
Mostrando entradas de julio 11, 2010


Dear Friends of the Institute, (version française ci-dessous) In the heat of the summer we have some new information for you. There is a new Postdoc position open with our institute in the area of the history of emotions. For details please see the webpage: http://histmed.unige.ch/Jobs.php There will be a workshop on the expression of emotions through chamber music on July 20 th , 2010 from 10:00 – 13:00 at Uni-Mail, Geneva University. This will be with the Quartetto di Cremona, music by Haydn, Beethoven and Bartok. As room is limited, please reserve directly with our institute. ICORD, VII International Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs In 2011 there will be a global meeting on International cooperation and public health policies focusing on research, diagnosis, development of and access to treatment, and care for rare diseases in Tokyo. For the First announcement please see our webpage: http://histmed.unige.ch/colloques.php . With my best regards, Miriam

Annals of Science - Best Paper Contest - $500 and Publication

Submissions are being accepted for the Annals of Science best paper prize 2010. This prize is now awarded annually to the author of an original, unpublished essay in the history of science or technology, which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The prize, which is supported by Taylor & Francis, is intended for those who are currently doctoral students, or have been awarded their doctorate within the past four years. Essays should be submitted to the Editor in a form acceptable for publication in Annals of Science (see the Journal’s webpage for a style guide, www.tandf.co.uk/journals/authors/tascauth.asp ). The winning essay will be published in the Journal, and the author will be awarded US$500 and a free subscription to Annals of Science! Papers should be submitted by 30th September 2010, with the winner being notifed by 31st December 2010. The Editor’s decision is final. For more information please go to: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/pdf/comp...

Newton's First Edition (1687) Principia Census

We are preparing a new census of extant copies of the first edition Isaac Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (1687). We seek information on any copies that are/were owned either by private collectors or located in obscure places (little known libraries not integrated into Worldcat, ESTC, KVK, etc)?  If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us directly. With many thanks in advance and our very best wishes, Mordechai Feingold (California Institute of Technology) feingold@hss.caltech.edu Andrej Svorencik (University of Amsterdam) a.svorencik@uva.nl

Lectureship at Leeds

Faculty of Arts Department of Philosophy Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (Fixed term for 1 year from 1 September 2010) The post arises out of the need to cover the study leave of a member of staff who has been awarded a Leverhulme Fellowship. The lectureship covers undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and supervision in the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, particularly philosophy of physics and science, technology and society. You will have a PhD (awarded or nearing completion) in the History and Philosophy of Science, with relevant experience of teaching within the discipline.  You will be able to demonstrate effective teaching skills and a range of delivery techniques and assessment methods. You will also be developing a publication profile appropriate for submission in the next REF exercise. For general information see http://www.philosophy.leeds.ac.uk/ . University Grade 7 (£32,620 - £35,646 p.a.) Informal enquiries to ...

Wellcome Library Year In Review 2009

The Wellcome Library has just released its Year In Review 2009. This year, we will be opting for an electronic-only offer, given the increasing prominence of our digital services and content. The Review is available for viewing and downloading from the Wellcome Library website: http://library.wellcome.ac.uk/doc_WTX060203.html We hope you enjoy the Review: given its our first paperless version we are keen to hear any feedback, so if you would like to get in touch please don't hesitate to contact me directly at p.harkins@wellcome.ac.uk Best wishes Phoebe Phoebe Harkins Assistant Librarian, Discovery & Engagement Wellcome Library The Wellcome Trust 183 Euston Road London NW1 2BE Tel: +44 (0) 20 7611 8628 Mob:+44 (0) 7739 194907 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7611 8369 mailto: p.harkins@wellcome.ac.uk http://library.wellcome.ac.uk The Wellcome Trust is a charity registered in England, no. 210183. Its sole trustee is The Wellcome Trust Limited, a company registered in England, no. 2711000,...

CfP: Disability & the Victorians: Confronting Legacies

Disability & the Victorians: Confronting Legacies Call for Papers Date: 2010-10-04  Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies: Disability & the Victorians: Confronting Legacies, 30th July-1st August 2012 Leeds Trinity University College, Leeds, UK The nineteenth century was the period during which disability was conceptualised, categorised, and defined. The industrial revolution, advances in medicine, the emergence of philanthropy and the growth of asylums all played their part in creating what today’s society describes as the medical model of disability. Disability can be traced through many forms: in material culture and literary genres; scientific, medical and official inquiries; art; architecture; the history of disabled charities; disabled people’s experiences; the legacy inherited by disabled people today. Proposals for papers, panels, posters and other forms of presentation (e.g. creative writing) are invited that open up new lines of research and inquiry relating to ...

Industrial overflows in the public sphere and their conflicts(18th – 20th century)- Meaning and relevance of an interdisciplinary history

Industrial overflows in the public sphere and their conflicts(18th – 20th century)- Meaning and relevance of an interdisciplinary history   Call for Papers Date: 2010-11-15 The development of industrial activities and their externalities submit neighbouring populations to health and environmental hazards whose consequences continually provoke conflicts and require management. The patterns of public action in this domain are the result of expert practices, mobilizations, and administrative and institutional experiments, whose inscription largely conditions apprehension of the problem and the ways in which it is treated. The objective of this conference is to characterize these dynamics, which have shaped environmental conflicts at a local level. It is also to explore how overflowing materials are governed, from their environmental consequences to the attitude of various actors implicated in the debates and even the dispute itself. The viewpoint of this confere...

Short Student Fellowships - Institute for European History-Mainz

The Institute of European History (IEG) awards 10 research fellowships for international PhD-students for a research stay in Mainz from January 2011 or later. The proposed projects should require a research stay in Mainz for at least 6 months. Funding is € 1.000/month. A health insurance subsidy is granted as well. At the IEG fellows can pursue their individual research projects in a tranquil yet inspiring at-mosphere. According to their special fields and interests, they are invited to colloborate with the Institute’s research units (see http://www.ieg-mainz.de/forschungsbereiche). Applications are invited from doctoral candidates of any national background. Applicants must have a first degree in history or theology. They should not be older than 32 years and should not have pursued their PhD-work for more than three years when taking up the fel-lowship, but well-founded exceptions are possible. PhDs-theses are being supervised and completed at the fellows' home universitie...

Call for Papers: City weathers: meteorology and urban design 1950-2010, Manchester University, UK

Call for Papers: City weathers: meteorology and urban design 1950-2010, Manchester University, UK CALL FOR PAPERS City weathers: meteorology and urban design 1950-2010 Manchester Architecture Research Centre (MARC) Centre for the History of Science Technology and Medicine (CHSTM) 23-24 June 2011, at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom The topic of this ESRC-sponsored workshop is the application of climatological and meteorological knowledge in city planning. Buildings, roads and landscape affect urban temperature, wind, rain and air quality, which in turn affect human comfort, health and security. The nexus between design and microclimate was historically recognised in oriental feng shue and western traditions of Vitruvianism and sanitarianism. Through the ages decisions on urban layout have taken account of topography, orientation, the weathercock and the wind-rose. During the late twentieth century, a few cities ? mostly German ? continued to incorporate met...

Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (vol. 59/2-163): "Early Modern Cosmography"

Chère Madame, Cher Monsieur, Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du volume 59/2 de la revue Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Scienes (ARIHS). Le volume, consacré au thème « Early Medieval Cosmography », présente les actes du colloque organisé par le Centre d'histoire des sciences (Université de Gand, le 28-30 mai 2008). Le colloque traite des thèmes suivants : (i) the Identity of Cosmography - (ii) the Objects and Works of Cosmography - (iii) the Places and Politics of Cosmography. La revue est l'une des plus prestigieuses dans son domaine. En deux fascicules par an, les Archives publient environ 450 pages d'articles et de recensions sur tous les sujets, toutes les périodes, toutes les aires culturelles dans six langues : français, anglais, allemand, italien, espagnol et russe. Les Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, la seule revue généraliste en histoire des sciences, sont la continuation d'Archeion. Archivo di s...

Teaching fellow job for 1 year at STS, UCL, London: history and philosophy of biology and medicine

The Department of Science and Technology Studies, UCL seeks to appoint a Teaching Fellow to cover the following modules during the 2010-11 session: HPSC1007 Research Methods in STS (half of the Term 2 portion of the module only) HPSC2005 Philosophy of Biology HPSC3027 Evolution in Science and Culture SSC0187 Philosophy, Medicine and Society For all courses (other than HPSC1007 where the workload is shared) the work consists of approximately 20 contact hours plus assessment (including setting and marking exams as appropriate), regular office hours, and related course administration. The appointment will be for one year, beginning 1st September 2010. Pay is on a 0.3 FTE basis (i.e. roughly one third of a full time position). This is a fixed term contract; no renewal is planned. Details: https://atsv7.wcn.co.uk/search_engine/jobs.cgi?owner=5041178&ownertype=fair&jcode=1148738 Informal enquiries may be made to Dr Andrew Gregory ( A.Gregory@ucl.ac.uk ) or Dr...
The Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, part of the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Manchester seeks applications for the following two vacancies: Dual Role as Research Associate (0.5) and Outreach Officer (0.5) in the History of Medicine Closing date: 25/07/2010 Reference: LS/10590 This post would suit a historian of modern medicine, science or allied field, with a recent (or imminent) PhD, who wishes to develop their profile into the expanding area of outreach, while at the same time developing their research experience and profile. The post will be available from 1 September 2010 for up to 12 months. Salary: GBP 28,983 - 31,671 p.a. For further particulars, application forms and information on how to apply, please visit http://www.manchester.ac.uk/aboutus/jobs/research/vacancy/index.htm?ref=174854 Research Associate in the History of Medicine Closing date: 25/07/2010 Reference: LS/10591 This post wou...

Launching Global Health The Caribbean Odyssey of the Rockefeller Foundation

Launching Global Health The Caribbean Odyssey of the Rockefeller Foundation Steven Palmer An in-depth look at the Rockefeller Foundation's earliest ventures in international health   From the Rockefeller Foundation to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, U.S. philanthropies have played a leading role in the evolution of international health.   Launching Global Health   examines one of the earliest of these initiatives abroad, the Rockefeller Foundation's International Health Board. The flagship agency made its first call in British Guiana in 1914 to experiment with its new "American method" for the treatment of hookworm disease. Within months it was involved in ambitious hookworm programs in six Central American and Caribbean sites, its directors self-consciously choosing to test run the prototype for their global project in the nearest and clearest domain of American imperial influence. These efforts continued until 1930, when most of the International He...

Grants - History of Electricity

THE EDF FOUNDATION *HISTORY OF ELECTRICITY* *GRANTS FOR 2010 / 2011* *APPLICATION FORM* * * The EDF Foundation offers grants to graduate students. Four grants of 2500 euros each and three to six grants, varying from 1250 up to 2500 euros each, will be awarded under the supervision of the Committee for the History of Electricity of the EDF Foundation. *The selection will be based on the following criteria: originality of the subject, preparation and quality of presentation of the project.* *The project must deal, at least partly, with the history of electricity in France, Europe or elsewhere in the world (but with a comparative approach with Europe in this case).* The payment of the grant will be conditional upon the signature of an agreement. The thesis or dissertation will be written either in French, English, German, Spanish or Italian. A 10-page summary in French will be required for the works which won’t be in French. The application will include: - a letter in...

Call for Applications: Visiting Research Fellows Berlin

Call for Applications: Visiting Research Fellows Berlin Date: July 9, 2010 Joint call for applications for Visiting Research Fellowships 2011 Zentrum Moderner Orient / Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies We are inviting applications to our Visiting Research Fellowship Schemes, for the calendar year of 2011. We are interested in attracting outstanding researchers who are engaged in research projects that are relevant to the respective research profiles at ZMO ( www.zmo.de ) and BGSMCS ( www.bgsmcs.fu-berlin.de ). ZMO is an interdisciplinary research institute with an international community of researchers pursuing research with regional and trans-regional focus on societies in Africa, the Middle East, and South- and Central Asia and their interrelations (as well as their relations to Europe). The current main research programme is concerned with social and historical dimensions of the Muslim world. This research interest is shared with the BGSMCS, which is an inte...

Call for Papers: Disability & the Victorians: Confronting Legacie

Call for Papers: Disability & the Victorians: Confronting Legacies 30th July-1st August 2012,  Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies, UK Announcement and First Call for Papers The nineteenth century was the period during which disability was conceptualised, categorised, and defined. The industrial revolution, advances in medicine, the emergence of philanthropy and the growth of asylums all played their part in creating what today's society describes as the medical model of disability. Disability can be traced through many forms: in material culture and literary genres; scientific, medical and official inquiries; art; architecture; the history of disabled charities; disabled people's experiences; the legacy inherited by disabled people today of phrenology and physiognomy; events such as the 1880 Milan Conference, and the taxonomies and categories of disability - the handicapped; the deaf and dumb; the feeble minded; the blind; the imbecile and the cretin. The legacy o...

PhD scholarship - EHESS-Paris

Candidature pour une allocation de recherche - Sciences, techniques, savoirs : histoire et société de l’EHESS (septembre 2010) Sciences, techniques, savoirs : histoire et société Formation de l’Ecole doctorale de l’EHESS Candidature pour une allocation de recherche (septembre 2010) Responsable pédagogique Jacqueline Carroy Conseil pédagogique Claude Blanckaert Jacqueline Carroy Giovanna Cifoletti Yves Cohen Pietro Corsi Amy Dahan Jean Dhombres Jean-Paul Gaudillière Christian Jacob Pierre-Benoît Joly Ilana Löwy Geneviève Massard-Guilbaud Jeanne Peiffer Dominique Pestre Kapil Raj Christian Topalov Date limite de dépôt des candidatures 3 septembre 2010 à 16h. Il est conseillé de déposer le dossier si possible avant le 20 juillet 2010 au Centre Koyré. Adresse pour le dépôt des dossiers : Bénédicte Bilodeau (ou Marguerite Vasen : 01 40 79 80 05) Centre Alexandre Koyré Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle Pavillon Chevreul (3e ét.) 57, rue Cuvier 75231 Paris Cedex 05 Composition des...

V Simpósio Nacional de História Cultural, UNB

Caros amigos e colegas, Estão abertas até o dia 25 de julho as inscrições para propostas de simpósios temáticos para o V Simpósio Nacional de História Cultural, que ocorrerá na UnB, em Brasília, de 8 a 12 de novembro próximo. O tema escolhido é "Ler e ver: paisagens subjetivas, paisagens sociais". As inscrições são feitas por meio eletrônico no sítio do evento: http://soac.bce.unb.br/index.php/SIHC/VSIHC . Como boa parte de vocês deve saber, este será nosso primeiro simpósio sem a presença da fundadora do GT de História Cultural da Anpuh, Sandra Pesavento, falecida em março de 2009. Nesse sentido dedicaremos os trabalhos à memória da querida colega, amiga, professora e pesquisadora gaúcha e apresentaremos um vídeo em sua homenagem. A conferência de abertura será proferida por Giovanni Levi (Universidade de Veneza) e a de encerramento por Barbara Freitag (UnB), com participação de Marcos Silva (USP). Confiram a programação de mesas redondas no mesmo sítio. Esperamos por ...