
Mostrando entradas de enero 22, 2023

Publicado el número 42 (1) de Dynamis

DYNAMIS.  Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam VOLUMEN 42 (1),  2022 SUMARIO ARTÍCULOS Entre la voluntad de Allāh y las balas de los jnūn: La epidemia de peste de 1799 y 1800 en Marruecos Araceli González Vázquez   Las relaciones entre higienismo y urbanismo en la obra de Felipe Hauser Carmen Gil de Arriba   El Santo Hospital de Caridad de Ferrol a finales del Antiguo Régimen: un análisis sociodemográfico Alfredo Martín García   “Igual que en su casa”: la construcción del paciente hospitalario en las clínicas quirúrgicas de la Barcelona de 1900 Alfons Zarzoso                                                           ...

Convocatoria Premios de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina

Este mes ha comenzado el plazo de envío de candidaturas para el  Premio Hernández Morejón  a la mejor tesis doctoral de temática histórico-médica defendida en 2022, así como para los  premios a los mejores TFG y TFM . La documentación requerida podrá enviarse a nuestro correo electrónico ( secretaria.SEHM@gmail.com ) durante todo el primer trimestre del presente año. Podéis encontrar más información en la página web de la SEHM:  https://sehm.es/ premiosshem/ 

CfP: Transatlantic Studies - Topographies of Medicine

April 28th – 29th 2023 Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard (Cambridge, MA) Medical humanities flourished as an interdisciplinary field of its own in the last decades, exploring human health and disease through the methods and materials of literary and cultural studies. In the words of Edmund Pellegrino, one of the founding figures of modern medical ethics, “medicine is the most humane of sciences, the most scientific of the humanities” (“Foni phronimos - An interview with Edmund D. Pellegrino”). In fact, as Rita Charon and Peter Williams would affirm, the humanities give physicians the ability “to reach to the heart of human learning about meaning, life and death” (“The Humanities and Medical Education,” 758). By analyzing what makes us ill we can shed light on what makes us thrive, by disseminating the reasons that lead us to create life, we can open spaces to dialogue on how to manage it. Medical humanities contemplate health and illness in a holistic way: finding spaces of conve...

CfP: The Language of Nature, Society for the History of Natural History Summer Meeting

This one-day international meeting will explore the language of nature in its broadest sense. Over centuries, different formats and mediums, stylistic approaches and classification systems have been used to describe and represent the natural world. These ‘languages’ influence how w e conceive of nature, how we categorise it, how we wonder at it and who we credit with its ‘discovery’. This conference aims to  bring new perspectives to the history of natural history writing and other expressions of nature,  exploring not only the  creativity and originality involved but also the limitations and biases that shape our understanding of the natural world and how it has been perceived throughout history.   We welcome papers that explore (but are not restricted to) the following topics and their relation to the role of language in natural history:   The history of taxonomic language Systems of classification Indigenous voices Translation Production of natural history te...

CfP: Social Studies of Health

The Revista Ciencias de la Salud, the official academic journal of the Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud of Universidad del Rosario, has a permanent section about Social Studies of Health since 2012. For Social Studies of Health (SSH) we understand a research field that studies the health related theoretical and methodologic problems from the perspective of the social sciences and humanities with an interdisciplinary viewpoint (history, sociology, anthropology, cultural, gender and science and technology studies). We look for the articles that are published in this section to analyze the changing notions and experiences of health and disease paying special attention to socio-economic, cultural, gender, institutional, epistemological, and material conditions that make them possible. Hence, we are interested in research that explores the way in which processes of knowledge production and of intervention on the individual...

CfP: Society for Industrial Archeology 51st Annual Conference

The Society for Industrial Archeology invites proposals for presentations and poster displays at the 51st Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 7-11, 2023. The presentation sessions will be held at the conference hotel, the Embassy Suites – Grand Rapids Downtown, on Saturday, June 9, 2023. We invite presentations on all topics related to industrial archeology, history of technology, social change related to industry, and historic industrial structures and bridges. Papers about regional industries and transportation in Grand Rapids and Western Michigan are particularly encouraged. Poster displays are also encouraged and can be on Works in progress or finished projects. All presentations and poster displays should offer both interpretation and synthesis of data. Presentation Formats: Proposals may be for individual presentations, a session of papers, a roundtable on a theme, or posters. Individual presentations 20 minutes in length, a group of three or four presentations on...

CfP: Urban Health and the City

Conference Dates: 14-16, June, 2023.  Location: New York.  Abstracts: April 10 th , 2023 https://amps-research.com/urban-health-new-york-to-london/ This Conference Strand Call seeks to highlight issues of importance in relation to questions of public health in contemporary cities globally. It forms part of the ‘Livable Cities’ initiative between City Tech – New York and City – University of London. Issues of interest include, but are not limited to: Covid-19 and the city Design for Life Sick Building Syndrome Care in the community Healthy cities Sanitation and public health Walkable cities Environmental psychology Accessible design Housing and health Wellbeing and the city The overall initiative involves an academic conference in both New York and London, associated UCL Press journal special issues, and book publications with Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Academics from across several disciplines and departments in each university explore re...

Call for Proposals (Edited Volume): Plants and Animals in Latin American Cultures

In recent years there has been a growing interest in bringing closer together the fields of critical plant studies and critical animal studies. Scholars have described their distinct but interrelated origins, noting the earlier attention non-human animals received from the humanities and the more recent growth in plant-centered work. This edited volume is an effort in such a direction, taking Patrícia Vieira and Susan McHugh’s following questions as a point of departure: “What can animal studies scholars learn from current plant research and vice versa? How do studies that encompass both plants and animals (and, potentially, other living and non-living forms of existence) enrich our understanding of our planet in all its diversity?” (“Why Plants and Animals?”). In particular, we want to explore how Latin American cultural productions could help us reevaluate, in both fields and their junctures, “[p]rinciples of ethics, aesthetics, poetics, agency, cognition, intentionality, communicati...

Libro en acceso abierto: Making Humanitarian Crises. Emotions and Images in History

Brenda Lynn Edgar, Valérie Gorin, Dolores Martín-Moruno (eds.) Making Humanitarian Crises. Emotions and Images in History Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 https://link.springer.com/ book/10.1007/978-3-031-00824 -5   This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access. It examines the role of images in shaping reactions to other’s suffering. It covers humanitarian crises from the nineteenth century to the present. It explores the crucial part images play in the perception of humanitarian crises.

CfP: University of Alberta Graduate Conference - Science, Values, and Society

We invite graduate students and postgraduates to submit papers to this year’s philosophy graduate and postgraduate conference taking place on May 5-7, 2023, at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. The first keynote speaker will present on the afternoon of Friday, May 5th. The conference will conclude at approximately 12:00 pm (noon) on Sunday, May 7. The topic of the 2023 PGSG Conference is the relationship between science, values, and society, broadly construed. The aims of the conference include, ● elaborating on and criticizing the relationship between science and values, and how this relationship informs the communication of scientific results to the public, ● understanding how we think about and value scientific research, ● investigating the theoretical bases for our treatment of scientific research, ● investigating concerns of various stakeholders affected by science and technology, and ● recognizing the practical consequences of diverse ways of thinking about these s...

Request for Abstracts: Data and Disease in Historical Perspective

Data and Disease in Historical Perspective Request for Abstracts for a Two-Part Workshop Organsied by the University of Edinburgh Both public and professional understandings of COVID-19 have been cultured by the epidemiological data which has been made, and made available, over the course of the pandemic. The inconsistent nature of this data, across and between nations, has been a notable barrier in the elucidation of the pandemic’s global spread.  As our recent experience suggests, the collection, cleaning, analysis and presentation of epidemiological data is an essential element of contemporary biomedicine. Correlating medical data with an almost infinite number of supplementary and often contestable data points—from vocation to location, religion to gender, age to race—facilitates causal inferences and is the basic characteristic of epidemiology. In recent years, however, medical anthropologists and STS scholars have been increasingly critical of quantification and the use of re...