
Mostrando entradas de febrero 18, 2024

CfP: Médicos y apotecarios en la España y la América española del siglo de las Luces

Universidad de Artois, campus de ARRAS y de forma virtual vía Zoom, 4 de junio de 2024 Organizan : Nicolas DE RIBAS y Marie-Hélène GARCIA, EA 4028, Textes et Cultures, axe Études transculturelles Esta solicitación propone algunos ejes de estudios, sin ser exhaustivos, en los cuales podrán integrarse las propuestas de comunicación. Si nos fiamos a los estudios acerca de las oficinas medicinales en el siglo XVIII en la monarquía hispánica policéntrica, desde Sevilla hasta Lima pasando por Madrid o Buenos Aires, podemos afirmar que los apotecarios participaban de un conjunto de redes comerciales que unían dos sectores de actividades centrales en las ciudades: el comercio y la salud en relación con los médicos, los parteros, los hospicios y los Hospitales. Durante nuestra jornada de estudios veremos que los apotecarios tenían un papel muy relevante en la economía territorial, y aunque no fuesen su eslabón principal formaban parte en toda regla de aquélla, junto con especieros, comerciantes...

Publicación nuevo volumen de Actes d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica

La revista  Actes d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica  ( Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica , filial de l' Institut d'Estudis Catalans ) ha publicat el vol. 16 (2023), en format d’accés obert, a l’ Hemeroteca Científica Catalana . El contingut d’aquest nou volum es pot consultar a la pàgina web d’ Actes d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica . Vol. 16 (2023) Data de publicació: 20/02/2024 El Consell Editorial de la revista treballa en els continguts dels volums següents. Per això us animem a publicar les vostres recerques en la revista de la nostra societat. Trobareu informació a  https://revistes.iec.cat/ index.php/AHCT/about/ submissions Cordialment,


Url:  https://www.ichst2025.org/call-for-symposia-proposals A Symposium is an organized thematic panel consisting of several papers or presentations addressing a specific topic. The Congress requires that each Symposium be organized by two or more individuals from different countries. We encourage organizers to make every effort to have a diversified line-up, with a balance of gender and geographic backgrounds. The theme of the 27th ICHST is “Peoples, Places, Exchanges, and Circulation." We invite Symposia submissions on any topic in the history of science, technology and medicine, but we especially encourage proposals that address aspects of the conference theme, across all periods, and from a variety of methodological and historiographical approaches. Each Commission of the Division of the History of Science and Technology of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science is expected to organize at least one Symposium in its area. Commissions are also encouraged to...

Call for Panels in the Science and Empire Commission Symposium (ICHST, Dunedin/New Zealand and Online, 2025)

The Science and Empire Commission of the Division for the History of Science and Technology (DHST) was established more than a quarter-century ago, in 1997. Its creation resulted from the convergence of research initiatives that had been underway since the 1980s with particular intensity in India, Latin America, Australia, and Europe. In the intervening years since the Commission’s founding, we have witnessed the rise or consolidation, among others, of global history, the history of knowledge, new imperial histories, and renewed strains of post-colonial and decolonial thought and activism. Against this backdrop, as the Commission heads to its 30th anniversary, we would like to take the opportunity of DHST’s International Congress of History of Science and Technology (ICHST) , which will take place in Dunedin, New Zealand, and online from June 29 to July 5, 2025, to take stock of work done in the field of science and empire and plan for the future. With this in mind, the Commission will...

CfP: Developing a Political Philosophy of Science: issues and prospects (EJPS)

Call for papers. Topical Collection at the  European Journal for Philosophy of Science . Guest Editors:  Vincenzo Politi (Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Roger Deulofeu Batllori (Autonomous University of Barcelona) Opening Submission date:  1rst March 2024 Deadline: 30th September 2024 Title: “Developing a Political Philosophy of Science: issues and prospects” One of the most debated topics in contemporary philosophy of science is the so-called Value-Free Ideal (VFI), which states that non-epistemic values must play no role in the internal/justificatory phases of scientific research. It does not deny that epistemic values play a role in the internal phases of research, nor that non-epistemic values may play a role in its external phases (such as in the agenda-setting stage or during the dissemination of results). VFI only forbids non-epistemic values in the epistemic phases of science. Critics of VFI maintain that the internal stages of scientific knowledge produc...

CfP: 2024 Annual Meeting of the Society for the History of Discoveries

Where: San Antonio, Texas. When: October 24-26. Venue: Menger Hotel on historic Alamo Plaza Frontiers and Borderlands of Exploration Frontiers, where explorers, traders, and indigenous peoples encounter one another, expanding their geographic and socio-cultural understandings as well as political and economic relationships, is the theme of this year’s conference. The experience and the acquisition of knowledge between and by those crossing frontiers into unfamiliar territory as well as the transmission of this knowledge back to their homelands includes scholarly examinations of exploration, encounters, and resistance across colonial and exploratory frontiers globally. SHD invites papers, 20 minutes in length, on all points of view of this theme broadly conceived, including: discovery, exploration, conquest, resistance, settlement, economy, and all aspects of cultural encounters. SHD welcomes proposals from scholars, independent researchers, and is particularly interested in ...

CfP: MPCA Disability Studies Area

The Disability Studies Subject Area welcomes proposals for the 2024 Midwest Popular Culture Association/Midwest American Culture Association Annual Conference. Topics may include, but are certainly not limited to: Media representations of disability  Intersections of disability with other modes of identity and power such as race, gender, class, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, etc. Disability advocacy organizations Feminist Disability Studies Narratives of disability Disability Studies pedagogy Disability and citizenship Disability and communication Disability and the Internet Conceptualizations and critiques of Disability Studies as a field of inquiry Trends & new directions in Disability Studies We especially encourage projects that explore Disability Studies’ entanglements with current debates surrounding academic/intellectual freedom. Please submit paper or panel proposals of around 250 words to the Disability Studies Subject Area. Include the title of your projec...

CfP: The Poetics of Early Modern Scientific Poetry

28―30 November, 2024 – University of Bayreuth, Germany Inaugural conference of the international AHRC/DFG research consortium, Scientific Poetry and Poetics in Britain and Germany, from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment (University of York; Anglia Ruskin University; University of Marburg; University of Bayreuth) Confirmed plenary speakers: Vladimir Brljak (Durham) Rüdiger Zymner (Wuppertal) This conference aims to explore the ways in which scientific poetry was theorised immediately before, during, and after the ‘scientific revolution’, seeking a better understanding of the specific nature of knowledge that scientific poetry was expected to communicate and produce. For early modern prose, the ‘poetics of science’ have been extensively explored in recent years, but the specificity of verse – central to Renaissance, Augustan, and Enlightenment poetics – remains under-examined. We invite papers discussing the poetics of early modern vernacular and neo-Latin scientific poetry in interna...