
Mostrando entradas de febrero 3, 2019

CfP: Poverty in America: The Past, Present and Future

2019 marks fifty-five years since President Lyndon B. Johnson declared an “unconditional War on Poverty” in the United States and one year since President Donald J. Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers declared the War on Poverty “largely over and a success”. While most would agree America’s War on Poverty is “over”, few – from either side of politics – would agree that it was won. According to the US Census Bureau, 39.7 million Americans, or 12.3% of the total population, currently live in poverty. More than half of America’s children qualify as either “poor or low income”. Over 40 million Americans rely on food stamps to provide their meals.   To understand why America is still plagued by the “paradox of poverty amidst plenty” a two-day interdisciplinary conference entitled "Poverty in America: The Past, Present, and Future" is being convened at the Rothermere American Institute of the University of Oxford. We are looking for papers and panels whi...

CfP: Writing the Environmental History of Latin America: Processes of occupation, exploitation and appropriation of natural environments (nineteenth and twentieth centuries)

Dossiê: Escrevendo a história ambiental da América Latina: processos de ocupação, exploração e apropriação do ambiente natural (séc. XIX e XX) Estudos Ibero-Americanos (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre http://revistaseletronicas.pucrs.br/ojs/index.php/iberoamericana/index Organizadores:  Luciana Murari (PUCRS) - luciana.murari@pucrs.br Georg Fischer (Aarhus Universitet, Dinamarca) - fischer@cas.au.dk A história ambiental tem sido, desde sua institucionalização nos Estados Unidos e na Europa, na década de 1970, um dos campos mais inovadores da produção historiográfica internacional. Interdisciplinares por natureza, as pesquisas desenvolvidas nesse campo têm enfrentado o desafio de descrever e compreender a relação entre as sociedades humanas e o meio ambiente em suas diversas dimensões, abordando temáticas que compreendem desde a biologia até os estudos do imaginário, passando pela ec...

Women in the History of Science Sourcebook - call for subbmissions

Women in the History of Science: A Liberating the Curriculum Sourcebook We are asking for:  Sources and explanatory text for a history of science sourcebook that focuses on women in science (broadly construed) from a global perspective, from antiquity to the present day.   We are particularly interested in early modern, medieval, and ancient sources, alongside sources that explore women’s knowledge production beyond Europe Aims: Our sourcebook is designed to complement the teaching of undergraduate history of science courses, by providing sources that reveal women’s involvement in knowledge production from around the world. Our ambition is to contribute to liberating the curriculum within the history of science, by giving voice to underrepresented actors, and by providing sources that go beyond traditional textual accounts, alongside brief explanatory notes.    Details: Possible sources might include letters, ins...

CfP: AHA 2020 panel on public health

We are seeking two more papers, or one paper and one commentator, for a proposed AHA 2020 panel that will explore how crises beyond the medical realm can generate or hasten advances in public health. While this theme should unify the papers, engaging different forms of “crisis,” “innovations,” and “public health” could lead to a fruitful conversation. In her paper “Smallpox in Colonial America: the most terrible of all the ministers of death,” Ann M. Becker demonstrates that the introduction of mass troop inoculation within the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War finally enabled the acceptance of smallpox inoculation. Rebecca R. Noel’s paper, “Manufactured Crisis, Manufactured Health: Common School Reformers and the Case for Schooling the Body,” argues that school health initiatives by common school reformers of the 1830s rested on a perceived crisis among children and young adults of the quickly emerging middle class. Additional papers could remain in the ...

PhD and Postdoc position in Max Planck Research Group "Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions"

PhD and Postdoc position for the Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions” For the new 5-year Max Planck Research Group "Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions", led by Dr. Sietske Fransen, the Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome (Italy) seeks to appoint:  - one postdoctoral researcher (2-year appointment), and - one pre-doctoral researcher (1-year appointment) The deadline for both positions is 1 April 2019. Interviews will be held in Rome on 6-7 May 2019. Both positions are to start 1 September 2019, or as soon as possible after. The research group will explore the modes and media in which early modern scientific practitioners visualized their ideas and illustrated their objects of inquiry. New media (as a result of the printing press), new tools of observing the world (such as telescopes and microscopes) and new processes of subsequently recording and transmitting these observat...

CfP: Sixth Annual Conference on the History of Recent Social Science,

*Freie Universität Berlin, Germany* *June 13–14, 2019* This two-day conference of the Society for the History of Recent Social Science (HISRESS;  http://hisress.org ) will bring together researchers working on the history of post-World War II social science. It will provide a forum for the latest research on the cross-disciplinary history of the post-war social sciences, including but not limited to anthropology, economics, psychology, political science, and sociology as well as related fields like area studies, communication studies, history, international relations, law, and linguistics. We are especially eager to receive submissions that treat themes, topics, and events that span the history of individual disciplines. The conference aims to build upon the recent emergence of work and conversation on cross-disciplinary themes in the postwar history of the social sciences. While large parts of history of social science scholarship still focus...

CfP: South/Eastern and Central European Histories of Science and the Humanities (Pre- and PostDoc Workshop)

Over the last couple of years, historians of science and the humanities have taken great interest in projects related to Eastern, Central and South Eastern Europe and their global interconnectedness. However, opportunities for a joint discussion of such projects are rare and often rely on ad hoc initiatives. We would therefore like to inaugurate a forum to discuss projects that link approaches from the history of science and the humanities with specific regional expertise. Our seminar will bring together projects from history, sociology, literature, media studies etc. dealing with scientific endeavour and specific investigations in (academic) research, institutions, migration of knowledge etc. We will discuss perspectives on the local, regional, (post-)imperial or national frameworks of Eastern, Central and South Eastern Europe in the light of specific theoretical frames, and challenge methodological perspectives of these projects. The seminar is open to all rese...

Call for Panel Participants: Science, Religion and Public Policy

Professor Arthur Petersen (UCL/Editor of Zygon) is seeking participants to participate in a panel on science, religion and public policy at the forthcoming International Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society Conference in Birmingham from 4-6 July, 2019. Contributions are sought on the topic of “science, religion, and public policy”: within science and religion (and as a subset, within the social scientific study of science and religion) there is a small but increasingly salient body of academic work on science, religion, and public policy—work that, on the one hand, addresses areas of public policy connected with the domain of science, technology, and engineering, and, on the other hand, deploys empirical study of the role of worldviews and religion in these policy settings. Examples of policy areas are flood-risk management, climate change mitigation and adaptation, biotechnology, and many more. The full call for papers for the conference that the panel will...

Workshop on Ideas on Language Throughout the Ages

CFA: Workshop on Ideas on Language Throughout the Ages Date: September 12th, 2019 Deadline for Abstracts: April 15th, 2019 Location: University of Lisbon, Portugal We welcome scholars to participate in a one-day workshop on how language has  been defined and approached differentially throughout history within  philosophical, linguistic, psychological, and socio-anthropological schools  of thought. Possible topics can include but are not limited to: . Origins and rationale of logic and semantics as areas of research . Origins, histories, and methodologies of philology, diachronic and  synchronic linguistics, Chomsky’s linguistics, biolinguistics and cognitive  linguistics . Origins, histories, and methodologies of anthropological linguistics and  sociolinguistics . The role of language in different cosmologies, religions and ideologies . Language as order, knowledge and reason (logos theories, universalia ...