
Mostrando entradas de mayo 23, 2021

Documental disponible on line: 1918. La gripe española

En España, la peor pandemia conocida diezmó la población, con un 80% de mortalidad entre los niños. España quedó semivacía. Existen documentos de la época que nos dan testimonio, pero ¿por qué no sabemos apenas nada de esta “gripe española” Seguro que su estudio y conocimiento nos hubiera ayudado a corregir errores en pandemias posteriores. Estos y otros episodios muestran que, un siglo después del fin de la madre de todas las pandemias de la edad moderna, el riesgo subsiste en nuestro mundo superpoblado e interconectado Para reconstruir lo que ocurrió y reflexionar sobre lo que se puede aprender de estos desastres, el documental recaba el testimonio de virólogos y expertos en sociología, historia o demografía, entre otras áreas, como Estanislao Nistal, Beatriz Echeverri, Guillermo Moreda, Diego Ramiro, Guillermo Balmori, Luis Antonio Martínez, José Ignacio Macua o María Isabel Porras.  Url:  https://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/documaster/1918-gripe-espanola/5918188/

CfP: The 10th Tensions of Europe Conference, Aarhus University, 6-8 July 2022

  Conference theme: Technology, Environment and Resources   Deadline for proposals: 31 October 2021 The 10th Tensions of Europe Conference will as usual be open to all topics and themes. The special theme of this conference will be the history of interactions between technology, the environment and resources. It aims to explore connections between aspects such as scientific exploration, technological development, resource exploitation and use, resource markets and environmental change by investigating both scientific and technological practices as well as narratives and perspectives related to natural resources and environmental issues. The conference places particular emphasis on processes of circulation and appropriation of knowledge, ideas, technologies and resources across space and time in all historical periods and at local, regional and global scales. Technology has been a major factor in using, shaping and understanding environments, as demonstrated at the 7th Tensions of

Postdoctoral research position (12 months) - ANR project GoA: The Geometry of Algorithms

The project "GoA: The Geometry of Algorithm", based at the Institute for History and Philosophy of Sciences and Technologies (IHPST) in Paris, is seeking to hire a postdoctoral researcher for 12 months. The project is led by Alberto Naibo and funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche).   The project investigates the epistemological and ontological foundations of the notion of algorithm. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in philosophy of formal sciences or computability theory. Advanced training in formal logic, especially proof theory, is particularly welcome.   A more detailed description of the project and the full call for applications can be found here: https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/ CDD/UMR8590-ALBNAI-001/ Default.aspx?lang=EN Applications must be submitted through the CNRS Job Portal ( https://emploi.cnrs.fr ). The deadline is the 15th of June 2021. For any further information, please, email Alberto Naibo.  

CfP: Ethical issues in the context of the pandemic (Disputatio - Madrid)

 Url:  https://disputatio.usal.es/ cfp-ethics-pandemic/ Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin  (Madrid, ISSN: 2254-0601) cordially invites authors interested in reflecting or in presenting a systematic investigation for a dossier on ethical issues in the context of the pandemic. Articles can be interdisciplinary, considering for different standpoints a wide thematic spectrum, nevertheless, the dossier will not include merely informative or uncritical articles. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: — Dignity, Exemplarity and Poverty — Post-truth, Fake News and Health — Democracy, Justice, Liberty and Public Policies — Ethics in Research — Research with Human Beings — Science and Pseudo-Science — Biomedicine, Biotechnology and Artificial Intelligence The manuscripts may be submitted in Word format in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The main text (excluding title, abstract, references and figure legends) is 5000 words. The abstract is typically 100-150 words,

CfP: University of St Andrews 8th Annual Graduate International Political Theory Conference

The future of (International) Politics in times of uncertainty: Insights from (International) Political Theory.  24th September 2021 (online/ potentially hybrid- more info TBA) In 1989, in his widely celebrated essay  The End of History and the Last Man , Francis Fukuyama declared the End of History. With obvious references to Hegel, Fukuyama’s wager was that liberal democratic capitalism is the final mode of human government. However, the political landscape and developments in recent years have yet again challenged Fukuyama’s claim. Since the alleged End of History, the Western world has seen an all-time high rise in anti-liberal, anti-globalist and nationalist rhetoric. The rise of far-right populist parties in Europe and the alternative (alt) right in the United States of America are symptomatic of the slow decline of the liberal consensus. (Radical) Leftist movements are also challenging the hegemony of the (neo)liberal order, with the recent protests in Latin America being anot

Wellcome 4-year postdoc & PhD studentship with Connecting 3 Worlds project, based at University of Exeter

A  4-year postdoc  (focused on History of Medicine/Health in East Asia in transnational context) and a  PhD studentship  to join the Wellcome Collaborative Award  ‘Connecting Three Worlds: Socialism, Medicine and Global Health After World War II’,  led by Prof Dora Vargha, Dr Sarah Marks (Birkbeck, University of London), and Prof Edna Suarez-Diaz (UNAM, Mexico). These positions will be based at University of Exeter.  Two further postdoctoral positions, on History of Medicine/Health in Africa based at Birkbeck, and History of Medicine/Health in Latin America based between Exeter and UNAM, will be advertised shortly. Connecting Three Worlds pioneers a new history of global health that, for the first time, incorporates the socialist world: a fluctuating constellation of Eastern European, Asian, Latin American and African countries connected through political ideology, expert networks, economic development and aid, and military interventions in the Cold War. It identifies the particula

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships at University of Leeds

The School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science (PRHS) at the University of Leeds encourages expressions of interest from researchers working in the School’s disciplines in having a Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Postdoctoral Fellowship hosted by the School. The official funding call is expected to be launched on 22 June 2021 and close on 15 September 2021. The eligibility conditions below reflect our best current understanding, but are subject to correction; see  https://ec.europa.eu/research/ mariecurieactions/actions/ postdoctoral-fellowships . PRHS is a vibrant and exciting intellectual community comprising roughly 40 permanent academic research staff and 85 graduate students in addition to numerous postdoctoral, research, and teaching staff. PRHS has a strong track record with the predecessor scheme (Horizon2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships). Duration and funds: Fellowships may last between 12-24 months, and provide an allowance to cover your living, tr

CfP: Workshop on “Thick Concepts in the Philosophy of Science”

The notion of thick ethical concepts, as originally introduced by Bernard Williams in 1985, has received growing attention in the philosophical literature, particularly in the fields of meta-ethics and the philosophy of language. While philosophical analyses of thick concepts have usually focussed on virtue and vice terms, such as brave, cruel, tactful, there has also been a recognition that these concepts seem to undermine the traditional fact/value-dichotomy and thus, to provide a further challenge to the value-free ideal of science. Accordingly, attention has been drawn to many scientific concepts, which seem to fit this pattern:   well-being   (Alexandrova 2017),   risk   and   safety   (Möller 2009, 2012)  ,   addiction   (Djordjevic and Herfeld forthcoming),   GDP   and   Unemployment   (Reiss 2017), to name just a few. While these concepts may not easily fit into the traditional category of thick ethical concepts, they raise interesting questions to the philosophy of science, fo

CfP: VIII Jornada de História da Ciência e Ensino e II Congresso Internacional de História da Ciência no Ensino

O Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em História da Ciência da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo promove o II Congresso Internacional de História da Ciência no Ensino (HiSciEdu 2) junto com a VIII Jornada de História da Ciência e Ensino (8a JHC&Ens). Trata-se de uma realização conjunta com o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino e História de Ciências da Terra do Instituto de Geociências da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, e a Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), em cooperação com a Universidade do Porto (UP) e a Universidade de Coimbra (UC). Os encontros visam promover a Educação e otimizar os seus processos por meio da pesquisa e difusão dos complexos problemas tratados pela História da Ciência. Pretende-se atingir todos os níveis de escolaridade ao considerar o campo interdisciplinar que investiga as questões da natureza, da sociedade e da cultura. Dessa forma, além de reunir e propiciar o intercâmbio, vínculos e articulações de professores e pesquisado

CfP: Book Symposium in the Journal of Philosophy of Emotion

  The  Journal of Philosophy of Emotion (JPE)  is  planning to publish  a book symposium on Dr. Joseph Ledoux’s latest book,  The Deep History of Ourselves , and we are looking for commentators who are interested in engaging in a critical discussion of it, with the aim of moving the discourse on relevant topics that are highlighted by his book forward.  We are  hoping  to publish this book symposium in the  JPE ’s summer 2022 issue. If you are interested, please email  us, Songyao Ren and Bobby Bingle,   informing  us  of your interest, along with a copy of your CV, by  June 20th , 2021 .  We  will contact  you  by  June 27th , 2021, with  a  decision regarding  your expressed  interest and any further details.  Invited commentators will each receive a free copy of  The Deep History of Ourselve s .  An example of a similar kind of published book symposium can be found in the  JPE ’s issue on Stephen Asma and Rami Gabriel’s book,  The Emotional Mind:  https://www.jpeonline. org/current-

Call for Participants: ‘Respect and Shame in Healthcare and Bioethics’ Online Workshop Series

October – December 2021 Url:  https://shameandmedicine.org/ respect-and-shame-in- healthcare-and-bioethics- workshop-series/   The “Respect   and   Shame   in Healthcare   and   Bioethics” Workshop Series aims to address the following questions: How are the concepts of   respect, disrespect,   shame   and   humiliat ion relevant to healthcare   and   bioethics debates? Could deeper conceptual, philosophical   and   phenomenolog ical understandings of (dis)respect,   shame   and   humili ation help improve the practice of medicine?   Workshop Series Schedule 1 October   – Thomas Gutmann, University of Munster – “ The Legal Protection of   Respect   in Healthcare” + ECR presentation 22 October   – Vania Smith-Oka, University of Notre Dame – “ Microaggressions as Forms of Humiliation   and   Shame   within Medical Encounters in Mexico”   + ECR presentation 5 November   – Luna Dolezal, University of Exeter – “ Shame-Sensitive Practice in Healthcare” + ECR presentation 19 November   – Barry