
Mostrando entradas de marzo 17, 2013

New fellowships in Early Modern Visual and Material Culture

I'd be grateful if you would forward this to any relevant lists and to colleagues who may be interested in applying. CRASSH at the University of Cambridge and the USC-Huntington Library Early Modern Studies Institute will be offering residential Fellowships in Early Modern Visual and Material Culture, to be held between January 2014 and September 2015.  The fellowships, which are open to post-doctoral scholars at all career stages, are part of the collaborative programme  Seeing Things: Early Modern Visual and Material Culture . Full details of the fellowships programme may be found at  http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/page/1178/emsi-fellowships-2014-15.htm .  The closing date for applications is 16 May 2013 . Seeing Things is also hosting at conference at CRASSH (24-25 May 2013) and the USC-Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute (27-28 September 2013). The first conference is on Ephemerality and Durability in Early-Modern Visual and Material Culture . Fu...

Isis Vol. 103, No. S1, 12/01/2012 (Volume Supplement) is now available online

Table of Contents Alert    The University of Chicago Press is happy to notify you that the new    issue of Isis is now available. The online issues of this journal are    hosted on JSTOR on behalf of The University of Chicago Press.    Isis    Vol. 103, No. S1, December 2012 2012 Current Bibliography    http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/670148?origin=JSTOR-TextETOCAlert    Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History    of Science Society    ------------------------------------------------------------------------    Current Bibliography    Current Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural    Influences, 2012    DOI: 10.1086/670150    Isis    Vol. 103, No. S1: i-317.    http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/670150?origin=JSTOR-TextETOCAlert...

H-Net Review Publication: Berger on Schweber, 'Nuclear Forces: The Making of the Physicist Hans Bethe'

S. S. Schweber.   Nuclear Forces: The Making of the Physicist Hans Bethe.   Cambridge   Harvard University Press, 2012.   608 pp.   $35.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-674-06587-1. Reviewed by Al Berger (University of North Dakota, History Department) Published on H-War (March, 2013) Commissioned by Margaret Sankey Becoming Hans Bethe This book is not a direct study of war or military history. It has something to say about what science and war were doing to each other as they became closely associated at the beginning of the twentieth century; nevertheless, readers seeking new tales of the Manhattan Project will not find them here. To be sure, physics Nobel laureate Hans Bethe became the public character he did because he was director of the Theoretical Division at the Los Alamos laboratory that built the first atomic bombs. However, this book is not about that part of Bethe's life; in fact, it mentions it only tangentially. Silvan Sc...

Reminder: Registration deadline for JAS-Bio 2013 is April 1

Registration for the 48th annual Joint Atlantic Seminar for the History of Biology will be open until April 1. The seminar will be held April 26-27, 2013, at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts. For more information about the seminar, including a link to the registration form, go to: https://cbs.asu.edu/events/48th-joint-atlantic-seminar-history-biology The Joint Atlantic Seminar, founded in 1965, is an opportunity for graduate students in the history of biology to present their work to a receptive, critical, and friendly audience in an intimate and constructive atmosphere. The Seminar begins Friday afternoon at 2pm with a three-hour workshop on informatics and computational history and philosophy of science. Saturday consists of more traditional sessions, in which graduate students give papers based on their dissertation research. Please direct any questions or comments to: jas-bio@asu.edu . We look forward to seeing you there! Eric...

HumSci Workshop

HumSci Workshop for PhDs and ECRs - Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th May 2013. Is it possible to think about the connections between the sciences and humanities which goes beyond science communication (ie how can the ‘soft skills’ of the humanities be used to communicate the ‘hard results’ of science) or the History of Science, and which doesn’t get distracted by ‘The Two Cultures' discussion? The idea of the HumSci workshop, funded by the AHRC, is to promote genuine reciprocity between the two disciplines by bringing together PhD students and Early Career Researchers from both the sciences and the humanities to think through issues of method, creativity and uncertainty in research, as well as publishing and communication.   Led by expert panels, talking through the similarities and differences in the disciplines will help us critically reflect on the practices of our own discipline, as well as creating fresh research agendas.   Have a look at the provisional progr...