Call for Book Chapters: “Modern Theory and Metatheory of Defense Technology and Science”
Vernon Press invites book chapter proposals on the thematic of Modern European and Atlantic Theory and Metatheory of Defense Technology and Science. The Pursuit of Power as an interaction between society, technology and armed forces, as the historian McNeill defined it, is the starting point of this problematic. This edited book, however, should try to supervene and unify the dispersed historical perspectives, by questioning its background methodological presuppositions and discussing the following theoretical directions: International and Strategic Studies, Modern Weapons Technology, Psychological Operations and Crisis Management, Mass Communication and Propaganda, Policy and Law Enforcement, Fortifications and Automation Technology, Air Force and UAV, Situational Awareness, Radar and Lidar, Innovation, Invention and Discovery, Centers, Peripheries and Technical Progress, Space Science, Technical Expertise and Training, Nutrition, Medicine, Transports and Engineering.
Relevant to the above mentioned theoretical research interests are also the metatheoretical topics of Innovation Projects in Scientific Reasoning, ranging from Quantum Logic to Space Exploration. A philosopher of modern science investigates many different types and modules of Innovative Reasoning, which has proved to be essential for planning Defense Technology Projects: Theory of Truth and Evidence, Logic of Relations and Semiotics, Modal Realism and Mathematical Philosophy, Ethics and Decision Making, Criteriology, Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Research, Quantum Logic, Grades of Equations, Computational Networks, Non-Commutative Mathematics, Topology, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, Neurobiology, Astrophysics and Cosmology. Such metatheoretical research hallmarks are indispensable for philosophical research on Defense Problems in present times and for the future scientific community.
The time scope of the chapters of the proposed edited book should focus on historical evidence from American Independence until the present, such as the bureaucratization of violence, the frontier expansion, the military impact of the industrial revolution, the industrialization of war, the emergence of the Military-Industrial Complex in Great Britain, the World Wars, the balance of power, the arms race etc. The aforementioned points of interest need deeper investigation, because they play a significant role in contemporary defense science, in the quest for realistic, anthropological, structural or many worlds interpretations of technological innovation, furthermore, in inductive and deductive logic, theory and metatheory of policy making in international levels. The dynamic linkages and the interdependency between induction and deduction, theory and metatheory is one of the most important research problems for the Philosophy of Physical and Human Sciences of Defense.
Please send proposals for chapters to Dr. Basil Evangelidis by August 1, 2020.