
Mostrando entradas de abril 25, 2010

Middlesex University has announced that it is cutting its philosophy department

Middlesex University has announced that it is cutting its philosophy department. This is scandalous, especially because the department had a unique specialisation in continental philosophy. There's a blog post about it here: http://thethirdestate.net/2010/04/middlesex-university-shamefully-cuts-philosophy-department/ And a petition here: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/save-middlesex-philosophy.html I've signed and I hope others will to. Jon Dr Jon Agar

Se renueva la base de datos Bibliografía Histórica sobre la Ciencia y la Técnica en España

Se renueva la base de datos Bibliografía Histórica sobre la Ciencia y la Técnica en España , elaborada por el Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia López Piñero bajo de la dirección de María Luz López Terrada y Julia Osca Lluch, con más contenidos y mejoras en la búsqueda y descarga de registros. La base de datos Bibliografía Histórica sobre la Ciencia y la Técnica en España inicia una nueva etapa tras una profunda renovación llevada a cabo mediante una ayuda del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Elaborada en el Instituto de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia López Piñero, la base de datos está dirigida por María Luz López Terrada y Julia Osca Lluch, investigadoras del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas en el instituto, y cuenta con un equipo técnico formado por Jesús Morales Padilla y Francisco Martí Cremades, técnicos del IHMC, además de un grupo de colaboradores constituido por investigadores y técnicos del instituto, investigadores p...

Publication of issue 19.1 of Metascience

We are pleased to announce the publication of issue 19.1 of Metascience. Editors: Stathis Psillos & Theodore Arabatzis http://www.springerlink.com/content/111724/ In this issue: Book Symposia A new perspective on objectivity and conventionalism Talal A. Debs & Michael L. G. Redhead: Objectivity, invariance and convention: symmetry in physical science. Symposiasts: Antigone M. Nounou, Mauro Dorato, Sebastian Lutz, Stephan Hartmann, Talal A. Debs and Michael L. G. Redhead With great power comes great responsibility John Forge: The responsible scientist: a philosophical inquiry. Symposiasts: Bernard Gert, Nicholas Evans, Heather Douglas and John Forge Survey Reviews ·       From the monochrome to the multi-hued: towards an anarchic historiography of science and religion       R. P. Whaite ·       The book and the crucible: chemists in search of recognition   ...

TOC: Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (2010), 2

Editorial Statement: Since its inception in 1940, the Journal of the History of Ideas has served as a medium for the publication of research in intellectual history that is of common interest to scholars and students in a wide range of fields. It is committed to encouraging diversity in regional coverage, chronological range, and methodological approaches. The JHI defines intellectual history expansively and ecumenically, including the histories of philosophy, of literature and the arts, of the natural and social sciences, of religion, and of political thought. It also encourages scholarship at the intersections of cultural and intellectual history, for example the history of the book and of visual culture. New Guidelines for Submission: Please submit all manuscripts for consideration by means of our web-based submission process, Editorial Manager: http://www.editorialmanager.com/jhideas/default.asp If for some reason you are unable to do so, please contact the edito...

Call for papers: k(NO)w tomorrow: Cultural Contradictions ofImaginingthe Future Location: Virginia, US

CFP k(NO)w tomorrow: Cultural Contradictions of Imagining the Future Location: Virginia, United States Call for Papers Deadline: 2010-06-01 Featuring Phillip Wegner as Distinguished Keynote Speaker Wegner is a professor of English at the University of Florida, President-Elect of The Society for Utopian Studies, and author of Life Between Two Deaths, 1989-2001: U.S. Culture in the Long Nineties and Imaginary Communities: Utopia, the Nation, and the Spatial Histories of Modernity. The Cultural Studies Student Organizing Committee (SOC) at George Mason University invites paper proposals for our 4th annual Cultural Studies Graduate Conference. The Conference will take place on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at George Mason University (Research 1 Building, Room 163) in Fairfax, Virginia. Call For Papers "Utopia," according to Frederic Jameson, "has always been a political issue, an unusual destiny for a literary form." Human history has had no shortage of fant...

HOPOS 2012 Conference

HOSTING HOPOS 2012: Last Call for expressions of interest: This Week! This is the last week for sending in an expression of interest in hosting HOPOS 2012, the ninth biennial conference of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science. All it takes is a quick email to our executive secretary, Will Krieger (krieger@mail.uri.edu). Formal proposals are not due until June 18. If you email Will, he will provide a complete account of our conference requirements that will help you to draft a formal proposal. HOPOS conferences typically take place over four or five days in June of even-numbered years; there may be some flexibility in timing from late May to early August. Please anticipate that HOPOS attendance will range between 125 and 250 conference delegates, almost all of whom will require accommodation. Information on the size of conference you can host, the costs you might be able to absorb through local fund-raising, the facilities you have available, and simil...

DIVULGAÇÃO_Colóquio Internacional Da Civilização da Palavra à Civilização da Imagem - 10 e 11 de Maio de 2010

Exmos. Senhores ,   Numa organização conjunta entre o Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (CFCUL)  e o Institut Franco-Portugais (IFP) , vai realizar-se nos próximos dias 10 e 11 de Maio o colóquio internacional " Da Civilização da Palavra à Civilização da Imagem ". Este colóquio insere-se no âmbito das actividades do projecto A Imagem na Ciência e na Arte , integrado no CFCUL, e irá ter lugar no Auditório do IFP, Avenida Luís Bívar, 91, em Lisboa. O acesso é livre, sem necessidade de inscrição prévia mas limitado à lotação da sala.   Junto segue programa em português e em francês.    Solicitamos e agradecemos cooperação na divulgação deste evento.   Cumprimentos,   Ricardo S. Reis dos Santos   -- Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa Campo Grande, Edifício C4, Piso 3, Sala 4.3.24 1749-016 Lisboa   http://cfcul.fc.ul...

Symposium: history of informatics in Latin America

Dear all: I want to draw your attention to the upcoming symposium on the "History of Informatics in Latin America and the Caribbean" and encourage you to consider submitting papers.  At present not much is published on the history of computing in Latin America and the Caribbean, but this symposium (and the growing number of scholars in this part of the world who are interested in computer history) suggests that this is starting to change. The symposium is part of the Latin American Conference on Informatics, "the most important Latin American forum in which scientists, professionals and students exchange ideas and share the results of their investigations and experiences in information technology and communications." This is the first time that the conference has included a history track. The paper submission deadline is June 7, 2010.  Acceptance notifications will be sent out by August 9, 2010 and final papers are due September 6, 2010. More info...

STEP conference in Galway, June 17-20 2010

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE EUROPEAN PERIPHERY National University of Galway, Ireland 17-20 June 2010 Online registration for the above conference is open, but the deadline for early-bird discounts is fast approaching. Please register by 1 May to get the best deal! Visit: http://www.conference.ie/Conferences/index.asp?Conference=75 Information is also available about the draft programme, and about student/postdoc bursaries. The conference is kindly sponsored by the BSHS, the RIA, NUI Galway, Bord Failte and the Wellcome Trust. For more information on the STEP network, see http://www.cc.uoa.gr/step -------------- Dr Aileen Fyfe Department of History National University of Ireland, Galway Galway Tel. +353 (0)91 493791 Fax. +353 (0)91 494556 http://www.nuigalway.ie/history/fyfe/

Segunda Circular: Encuentro Red de Historia Social de la Salud

I V ENCUENTRO DE LA RED DE HISTORIA SOCIAL DE LA SALUD Y LA ENFERMEDAD EN ARGENTINA Y AMERICA LATINA. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica- Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina Tucumán 12,13 y 14 de agosto de 2010. Segunda Circular Durante los días 12, 13 y 14 de agosto se llevará a cabo en la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, República Argentina, el IV Taller de historia social de la salud y la enfermedad en Argentina y América Latina, el cual contará con la presencia de investigadores de diversos centros latinoamericanos y europeos, por ello, y atento a que no todos los participantes aun han enviado sus abstracts se comunica que la fecha limite para la presentación de los mismos vence el 20 de Mayo,  el que deberán  ser enviados en programa Microsoft Word (versión 2000 o 97), con una extensión máxima de 200 palabras. La presentación de ponencias se extiende al 16 de Julio debiendo r...

Journal Almagest. International Journal for the History of Scientific Ideas

Dear Madam, Sir, We are delighted to let you know that Brepols will be publishing the journal Almagest. International Journal for the History of Scientific Ideas. The new journal Almagest considers the history of science both as a history of ideas and as an activity that takes place in institutional and social context. In discussing the history of scientific ideas, the journal addresses the philosophical assumptions underpinning the ideas as well as the scientific developments themselves; it also addresses the influence of the historical context on these ideas. The journal is published two times a year. The first issue is scheduled for June 2010. To download a detailed leaflet of the journal click here ( http://www.brepols.net/Pages/GetFile.aspx?dlfi=39 ). Yours sincerely, Patrick Daemen

On-line registration for the BSHS 2010 Conference in Aberdeen is now open

On-line registration for the BSHS 2010 Conference in Aberdeen is now open at http://www.bshs.org.uk/conferences/annual-conference/2010-aberdeen/online-ordering Further information can be found with the pdf version of the registration form. Queries regarding the registration process should be addressed to office@bshs.org.uk The provisional programme will be posted shortly at http://www.bshs.org.uk/conferences/annual-conference/2010-aberdeen The conference will open on Thursday 22 July at 17.00 with a Plenary Lecture by Mario Biagioli on "Venetian Tech-transfer: How Galileo Copied the Telescope" We look forward to seeing you in Aberdeen BSHS Programmes Committee

Dynamis: nuevo volumen online

Ponemos en vuestro conocimiento que ya está accesible online el volumen 29 (2009) de la revista Dynamis. EL sumario del vol 30 (2010), que aparecerá en papel a finales a comienzos de junio, puede consultarse también online. Un fuerte abrazo Teresa Ortiz **** Dynamis Web oficial: http://www.revistadynamis.es/ ****