
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 6, 2016

CfP: Narrating Science: The Power of Stories in the21st Century

CFP/conference: Narrating Science: The Power of Stories in the 21st Century May 24 – 27, 2017, Toronto/University of Guelph In the latter decades of the twentieth century, discourses on science and technology began to spread beyond the professional communities of scientific experts involved in knowledge production. In the cultural realm, we saw the rise of the “popular science” genre, of science series and documentaries on TV, and, around the turn of the millennium, an increase in the amount, depth, and quality of attention paid to science in literary and mainstream fiction. At the Narrating Science conference, we bring together scholars, scientists, and writers to compare how and to what effect storytelling about science across a spectrum of genres (fiction and non-fiction) and media (print and film) is engaging with different aspects of science (concepts and facts, practice and practitioners, institutions and societal impacts). Novelists Allegra Goodman and Kar...

Grabación de la conferencia de Sanjoy Bhattacharya

Accesible en abierto la primera conferencia, celebrada el pasado 2 de noviembre, dentro del ciclo Internacionalismo y salud global. Perspectivas históricas .  Título de la conferencia:  “The World Health Organization and Global Health Histories: opportunities and challenges  of research, communication and engagement”  Autor:  Sanjoy Bhattacharya. Professor in the History of Medicine, Department of History, University of York, Reino Unido.  Director of the Centre for  Global Health Histories and Director of the WHO  Collaborating Centre for Global Health Histories The World Health Organization and Global Health Histories

Novedad editorial: La erradicación y el control de las enfermedades infecciosas

Porras Gallo, MI; Báguena Cervellera, MJ; Ayarzagüena Sanz, M; Martín Espinosa, N. (2016). L a erradicación y el control de las enfermedades infecciosas. Madrid, La Catarata Esta obra, coordinada por María Isabel Porras Gallo, María José Báguena Cervellera, Mariano Ayarzagüena Sanz y Noelia María Martín Espinosa, aborda una reflexión sobre el control y la erradicación de las enfermedades infecciosas desde ámbitos tan distintos como el de la historia de la salud pública y de la salud internacional, la antropología, la historia política y social y la epidemiología La formulación de la doctrina bacteriológica en el siglo XIX y el enorme protagonismo que alcanzó redujeron prácticamente la lucha contra las enfermedades infecciosas a la búsqueda y puesta a punto de una vacuna eficaz, segura y de fácil aplicación. Desde estos presupuestos se combatió la viruela y la poliomielitis en el siglo XX con la finalidad de lograr su erradicación a nivel mundial. Así, en 1980 se consiguió...

Novedad Editorial: Psiquiatría e higiene mental en el primer franquismo

Ricardo Campos, Ángel González de Pablo (coords.). Psiquiatría e higiene mental en el primer franquismo. Rupturas y continuidades, Madrid, La Catarata, 2016. El libro forma parte de la colección Investigación y debate e inaugura la serie Psiquiatría y cambio social. Está compuesto de seis capítulos y una introducción. Introducción. Ricardo Campos y Ángel González de Pablo Capítulo 1. Rafael Huertas: El modelo de atención psiquiátrica en el primer franquismo: rupturas y continuidades. Capítulo 2. Ángel González de Pablo: La teoría psiquiátrica durante el primer franquismo. Capítulo 3. Enric Novella: Psiquiatría, gobierno y medicina social: La higiene mental en España (1917-1959). Capítulo 4. Ricardo Campos: La conjura del peligro: Psiquiatría y peligrosidad social en la Segunda República y el primer franquismo (1931-1960). Capítulo 5. Silvia Lé...

CfP: Fifth meeting of the Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science, Copenhagen April 2017

Fifth Annual Meeting of the Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science Copenhagen, April 20-21, 2017,   https://nnpscience. wordpress.com/ The Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science (NNPS) invites proposals for contributed talks and posters for its fifth annual meeting in   Copenhagen, Denmark, April 20-21, 2017 , co-arranged by the Section for History and Philosophy of Science at the Department of Science Education, Copenhagen University and members of the Department of Philosophy and LUCID, Lund University. Previous meetings were held in Uppsala (2013), Lund (2014), Helsinki (2015), and Tartu (2016). NNPS2017   keynote lectures   are given by: ·            Johanna Seibt (Aarhus) ·            Roger Strand (Bergen) ·            NN (to be confirmed) We welcome   contributed papers and posters   from a...

Metascience new issue

Publication of Volume 25, Issue 3 of the journal Metascience. Editors: K. Brad Wray and Luciano Boschiero http://link.springer.com/journ al/11016/25/3?wt_mc=alerts. TOCjournals In this issue:       Editorial 1. A look behind the curtain: the editorial board K. Brad Wray ,  Luciano Boschiero Pages 341-342 Symposium 2. Religio and scientia Stephen Gaukroger Pages 343-347 Symposium 3. Deep narrow territories J. L. Heilbron Pages 349-353 Symposium 4. Between complexity and harmony: Peter Harrison on science and religion Yiftach Fehige Pages 355-362 Symposium 5. Beliefs,  Lebensformen , and conceptual history Peter Harrison Pages 363-370 Symposium 6. Of silence and denial: Sober on Ockham’s razors Patrick Forber Pages 371-375 Symposium 7. Snipping or editing? Parsimony in the chimpanzee mind-reading debate Kristin Andrews Pages 377-386 Symposium 8. Sober as a Judge Gordon Belot Pages 387-392 S...

Job: curator of modern American science at the NMAG Smithsonian

An opening for a curator of modern American science has just opened at the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. For further information, see: https://www.usajobs.gov/ GetJob/ViewDetails/455279200 If you have questions about this position, please feel free to contact me directly at lord@si.edu .

Postdoctoral Position in IP, Plant Breeding and International Development

UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION AND HISTORY OF SCIENCE CENTRE FOR HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Applications are now being accepted for a 9-month postdoctoral research position within a new AHRC-funded project on intellectual property, narrowly and broadly construed, as a factor conditioning innovation in plant breeding among small farmers in rural India.  The project is a collaboration between the University of Leeds' Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich, and the India-based Art of Living Foundation. Further information about the position and how to apply can be found at https://jobs.leeds.ac.uk/ Vacancy.aspx?id=6650&forced=1 The application deadline is 21 November.  An overview of the project follows.

CfP: Inferentialism, Bayesianism, and Scientific Explanation

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites abstracts for the following event: Inferentialism, Bayesianism, and Scientific Explanation MCMP, LMU Munich January 25-26, 2017 http://www.mcmp.philosophie. uni-muenchen.de/events/ workshops/container/inf_bay_ scie-workshop/index.html What makes a given explanation successful? Many philosophers of science have tried to answer this question, but there is no consensus answer. In this workshop, we will assess the prospects of taking a novel approach to answering this question. Specifically, we will discuss whether and how an inferentialist account of explanation can be combined with Bayesian resources to deliver an adequate account of scientific explanation. This involves assessing not only whether the inferentialist can capture aspects of explanation that are often thought to resist Bayesian treatment (e.g., Inference to the Best Explanation and the asymm...