Dear Friends of the Institute, (version française ci-dessous) In the heat of the summer we have some new information for you. There is a new Postdoc position open with our institute in the area of the history of emotions. For details please see the webpage: http://histmed.unige.ch/Jobs.php There will be a workshop on the expression of emotions through chamber music on July 20 th , 2010 from 10:00 – 13:00 at Uni-Mail, Geneva University. This will be with the Quartetto di Cremona, music by Haydn, Beethoven and Bartok. As room is limited, please reserve directly with our institute. ICORD, VII International Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs In 2011 there will be a global meeting on International cooperation and public health policies focusing on research, diagnosis, development of and access to treatment, and care for rare diseases in Tokyo. For the First announcement please see our webpage: http://histmed.unige.ch/colloques.php . With my best regards, Miriam