
Mostrando entradas de marzo 9, 2025

CfP: Truth Politics between Science and Society. Political Epistemologies of the 1990s Science Wars

In light of a dwindling public trust in science (Oreskes 2019) and ambiguous calls for a ‘return to truth’ (Cain et al. 2019), understanding the relationship between science and a democratic public, the delineation of appropriate scientific practices, and how to reconcile conflicting interpretations of reality seems to be more relevant than ever. In the 1990s, struggles over these issues culminated in the Science Wars that consisted of a series of heated academic-public discussions, among them the infamous ‘Sokal Hoax’. The Science Wars represent a historic peak and intersection of academic, political, and epistemological debates that had been smoldering for decades before, leaving a contested legacy. A fresh perspective on the Science Wars – one that acknowledges their historical complexity, moves beyond a dualistic framing, and situates them firmly in their historical moment – promises to illuminate the social, political, and cultural ramifications on academia and beyond. The worksho...

Recurso: Biblioteca de la Lectura en la Ilustración

Portal dedicado a la presentación organizada y al estudio de las fuentes teóricas, hermenéuticas, críticas, literarias y documentales que entre 1750 y 1808 expresaron las ideas conforme a las cuales se debía realizar la lectura. Está compuesta de las siguientes secciones: Biblioteca de libre acceso que permite la consulta de las obras seleccionadas, las cuales se acompañan de su correspondiente descripción bibliográfica, un resumen y, en algunos casos, de la edición parcial o total de su contenido y de su traducción. Documentos donde se han incorporado aquellos textos de diversas instituciones y autoridades dieciochescas relacionados con las prohibiciones y censuras de los libros. Opera minora, sección en que se reúnen textos tales como discursos, cartas, respuestas y otras obras de pequeña extensión que se relacionan directamente con las obras reunidas en Biblioteca digital o que las comentan. Estudios que incorpora monografías, estudios de conjunto y traducciones completas en formato...

CfP: Chat-Token-Vector Symposium Ca 'Foscari University Venice - Deadline April 1

The  Chat Token Vector Symposium: Questioning Models of Language and Neo-Structuralism in AI , on the history, philosophy and consequences of Large Language Models will take place from June 11- 13 at Ca 'Foscari University in Venice. The deadline for abstracts is  April 1  for more information on the symposium please see  https://www.unive.it/web/ en/14779/home   Small travel grants for early career and independent scholars might be available.

CfP: Special Issue: "Machines in Thoughts. Philosophy, History, and Epistemology of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence"

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the Special Issue " Machines in Thoughts: Philosophy, History, and Epistemology of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence ", edited by Martina Bacaro (University of Bologna), Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna), and Pierluigi Graziani (University of Urbino Carlo Bo) for the journal   Cognitive Systems Research   (Elsevier). This special issue explores how philosophy, history, and epistemology intersect with AI and robotics, shedding light on the conceptual foundations, methodological developments, and intellectual trajectories of these fields. It aims to investigate how philosophical ideas about mind, intelligence, perception, and reasoning are operationalized in AI and robotics, as well as how technological advancements have influenced philosophical debates. We welcome contributions from scholars in philosophy of cognitive and artificial sciences, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, robotics, epistemology, logi...

Premio Hernández Morejón

Hasta el próximo día 31 de marzo inclusive sigue abierto el plazo de presentación de candidaturas para poder optar a uno de los premios que anualmente convoca la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina: el premio Hernández Morejón a la mejor tesis doctoral, el premio al mejor trabajo de fin de grado y el premio al mejor trabajo de fin de máster. Más información en la web de la SEHM:  https://sehm.es/ premiosshem/

CfP: Medical Education in Europe 1350-1750: Texts, Institutions, Practices

This is a CFP for a conference on  Medical Education in Europe: Texts, Institutions, Practices (1350-1750) , which will taking place at the Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance, Pisa on 21-22 October 2025. This conference, which is joint-initiative between the  CSMBR  and the  Edward Worth Library , Dublin, is being organized by Elizabethanne Boran, Vivian Nutton and Fabrizio Bigotti. Keynote Speakers:  Elisa Andretta, Ole P. Grell, David Lines, Ian Maclean, Silvia M. Marchiori, Sabine Schlegelmilch Representing the  International Commission for the History of Universities :  Elizabethanne Boran, Martin Kintzinger, Christian Hesse. For further details see  https://csmbr.fondazionecomel. org/events/conferences- webinars/medical-education-in- europe-1350-1750/

CfA: 30th meeting of ARTEFACTS

Norsk Teknisk Museum  (the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology) announces that the next and 30th meeting of ARTEFACTS will be held in Oslo, Norway,  12–14 October 2025 . ARTEFACTS is an international network of academic and museum-based scholars of science, technology, and medicine, who share the goal of promoting the use of objects in research. The consortium was established in 1996 and since then has held annual conferences examining the role of artefacts and collections in the making of science and technology and related areas. See  https://www. sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/our- work/research-public-history/ artefacts-consortium . The theme of the 2025 meeting is  CARE AND REPAIR , and we encourage proposals (see formats below) concerning how erosion, breakdown, and maintenance, instead of progress and innovation, can be starting points for research. What are the limits of our fragile world, and what work does caring do? We characterize ‘care and repair’ broad...

CfP: Algebra as Philosophical Demonstration: Systems of Science around 1800

In what way can “A = A” provide students or readers an insight into the fundamental tenets of a philosophical system of science? Around 1800, answering this question seems almost redundant. The use of algebra (mainly through further algebraic elaborations and complications of the Aristotelian identity principle A = A) in the explication of problems and systematic foundations greatly intensifies. Curiously, this practice is not merely found among doctrinal allies who could be expected to share the same methodology, but also among avowed enemies. This shows a remarkably intense commitment to the importance of algebra, as i) a notational system that can capture systematic complexity, as ii) an aspirational form of philosophical presentation and, most of all, as iii) a way of e xplicating systematic complexity in a form that is easily comprehensible .   In the 20th century, the use of algebra (among other mathematical approaches) to render philosophical problems accessible became con...