
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 20, 2015

"Pius Font i Quer, passió per la botànica", nou espectacle del projecte Theatrum Sapientiae

Es posa en marxa una nova edició del projecte Theatrum Sapientiae dedicada a Pius Font i Quer  Barcelona, 23 de desembre de 2015 - Ja s’ha fet la preestrena del darrer espectacle del projecte Theatrum Sapientiae, que dedica l’edició d’enguany al botànic Pius Font i Quer. La representació, titulada Pius Font i Quer, passió per la botànica, repassa la vida d’aquest botànic vocacional que, tot i ser químic de formació, quan tenia vint anys, després d’assistir a un curset que impartia el doctor Manuel Llenas, va descobrir la seva veritable passió: estudiar les plantes i transmetre aquest coneixement. Autor, entre d’altres, dels llibres Plantas medicinales. El Dioscórides renovado i del Diccionario de botánica, la seva obra científica va suposar un gran avenç per a la botànica catalana i espanyola. En el camp docent, la seva metodologia pedagògica, rigorosa i apassionada, va crear escola, i projectes iniciats per ell, com ara l’Institut Botànic, el Jardí Botànic de Mo...

Post-Doctoral position "Juan de la Cierva"

Job Summary We support 1 candidate to Juan de la Cierva Grant ( web MINECO ) to join our international team and carry out research on the History of Nuclear Energy and Society in Europe. Job Description The main objective of the research will be on nuclear energy as an integrative historical actor (science, technology, society, policy...). The candidates will carry out research on the history of nuclear science in parallel to the three-year project funded by the European Commission and EURATOM “History of Nuclear Energy and Society (HoNESt)” ( http://www.honest2020.eu/ ), which aims to conduct an interdisciplinary analysis on the historical experience of nuclear energy and the relationship between nuclear developments and European society over the last 60 years. The successful applicant will be supervised by Dr. Albert Presas i Puig, HoNESt's Coordinator and member of the History of the Science Research Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Nr of positions available ...

Visiting Fellowships at Centre for the History and Philosophy of Physics (HAPP), St Cross College, University of Oxford

Dear all, Please see message below from Dr Jo Ashbourn at St Cross College. Please contact her directly [ joanna.ashbourn@stx.ox.ac.uk ] if you have any queries. Regards Alison The Centre for the History and Philosophy of Physics (HAPP) at St Cross College, University of Oxford is able to offer one Visiting Fellowship a term for scholars coming to Oxford to carry out research on a topic in the history and philosophy of physics with details on how to apply at the webpage below: http://www.stx.ox.ac.uk/happ/ happ-visiting-fellowships-st- cross-college

Programació 2016 IHMC

   INSTITUT D’HISTÒRIA DE LA MEDICINA I DE LA CIÈNCIA LÓPEZ PIÑERO In stitut d’història de la Medicina i de la Ciència “López Piñero” (IHMC) Nota: Totes les activitats al saló d’actes de l’IHMC (si no s’indica el contrari) Informació actualitzada a la pàgina web de l’ IHMC Esquema general dels seminaris Gener: Presentació de “Ciència i medicina a la València foral" Febrer : Cicle: “Identitats i identificacions: Passat & Present” Març: Conferència “Els llenguatges de la ciència” 30 Març- 2Abril: ESSHC Valencia 2016 Abril: "Women, children and health. A transnational perspective" 30 Abril : Matinada “Ciència, història i gènere” Maig: Seminari Canguilhem Maig: Simposi Ciència i Art Presentació de “Ciència i medicina a la València foral" 20 de gener 18 h: Presentació del volum 30, núm. 82 de la revista AFERS: fulls de recerca i pensament. Número monogràfic "Ciència i medicina a la València foral"...

EENPS 2016: The Inaugural Conference of the East European Network for Philosophy of Science Sofia, 24-26 June 2016

CALL FOR PAPERS Hosted by New Bulgarian University The newly founded East European Network for Philosophy of Science (EENPS) invites submission of contributed papers and proposals for symposia in the following sections: A General philosophy of science B Philosophy of natural sciences C Philosophy of cognitive and behavioral sciences D Philosophy of social sciences E Historical and social studies in philosophy of science Submission of contributed papers An abstract of up to 1000 words, prepared for blind review, should be sent as an attached doc or pdf  file to eenps.submission@gmail.com no later than the 1 st of March, 2016 . The e-mail message should contain <EENPS2016 abstract> in the subject line and the author’s names, affiliation and an e-mail address for contact in the main body. The attached abstract should contain the title of the relevant section, the title of the contributed paper and a short resume ...

Special Double Issue Call for Papers: Health in the South

Type: Call for Papers Date: March 15, 2016 Subject Fields: American History / Studies, Anthropology, Area Studies, Health and Health Care, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology The Southern Quarterly solicits carefully documented essays on the history of disease, medical care, and medical institutions in the antebellum and post-bellum South; health care and race;  the contributions of prominent 19 th - and early to mid-20 th -century health care practitioners in the South; health care and the Civil War; the rise of public health agencies in the South; health care and the environment;  health care and 19 th - and 20 th -Century Southern literature—representation of nurses, doctors, and disease in plays, poems, and fiction; health care and the visual arts; health care and popular Southern culture and media. Essays ranging from 20-30 pages (double-spaced) must be received before March 15, 2016 to be considered for this special issu...