
Mostrando entradas de mayo 24, 2020

XVI Trobada SCHCT, nuevo plazo envío propuestas 22 juny 2020

La XVI Trobada d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica , organizada por la Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica , con el apoyo de la Universidad Miguel Hernández, la Universitat d'Alacant y del Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero, tendrá lugar en las fechas previstas (12-14 Noviembre 2020), si bien en un formato virtual, no presencial. Considerando que aún están organizándose diferentes propuestas de sesiones o mesas informamos que el plazo para el envío de propuestas está ampliado hasta el  22 de junio de 2020 . En los próximos días daremos más información sobre la organización de la Trobada. Url:  https://16-thct.iec.cat/

Call for Book Chapters: The Spaces of Renaissance Anatomy Theatre

Vernon Press invites chapters for an edited volume on the spaces within Renaissance anatomy theatre. The collection asks, how did actions and conversations taking place within a Renaissance/Early Modern anatomy theatre make their way into European society? How did public dissection and anatomical research influence the arts, government, or society? This collection examines the spaces of intersections within the anatomy theatre, the aspects of gender present in anatomical discourse and images, and a shared interest in the physical body and its parts.   Together, each chapter will highlight how anatomy intersects with other genres of study, like botany, artwork, drama, prose, etc. This is a multidisciplinary collection that invites contributions from all fields. Potential topics might include but are not limited to the anatomy theatre’s relationship to:

Conferencia virtual: Matters of containment

3era conferencia internacional del   Quarantine Studies Network ,  “MATTERS of CONTAINMENT”.  Material approaches to the handling of threats in the modern world. La conferencia pretende reunir a investigadores de varias disciplinas para explorar los aspectos materiales de las estrategias desarrolladas contra las amenazas sanitarias, ambientales, sociales, militares, políticas o ideológicas entre 1750 y la actualidad. Los temas abordados van de la puesta en cuarentena (que hoy en día nos habla más que nunca), a la gestión de los desechos químicos pasando por las medidas tomadas para limitar el “contagio” de movimientos sociales, crisis humanitarias o ideas políticas. La conferencia fue programada hace un año, y debía celebrarse los 28 y 29 de mayo en Lisboa. (ver el  programa provisional ). Desgraciadamente, por causa de la situación sanitaria, se hará en modo virtual. Durante las próximas dos semanas, iremos subiendo progresivamente videos de presentac...

Call for Book Chapters: “Modern Theory and Metatheory of Defense Technology and Science”

Vernon Press invites book chapter proposals on the thematic of Modern European and Atlantic Theory and Metatheory of Defense Technology and Science. The Pursuit of Power as an interaction between society, technology and armed forces, as the historian McNeill defined it, is the starting point of this problematic. This edited book, however, should try to supervene and unify the dispersed historical perspectives, by questioning its background methodological presuppositions and discussing the following theoretical directions: International and Strategic Studies, Modern Weapons Technology, Psychological Operations and Crisis Management, Mass Communication and Propaganda, Policy and Law Enforcement, Fortifications and Automation Technology, Air Force and UAV, Situational Awareness, Radar and Lidar, Innovation, Invention and Discovery, Centers, Peripheries and Technical Progress, Space Science, Technical Expertise and Training, Nutrition, Medicine, Transports and Engineering. Relevant to ...

Col·loquis de la SCHCT online. 4 juny a les 18h. Andreas Daum “Science and Identity. Alexander von Humboldt’s Search for Knowledge in a Time of Revolutions”

Dia : Dijous 04 de juny del 2020, 18h.  ONLINE Abstract : This talk will focus on the Mensch Humboldt and the ways in which his search for knowledge merged with his struggle to find his identity in a time of massive social and political transformations, following the French Revolution of 1789.  In the 1790s, Humboldt’s science was a project as precarious as the epoch it emerged from.  It inscribed the personal into the scientific—and vice versa.  In both, Humboldt encountered considerable challenges and performed more than one balancing act. As such, this talk wants to open new avenues for historicizing Humboldt, instead of reinforcing the heroic narratives–renewed in recent years–that position the naturalist from Prussia far head of his time and embrace him as one of us in the global, post-modern 21st century.  Humboldt deserves to be situated within the various context of his time to understand the distinctiveness of his achievements– and to be discussed...

CfP: XL National Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy

Url:  https://indico.ict.inaf.it/event/1085/ The 40th yearly Congress of the  Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy  (SISFA) will be held  online  on September 7-11, 2020. In this difficult period the executive board SISFA has decided not to discontinue the yearly meeting of the society and explore the new possibilities given by the online format for scholarly communication.  The Congress The Meeting is one of a well-established series that SISFA has been organizing on a yearly basis since its foundation. It aims at promoting the research activities in the history of physics and astronomy in Italy, carried out not only by academic historians but also by independent scholars and school teachers willing to explore the role of the history of physics and astronomy in present-day teaching of the disciplines. At the same time, the Meeting provides an opportunity to strengthen the collaborations and establish new links among the member...

Col·loquis SCHCT 20/21, nou termini 30 juny

Des de la  Comissió de Col·loquis de la SCHCT  hem decidit  ampliar el termini d´enviament de noves propostes fins al 30 de juny de 2020 . Podeu trobar adjunt  el formulari  que cal emplenar i enviar a Ignacio Suay. També recordeu que els col·loquis que es proposen entre setembre i Nadal de 2020 només podran organitzar-se en format virtual. Els col·loquis de la SCHCT són una manera de seguir-nos trobant i discutint sobre les nostres recerques malgrat el confinament. Però, el format online també permet noves possibilitats com ara convidar scholars de l'altra punta de món i trobar nous públics que poden suposar una novetat i reptes per explorar en els nostres col·loquis. Per la nostra banda, l'únic requisit que vos demanem és que les activitats queden enregistrades perquè altres públics puguen gaudir-les posteriorment, però teniu tota la llibertat per a triar i emprar el programa de videoconferències que vos semble més adient (Google Meet, Zoom, Black...

CfA: Science & Humanism, U. Miami, Nov. 6-7

PLEASE NOTE: A final decision on how best to hold this workshop – in person, online, or (likely) some combination of the two – will be made at a later date, when some of the current uncertainty has been resolved. Submissions from those interested in participating virtually are strongly encouraged. Call for abstracts: deadline 15 June 2020 A commonly cited tenet of humanism, central to many descriptions of humanistic thought, is the idea that in order to understand the world and ourselves, and to act in pursuit of the common good, we must give special prominence to science and reason. The sciences are crucial if we are to probe the nature of reality and, thereby, to have the best possible technologies for feeding and sheltering people, for developing medical treatments and preventative measures, and for acting to address the harms being done to the planet. The sciences are thus an indispensable basis from which to shape our collective future. Beyond these abstract sentiments, ...

Three Year Postdoc Position in Philosophy of Physics at the University of Wuppertal

The research unit, The Epistemology of the LHC“, established by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), invites applications for  a Postdoctoral  position  in the field of philosophy of physics. Established in 2016, the Research Unit has forged a unique cooperation between physicists, philosophers, historians, and social scientists. Its aim is to collectively investigate the epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. With its six individual projects cooperating closely and its teams located at universities across Germany and Austria, the Research Unit covers a broad variety of issues concerning the forefront of research on experimental and theoretical physics at one of the largest scientific facilities worldwide. It addresses key questions in philosophy, history, and the social sciences  from an interdisciplinary perspective . After a successful first phase, the Research Unit has been extended f or a second ...

Research Associateships in Medical Humanities, University of Strathclyde

Term :  Fixed (12 months) Closes: 21st June 2020 The Medical Humanities China-UK (MHCUK) Partnership is a pioneering collaboration between three Chinese institutions (Shanghai University, Fudan University, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences) and two UK institutions (The Centre for the Social History of Health and Healthcare (CSHHH) Glasgow at the University of Strathclyde, and the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM) at the University of Manchester). Its chief purpose is to connect, and foster co-working between, UK and Chinese researchers in the Medical Humanities.  It is supported by investment from each institution and a major funding award from the Wellcome Trust. The MHCUK Early Career Medical Humanities Fellowship is designed for candidates who will be in the first two years of a postdoctoral career in the academic year 2020/21. The success...

CfP: "All Things Reichenbach"

Guest Editors: Erik Curiel,  Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich.  Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University.  http://strangebeautiful.com Flavia Padovani:  English and Philosophy Department, Drexel University, Philadelphia.  http://flaviapadovani.org/ Topical Collection Description: Hans Reichenbach is among the most important philosophers of science of  the Twentieth Century and without doubt one of the most prominent  philosophers of physics of the first half of the past century.  His work  has ramified in fundamental ways into virtually every major debate in  the philosophy of science and physics.  While Reichenbach's  philosophical project is no longer seen as viable as a whole, his work  continues to be influential often in unnoticed but deep ways.  Although  many of his ideas still retain their interest and are discussed in  current philosophy of science, he remains, in fact, one of...

Online talk and Zoom discussion - Technology in the Industrial Revolution, Barbara Hahn - Zoom 25th June 18:00 BST

The Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at King's College London and the Department of Economic History at the London School of Economics are pleased to announce an alternative. Dr. Barbara Hahn (Texas Tech University) has prepared a 20 minute talk on the subject of her new book 'Technology in the Industrial Revolution':  https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=p7dCR1dk0_A&feature=youtu.be An abstract for the talk is copied below, and more about the book can be found here:  https://www.cambridge.org/core /books/technology-in-the-indus trial-revolution/949B7F585E300 55E0CF08828C2F50C0B *On the 25th of June at 18:00 BST we will meet with Dr Hahn to discuss her new work. At the opening of the Zoom discussion, Professor Jane Humphries and Professor David Edgerton will each offer a few minutes response, before opening the floor to questions. If you would like to participate, please email Dr Dominic Berry, so that he can provide you with the Zoom meeting numb...

CfP: EJPS topical collection: Dimensions of Applied Mathematics

DEADLINE: 30 JUNE The European Journal for Philosophy of Science invites submissions for the topical collection "Dimensions of Applied Mathematics". Philosophical interest in the application of mathematics has usually been connected to indispensability arguments or Wigner’s famous puzzle of ‘unreasonable effectiveness’. In both cases the success of mathematical applications has been taken as a  starting point for philosophical reflection and, as a result, little attention has been paid to the practice of applying mathematics in the course of scientific enquiry. This special issue is devoted to exploring the latter, relatively neglected topic. The study of applied mathematics as a complex of activities integral to scientific enquiry naturally revolves around three distinctive themes. First, applications of mathematics respond to specific problems within specific research contexts and are thus historically situated. Second, the application of mathematics is controlled by ...