
Mostrando entradas de octubre 9, 2011

EAHMH 2011 Book Prize awarded to Ilana Löwy, Preventive Strikes

Announcement The EAHMH 2011 Book Award goes to Ilana Löwy, Preventive Strikes: Women, Precancer, and Prophylactic Surgery (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010). The prize was awarded at the Biennial Conference of the EAHMH in Utrecht on the 4th of September 2011, by EAHMH President, Frank Huisman, who made the following remarks on behalf of the jury: The Scientific Board of the The European Association for History of Medicine and Health   decided in 2010 to establish a Book Award for the best medical history monograph published in the four years preceding the EAHMH biennial conference. The award of EUR 3000 is made possible through the generous support of the Dutch Stichting Historia Medicinae and the German Robert Bosch Stiftung. For the 2011 award, books published during 2007 to 2010 inclusive were eligible. Books could be nominated by anyone, including publishers, members of the Association and authors themselves. Nominated books could be on any medical history topic con...

Learning from Lister: Antisepsis, Safer Surgery, and Global Health

Learning from Lister: Antisepsis, Safer Surgery, and Global Health 22 – 24 March 2012 King’s College London, The Royal Society, The Royal College of Surgeons of England ‘Joseph Lister almost single-handedly revolutionised modern surgery through his development of antisepsis, or so traditional accounts have stated.’ Lindsay Granshaw, 1992. Joseph Lister (1827 – 1912), Professor of Clinical Surgery at King’s College London from 1877 to 1893 and President of the Royal Society from 1895 to 1900, is regarded as a key figure in the foundation of modern surgical methods and infection control. To mark the centenary of Lister’s death, King’s College London will convene a three-day multidisciplinary conference to reassess his achievements and legacy. The four strands, of the conference will cover History, Surgical Practice, Infectious Disease and Health Policy. The conference will provide an opportunity for historians, surgeons, nurses, infectious disease experts, health service research...


WORKSHOP “EXPERTS IN THE PERIPHERY” (19th-20th centuries) Call for poster session 1-2 December 2011 Institute for the History of Medicine and Science “López Piñero” < http://www.ihmc.uv-csic.es/ >, Valencia (Spain). The main aim is to present the research on “Experts in the periphery”. A session was held in the 7th STEP meeting (Galway, 17-19 th June 2010) including papers dealing with topics such as how expert knowledge is appropriated in the periphery, expert credentials, making standards, perceptions of risk, boundaries between experts and lay people, sources of trustworthiness, legitimacy and authority of scientific experts, civic epistemologies and images of experts in popular culture, science and law in different legal contexts, etc. The papers analyzed a broad range of cases including engineering (in Spain and Britain), radioactivity (in Austria and France), microbiology and food analysis (in Belgium and Spain), soil science (in Russia) and toxicology (in England and ...

CFP: Between Autonomy and Engagement - Performances of Scientific Expertise. Leuven, 21-23 May 2012

Between Autonomy and Engagement Performances of Scientific Expertise   1860-1960 Interdisciplinary Conference Leuven (Belgium), 21-23 May 2012 Abstract deadline: 30 January 2011 The word limit for abstracts is 250 words. We welcome contributions from all relevant fields, from the history of science and technology to the history of ideas, sociology and philosophy of science. Please send your abstract to: expertiseconf@arts.kuleuven.be Key notes (confirmed): Harry Collins (Cardiff University), Graeme Gooday (Leeds University), Frank Huisman (Descartes Centre, University of Utrecht), Raf de Bont (University of Maastricht), Martin Kohlrausch (Dortmund/K.U.Leuven) In Science Studies, problems of scientific expertise have drawn tremendous attention in recent years. The emergence of expert authority within ever more fields of human activity has often been associated with the emergence of a new type of expert knowledge that evolved in the late nineteenth century. This knowledge, it...