
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 6, 2009

The New York Academy of Medicine: Current Grey Literature Report [pdf]

The New York Academy of Medicine: Current Grey Literature Report [pdf] http://www.nyam.org/library/pages/current_grey_literature_report The New York Academy of Medicine has been around since 1847, and they have had a distinctly urban mission since their founding. Their online library contains a number of resources for medical doctors and other health care professionals, and the Grey Literature Report is one of the most compelling offerings on their site. The Report was started in 1999, and it was initially intended for internal research purposes. Currently, the Report is now published bimonthly by the Academy Library, and it contains "unindexed materials that are not produced by commercial publishers and are unavailable through normal, commercial distribution channels." The documents include case studies, conference proceedings, fact sheets, government documents, research reports, and white papers. Recent editions of the Report have included timely works from th...

The international journal Dynamis invites authors to submit originals on the history of medicine, health and science

Call for Papers The international journal Dynamis invites authors to submit originals on the history of medicine, health and science for any historical period and in any of the main languages used for scientific communication. Dynamis includes sections for articles, research notes, documents and book reviews; and pays special attention to novel and interdisciplinary historical perspectives. All the originals are peer-reviewed. Dynamis is an annual publication of approximately 450 pages. Its contents are openly available online one year after its publication at RACO database (http://www.raco.cat/index.php/Dynamis/issue/archive). Dynamis is indexed in: Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Bibliografía sobre la Ciencia y la Técnica en España, CUIDEN, Dialnet, FRANCIS, Historical Abstracts, Índice Médico Español, ISOC, ISIS: Critical Bibliography, Latindex, L’Année Philologique (API), Medizinhistorisches Journal: Internationale Zeitschriftenschau, Periodical Index Online (PIO...


University of Cambridge Wellcome Strategic Award in the History of Medicine DOCTORAL STUDENTSHIPS on ‘GENERATION TO REPRODUCTION’ www.hps.cam.ac.uk/generation/studentships.html The University invites applications for two doctoral studentships funded by a Wellcome strategic award in history of medicine . We seek outstanding candidates whose research would fall within the theme ‘Generation to Reproduction’. ‘Generation’ and ‘reproduction’ are at the heart of medicine. They involve theories of sex and gender; entities such as seeds, germs, embryos, monsters and clones; concerns about creation, evolution, degeneration and regeneration; investments in maternity, paternity and heredity; practices of fertility control, potency and childbirth; and health relations between citizen and state, individual and population. These crossroads for rich traffic to and from biology, the social sciences and the humanities have been of intense public and historical interest since the 1970s. Yet f...

Contemporary medical science and technology as a challenge for museums, Copenhagen, 16-19 September, 2010

Contemporary medical science and technology as a challenge for museums, Copenhagen, 16-19 September, 2010 The 15th biannual conference of the European Association of Museums for the History of Medical Sciences (EAMHMS) will be held at the University of Copenhagen, 16–19 September, 2010. This year’s cross-disciplinary conference focuses on the challenge to museums posed by contemporary developments in medical science and technology. The image of medicine that emerges from most museum galleries and exhibitions is still dominated by pre-modern and modern understandings of an anatomical and physiological body, and by the diagnostic and therapeutical methods and instruments used to intervene with the body at the ‘molar’ and tangible level – limbs, organs, tissues, etc. The rapid transition in the medical and health sciences and technologies over the last 50 years – towards a molecular understanding of human body in health and disease and the rise of a host of molecular and digital ...

The Department of History, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario is seeking three graduate students at the MA level.

The Department of History, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario is seeking three graduate students at the MA level. One successful candidate will work with Prof. Elizabeth Neswald in the project "Engineering the Body. Thermodynamics, Social Technologies and the Practice of Nutrition", funded by the Canadian Institute for Health Research, and will develop a major paper research project on a topic in the history of nutrition or food history in North America or Europe in the nineteenth to early twentieth centuries. Two graduate students will work with Prof. Elizabeth Neswald in the international "John Tyndall Correspondence Project", funded by the National Science Foundation. Research interest or experience in 19c. history would be advantageous but is not required. These Research assistantships would be for $3000 and $5000.  This funding would be on top of the department’s basic funding package.  Last year’s minimum entrance support was just over $13,000.  A...

“De la evidencia a la narrativa en atención sanitaria: biopoder y relatos de afliccion".

Apreciados, El Comité Organizador del coloquio de la REDAM (RED Antropologia Médica), el Master en Antropologia Medica y Salud Internacional y el Departamento de Antropologia, Filosofia y Trabajo Social de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili se complace en anunciarles la X edición de su coloquio anual, que se celebrará en Tarragona los días 7 y 8 de Junio de 2010. Esta decima edicion se presenta bajo el lema “De la evidencia a la narrativa en atención sanitaria: biopoder y relatos de afliccion". http://antropologia.urv.es/10coloquio/call_for_papers_X_REDAM.pdf Les adjuntamos el documento preparado con la intencion de animarles a participar y a difundirlo. Atentamente, X Coloquio de la RED Antropología Médica http://antropologia.urv.es/10coloquio

COC debate na Guatemala a Rede BVS HPCS

COC debate na Guatemala a Rede BVS HPCS Desde o dia 9 até 11 de dezembro acontece a II Reunião da Coordenação sub-regional da BVS HPCS - História e Patrimônio Cultural da Saúde Centroamericana , na Guatemala. Entre as várias seções do evento, a   coordenadora do Serviço de Gestão da Informação da COC/Fiocruz Paula Xavier vai proferir as palestras "BVS HPCS: princípios, perspectivas e projeto regional", e "Objetivos e metodologia da base de dados Instituições e Patrimônio Arquitetônico da Saúde". Representantes da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde, Bireme e de países que compõem a Rede BVS HPCS participam da reunião e apresentar suas experiências e perspectivas. Toda cobertura do evento está disponível no twitter  http://twitter.com/BVS_HPCS

Miri Shefer, Ottoman Medicine: Health and Medical Institutions, 1500-1700

Miri Shefer, Ottoman Medicine: Health and Medical Institutions, 1500-1700 has been published by SUNY. This is the first work in English devoted to medicine in the Ottoman world. It deals with medical ethics, relationship with religion, standards of professionalism, bureaucratization and health systems management, and the extent of state control. For further details please see the publisher's website: http://www.sunypress.edu/p-4768-ottoman-medicine.aspx

4 Marie Curie PhD studentships available under the ENGLOBE (Enlightenment & Global History) programme.

I'd like to draw list-members attention to the 14 Marie Curie PhD studentships available under the ENGLOBE (Enlightenment & Global History) programme. Details are available at http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AAH328/14-marie-curie-phd-fellowships/ Dissertation topics should be situated in one of the following four thematic areas:     * Comparative history and transfers of knowledge and sciences (e.g. European and extra-European knowledge transfer processes; transformations of knowledge societies in history; definition of truth criteria in different societies since the 18th Century; media and forms of knowledge; intercultural modes of thought).     * Comparative patterns of perception (e.g. comparative forms of perception of "otherness"; construction of cultural and religious spaces and frontiers; colonial discourses within Europe; images and stereotype production; anthropology and race theories since the Enlightenment; Literature as a sourc...

Lançamento coletivo Editora Fiocruz

  As Ciências da Vida: de Canguilhem a Foucault Vera Portocarrero Bioética para Profissionais da Saúde Sergio Rego, Marisa Palácios e Rodrigo Siqueira-Batista | Coleção Temas em Saúde Clementino Fraga Filho: depoimento de um médico humanista Flavio Coelho Edler (Org.) Como e Por Que as Desigualdades Sociais Fazem Mal à Saúde Rita Barradas Barata | Coleção Temas em Saúde Corte a Mortalha: o cálculo humano da morte infantil no Ceará Marilyn Nations | Coleção Antropologia e Saúde Do Clima e das Doenças do Brasil – ou estatística médica deste Império J. F. Xavier Sigaud | Coleção História e Saúde/Clássicos e Fontes | Edição brasileira Histórias de Pessoas e Lugares: memórias das comunidades de Manguinhos Tania Maria Fernandes e Renato Gama-Rosa Costa O Que É o SUS Jairnilson Paim | Coleção Temas em Saúde Promoção da Saúde: conceitos, reflexões, tendências Dina Czeresnia e Carlos Machado de Freitas (Orgs.) | 2ª edição revista e ampliada Reform...

J Hist Med Allied Sci Table of Contents for January 2010; Vol. 65, No. 1

New ISI Rankings for JHMAS Journal of the History of Medicine & Allied Sciences remains one of the top journals in its field. According to the recently released 2008 ISI Journal Citation Reports, JHMAS has achieved a ranking of 5 out of 32 journals in History & Philosophy of Science with an increased impact factor of 0.893. For more information on this highly cited journal, visit: http://www.oxfordjournals.org/page/3708/9 **************************Announcement************************** J Hist Med Allied Sci -- Table of Contents Alert A new issue of Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences has been made available: January 2010; Vol. 65, No. 1 URL: http://jhmas.oxfordjournals.org/content/vol65/issue1/index.dtl?etoc ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cover/Standing Material ----------------------------------------------------------------         Editorial Board   ...

Job Offer: 1 paid PhD position in early modern philosophy/science.

One PhD scholarship is available at the Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences and the Centre for History of Science (www.sarton.ugent.be) at Ghent University, on the research project "Experiment and observation in seventeenth-century meteorology and natural philosophy. A comparative study of Descartes's Météores and Fromondus's Meteorologicorum Libri Sex" funded by the Science Foundation Flanders, and led by Maarten Van Dyck and Sven Dupré. The candidate is expected to have a strong background in philosophy and/or history, and a proven interest in history of philosophy and/or science, with excellent reading knowledge of Latin, fluency in English, and preferably, reading knowledge of French. S/he is expected to work on the topics identified in the project (respectively "the role of observations and experiments in the generation of new knowledge" and "the natural philosophical status of meteorological phenomena"), and to publish i...

Fully funded AHRC studentships - The Board of Longitude 1714-1828: science, innovation and empire in the Georgian world

Fully funded AHRC studentships - The Board of Longitude 1714-1828: science, innovation and empire in the Georgian world The Department of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS), University of Cambridge, invites applications for two AHRC Postgraduate Research Studentships to support three years of doctoral research at the University of Cambridge to start in October 2010. The project is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Home/EU applicants only are eligible for this funding. The doctoral research will form an integral part of a new AHRC award to the project "The Board of Longitude 1714-1828: science, innovation and empire in the Georgian world" (AH/H015914/1). This is a joint project of the HPS Department, University of Cambridge, and the National Maritime Museum (NMM), Greenwich. The Project will result in the first comprehensive history of the Board of Longitude, examining its changing role as an influential player in Georgian cultur...

SCIÈNCIA.CAT ha abierto una nueva sección

SCIÈNCIA.CAT < www.sciencia.cat > ha obert una nova secció en la qual s'ofereixen, amb el seu propi segell, edicions electròniques i en accés lliure de textos científics i tècnics catalans antics, i treballs de recerca sobre aquests materials, ja publicats o en premsa. http://www.sciencia.cat/biblioteca/publicacionssc.htm Hi oferim actualment l'edició crítica d'un tractat d'agricultura anònim, elaborat a València a partir de Pal·ladi i Jofre de Francònia, i un treball de presentació d'un nou text culinari en català, de procedència mallorquina, sobre l'art de trinxar. Us convidem a col·laborar-hi. ========================== SCIÈNCIA.CAT < www.sciencia.cat > ha abierto una nueva sección en la que se ofrecen, con su propio sello, ediciones electrónicas y en libre acceso de textos científicos y técnicos catalanes antiguos, así como trabajos de investigación sobre estos materiales, ya publicados o en prensa. http://www.sciencia.cat/espanol/bi...