance at the ways in which ignorance is present in the sciences. It seems to play many roles. It is a social and political construct of the scientific enterprise, a heuristic and driving force in scientific discovery, while possessing an epistemological and conceptual status that distinguishes it from a simple lack of knowledge. This observation of pluralism leads us to question the ignorances in the sciences. We are looking for proposals that explore both a general epistemological framework for ignorance and its epistemological (and even ethical) implications in special sciences. Contributions in the following topics are particularly welcome: Definitions and conceptualisations of scientific ignorance ...

Congreso Internacional Galaico-Lusitano de Historia de la Medicina

Es un placer anunciar la organización del primer Congreso Internacional Galaico-Lusitano de Historia de la Medicina. Enfermar y Curar: de la Prehistoria al siglo XXI que se celebrará en Santiago de Compostela los días 2, 3 y 4 de octubre. El plazo de recepción de propuestas de comunicación y póster está abierto, e invitamos a académicos, investigadores, profesionales de la salud, estudiantes y otros interesados a presentar trabajos y contribuir al intercambio de conocimientos, especialmente en el marco geográfico galaico-lusitano. Se aceptan propuestas hasta el 28 de julio que traten sobre Historia de la Medicina, Paleopatología, Avances científicos y técnicas en perspectiva histórica, relaciones galaico-lusitanas en la historia de la medicina y otros temas relacionados.   Para más información vean el documento adjunto o escriban a la dirección de correo electrónico:       congresohistomed@grupos.nube.usc.gal ************** É um prazer anunciar a organização do primeiro Congresso...

Call for Chapters: Emerging Trends and Technologies in Water Management and Conservation

Introduction Water is a precious and vital resource for our survival and well-being. However, the increasing population has led to a growing human demand, resulting in excessive water use for domestic, agricultural, commercial, andindustrial purposes. This overuse, combined with the effects of climate change and pollution, jeopardizes the sustainability of our environment. Faced with these challenges, it is imperative to adopt innovative approaches for the treatment, management, and preservation of water resources that go beyond conventional methods. This will ensure equitable access to high-quality water and safeguard a sustainable future for future generations. Objective This book aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the latest developments in in emerging trends and technologies applied to the management, treatment, and conservation of water resources. It will provide insights into the most significant trends in this field, with a specific emphasis on digital water manageme...

CfP: Railways and Environmental Sustainability. A long-term view on a global scale

The call for papers for the International Railway History Association (IRHA) 9th Conference to be held in Siena (Italy) 7-10 November 2024 is open. The conference is devoted to Railways and Environmental Sustainability. A long-term view on a global scale from the origins of railways to the present. The Cfp is in the attached file. The deadline is 31st May 2024. Contact Information Prof. Andrea Giuntini, Chair of the Scientific Committee URL:  https://aihc-irha-aihf.com/

CfP: Scientiae fall conference, 25-26 October 2024, Brown University

Scientiae is an international research group at the nexus of Renaissance/early-modern studies and history/philosophy of science. We are very pleased to announce our first fall conference. This event will take place at, and with support of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (US), on Friday 25 and Saturday 26 October 2024. For this conference we have chosen the theme “The Global History of Knowledge” with a specific, but not exclusive, focus on the Americas and the Atlantic in the period 1450–1750. Keynote address by Pablo F. Gómez (University of Wisconsin-Madison). CFP:  Historians of science, philosophers, literary scholars, art historians, and many other seemingly distant experts are encouraged to reflect together on the complexities of the early modern period. We envision three ways to join: • Individual, 20-minute papers: Please submit a descriptive title, 200-word abstract, and one-page CV. • Complete panels: Same as above for each paper, plus 200-word ratio...

CfP: Artefacts XXIX: New Digital Practice for Science and Technology Collections | Science Museum Research Centre, London

The Artefacts Consortium is an international network of museum professionals and scholars of the history of science, technology, and medicine who promote the use of objects in research. Annual Artefacts meetings, each organised under a pertinent theme, provide a collegial venue to gather to discuss exciting work being done with collections in museums and universities across the globe. Call for Papers How are digital techniques changing museum practice: for objects, for museum workers, for audiences? With digital approaches: Is it becoming easier for the objects and documents within collections to be found, researched and displayed? Is the texture of day-to-day museum practice changing? Are visitors and researchers enabled to have new kinds of experience in museums or online, or use collections in new ways? This year’s Artefacts conference will be held October 13th-16th at the Science Museum Research Centre, London, back-to-back with the final conference of the Museum’s Congruence Engi...

3-year Funded PhD Position in Philosophy of Mathematics at Aix-Marseille University (France)

3-year Funded PhD position in Philosophy of Mathematics at Aix-Marseille University (France) Applications are invited for a funded 3-year PhD position in Philosophy of Mathematics at Aix-Marseille University (France) under the supervision of Paola Cantù (CNRS Research director) as part of the ANR AXDEF PROJECT ( https://axdef.hypotheses.org/recrutement ) Applications have to be submitted online at the address https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/Doctorant/UMR7304-PAOCAN-001/Default.aspx no later than June 2, 2024. Proposals for joint supervisions will also be considered.   The PhD Thesis can be written in English or French. Interested students are invited to contact Paola Cantù for further information.

Call for Book Chapters: Social Justice Perspectives in the United States

The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) is one of the largest colleges at Alabama State University (ASU). The College, and by extension, the University, offers an expansive array of academic programs that foster critical thinking, first-rate scholarship, and encourage research and artistic creativity. As part of its research and publication agenda, CLASS is inviting ASU faculty members – and faculty members within and outside of Alabama -- to participate in an edited volume that critically interrogates social justice issues. This book will provide scholarly analysis, critique, and discussion of a wide range of contemporary social justice issues in the United States. Although it lacks a precise definition, John T. Jost and Aaron C. Kay (2010) defined social justice as a “state of affairs in which (a) benefits and burdens in society are dispersed in accordance with some allocation principle (or set of principles); (b) procedures, norms, and rules that govern political and...