
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 18, 2011

La dieta mediterránea desde la perspectiva histórica y cultural (Josep Bernabeu-Mestre)

Josep Bernabeu-Mestre, catedrático de la Universidad de Alicante (España), ha publicado un capítulo de libro titulado "La dieta mediterránea desde la perspectiva histórica y cultural". Este capítulo está formado por los siguientes apartados: -Resumen. -Introducción. -La historia reciente. -La formulación del concepto epidemiológico nutricional de dieta mediterránea. -El proceso de configuración histórica del modelo mediterráneo de producción y consumo de alimentos. -Subalimentación y hambre en la historia alimentaria mediterránea. -Tradición y cultura en el reto de readaptar la dieta mediterránea. -Bibliografía. Este capítulo se puede encontrar en la siguiente obra: Alonso Aperte, Elena et al (coords.): ¿Es posible la dieta mediterránea en el siglo XXI? CEU Universidad Cardenal Herrera, Instituto Tomás Pascual, CEU Universidad San Pablo. Madrid, 2011. ISBN: 978-84-7867-071-0 Francisco Herrera Universidad de Cádiz

ICOHTEC Barcelona 2012

Us recordem que el proper 31 de gener de 2012 finalitza el termini per presentar propostes de sessions al 39è Simposium ICOHTEC que està convocat a Barcelona el dies 10-14 juliol de 2012. Vegeu també http://www.icohtec.org/ Esperem les vostres propostes!, Antoni Roca Rosell

Four PhD Studentships in Leeds 2012-13

FOUR PhD STUDENTSHIPS IN PHILOSOPHY/HPS 2012-13 The School of Humanities at the University of Leeds intends to offer up to four studentships in Philosophy and History & Philosophy of Science (HPS) to suitably qualified candidates for its full-time (FT) or part-time (PT) PhD programmes. One studentship is associated with the AHRC Block Grant Partnership and will pay full Home/EU fees (currently £4,200 p.a. FT) and (for those eligible for a full award) the standard maintenance component for AHRC doctoral awards (currently £13,590 p.a. FT).   Up to two additional school studentships will be offered paying full Home/EU fees and substantial maintenance awards. Applications for studentships are welcome from all areas of philosophy/HPS research in which the school can provide PhD supervision (see http://www.leeds.ac.uk/arts/info/20048/philosophy/1094/postgraduate/6 ).   For further information about PhD research at Leeds please contact: * for Philosophy, Dr Jason Turner ( ...

2 PhD Studentships in HPS

European Research Council (ERC) PhD Studentships – “A Science of Human   Nature? Philosophical Disputes at the Interface of Natural and Social   Science”   Fully funded ERC studentships 2012-15   The Department of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS), University   of Cambridge, invites preliminary applications for two ERC   Postgraduate Research Studentships to support three years of doctoral   research at the University of Cambridge to start in October 2012. The   project is funded by the European Research Council.   The doctoral research will form an integral part of a new ERC-funded   project entitled “A Science of Human Nature? Philosophical Disputes at   the Interface of Natural and Social Science ” (ERC Grant agreement no   284123). This project is directed by Dr Tim Lewens. It also employs an   administrator/research assistant, and two postdoctoral researchers,   all based in Cambridge.   Project...

PhD Studentship in Medicine, Emotion and Disease in History 2012-2015 at Queen Mary

PhD Studentship: Medicine, Emotion and Disease in History The Centre for the History of the Emotions at Queen Mary, University of London is pleased to announce a PhD studentship to cover fees and maintenance from 2012 to 2015. This three-year studentship comprises part of a five-year Wellcome Trust Enhancement Award in the History of Medicine to fund a research project ? ?Medicine, Emotion and Disease in History? ? which investigates how theories, experiences, and expressions of passions and emotions have developed in medical contexts since the sixteenth century. The studentship is fully funded, providing a generous maintenance grant at the rate paid by the Wellcome Trust.   Fees are also covered by the Wellcome Trust, at the rate for home students. There will also be access to further funds for travel and research expenses. The studentship will be awarded to an exceptional candidate proposing to undertake a programme of doctoral research connected to the aims of the projec...