
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 22, 2020

Cicle de Seminaris “Narratives de la malaltia”

Des del 2 de desembre de 2020 fins al 27 de gener de 2021 Lloc:  Institut Interuniversitari López Piñero/Universitat de València (Online a través de la plataforma Blackboard Collaborate)  Coordinadors:  Enric Novella (Institut Interuniversitari López Piñero, Universitat de València) i Inmaculada Hurtado (Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera) En els últims anys assistim a un creixent interès cultural per les narratives de la malaltia i a una autèntica eclosió de la literatura autobiogràfica centrada en l’experiència de les més diverses dolències físiques o mentals i en les vivències personals desenvolupades en institucions assistencials com hospitals, manicomis i tota mena de consultes mèdiques. En sintonia amb aquesta efervescència, l’anàlisi etnogràfic d’aquestes qüestions ha experimentat un notable impuls i ha permès, d’una banda, posar de relleu realitats de diferent ordre (polític, social, econòmic, etc.) implicades en l’articulació de l’experiència de la malaltia i, d’un...

CfP: Reconfiguring Labour and Welfare in Emerging Economies of the Global South

Reconfiguring Labour and Welfare in Emerging Economies of the Global South Venue: Centre for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF), Bielefeld University, Germany Date: 6-8 December 2021 Organisers: Minh Nguyen, Jake Lin, Ngoc Luong, Yueran Tian, Bielefeld University In the last two decades, various countries of the Global South, such as China, India, Vietnam, Brazil, South Africa, and a few countries in the former Soviet Bloc, have been introducing new forms of universal social protection through programs such as cash transfers, health insurance, or basic pension. Welfare expansion in many places is partly in response to the mounting economic crisis and social unrest caused by market reforms in the 1980s and early 1990s, which are manifested in public expenditure cuts, decentralisation and privatisation. Among others, these have led to the restructuring of labour through retrenchment, precaritisation and relocation at the same time with penetrating yet volatile global capital flows and mass...

CfP: 1st Open Forum in History of Physics

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 spring meetings of the German Physical Society (DPG) can only take place with strong restrictions and limitations. Due to this situation, we intend to keep up the 175-year-old tradition of the DPG and create a space for communication. In order to maintain a scientific exchange within the History of Physics community, the History of Physics Division invites you to  1st Open Forum in History of Physics  from 16.07. to 18.07.2021  at the Europa-University Flensburg. With this event, we would like to promote the communication between scholars at all stages of their careers. Instead of issuing a thematic call for papers, we invite papers from all subject areas of the history of physics. Contributions from the history of ideas, social, institutional and instrumental history are welcome in all the variety of methodological approaches that our discipline offers. Please submit a short summary of your paper of max. 1,000 characters to Chr...

CfP: Workshop History of the historical science studies, Wuppertal

Workshop: Geschichte der historischen Wissenschaftsforschung im langen 20. Jahrhundert/History of Historical Science Studies in the Long 20th Century Fabian Link, Volker Remmert, Marij van Strien, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung (IZWT), Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2.-3.9.2021 The historical science studies gained their modern form during the long 20th century. The aim of this workshop is to explore the history of this scientific discipline. We use the term "modern historical science studies" to indicate a difference to the traditional history of science. We want to concentrate on four historical periods: 1. The 1920s and 1930s, when scientists and sociologists of science such as Ludwik Fleck and Robert K. Merton, historians of science like Boris Hessen or George Sarton, epistemologists and historians of ideas such as Gaston Bachelard and Alexandre Koyré, philosophers of science like Edgar Zilsel or economists such as Henryk Grossmann st...

New online exhibition 'The history of antimicrobial resistance and scientists' struggles to overcome the problem'

Url:  https://www.whatisbiotechnology.org/index.php/exhibitions/antimicrobial Rising antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the most pressing public health challenges the world faces today alongside COVID-19. If left unchecked, AMR could wipe out many of the advances medicine has made in recent times. While the news about increasing AMR is alarming, the phenomenon is not new. Indeed, microbes, like bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other parasites have always been developing new resistance mechanisms to survive hostile environments. As this exhibition highlights, the problem of AMR was noted as far back as the late nineteenth century. Nor is the concern about AMR anything particularly new. What is different today, is the increasing number of scientific tools now at our disposal to track AMR. Furthermore, AMR levels have increased. Using original historical documents, photos and other material, this exhibition tracks the long history of AMR and the many different scientific tools that...

CfP: British Society for the History of Mathematics: Research in Progress

  The British Society for the History of Mathematics will be holding  'Research in Progress', its annual meeting for research students, on  Saturday 27th February 2021, online via Zoom.  The day provides an  opportunity for early-career scholars in the history of mathematics to  showcase their current research, and this year will conclude with a keynote talk  by Prof. Clemency Montelle (University of Canterbury, New Zealand). Talks will be around 20 minutes each (followed by time for questions),  and research students who are interested in offering a presentation  are invited to send a proposed title and abstract (of no more than 250 words) to Christopher Hollings by 30th November 2020.  The organisers will be in touch shortly thereafter with a decision. If you are concerned that there may be barriers to your taking part in this day, please get in touch with the organisers as there may be discretionary funding availab...

CfP: Citizen Science and Social Innovation: Mutual Relations, Barriers, Needs, and Development Factors

The manuscript submission deadline is 15 December 2020 (extended). Visit the collection homepage for the full description of the project: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/13915 Participating Journals - manuscripts can be submitted to this Research Topic via the following journals: - Frontiers in Sociology: Sociological Theory - Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics: Scholarly Communication - Frontiers in Communication: Science and Environmental Communication - Frontiers in Environmental Science: Science and Environmental Communication (Impact Factor 2019: 2.749) - Frontiers in Political Science: Political Participation   About this Research Topic: Social innovations are usually understood as new ideas, initiatives, or solutions that make it possible to meet the challenges of societies in fields such as social security, education, employment, culture, health, environment, housing, and economic development (Vinals & Rodriguez, 2013). On the one hand, many citizen...

Call for Book Chapters: "Exhibiting Virtual Bodies: The social, Cultural and Phenomenological impact of VR on the creative industries"

Exhibiting Virtual Bodies: The social, Cultural and Phenomenological impact of VR on the creative industries, edited by Dr Michael Saker and Dr Jordan Frith. Virtual Reality (VR) is not a new technology by any stretch of the imagination. Regardless of how futuristic VR might appear in popular culture, VR encompasses a rich and varied history that began to surface in the 1980s and 1990s when VPL Research produced a number of commercial devices (e.g. the DataGlove and AuidoSphere). As exciting as these systems were, the technology simply could not live up to the hype (Evans, 2018). In reality, the level of ‘immersion’ associated with these developments was just not enough to fulfil the implicit promise of VR. Simply put, the available technology was not able to conjure an experience of being present in a digital world that felt in any way ‘real’ (Shields, 2005). In contrast to the failed hype of its first few decades, contemporary VR is going through a marked ‘renaissance’ (Evans, 2018)....

CfP: Old Age Care in Times of Crisis, Past & Present

An ageing population is now a global phenomenon, with older people living longer thanks to changes in medicine, public health, and welfare services. But it is not clear that these later years are spent in better health. Now, as in the past, many older people struggle physically and/or mentally, due to a range of bio-psycho-social factors including poverty, malnutrition, isolation, exclusion, inadequate housing, illness, and poor healthcare. In both the recent and more distant past, the provision of care for older people has involved a host of actors from international agencies and NGOs, national and local governments, charities, campaigners, medical and care professionals, and, of course, families and community networks. What has happened to these endeavours, and to old age care as a whole, in times of crisis? Does crisis bring change – for better or worse – in the practices, ideas, cultures, laws, and structures surrounding care for older people? In a two-day, cross-disciplinary sympo...

CfP: Topical Issue of *Synthese*: "All Things Reichenbach"

Guest Editors: Erik Curiel Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU Munich Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University http://strangebeautiful.com Flavia Padovani English and Philosophy Department, Drexel University, Philadelphia http://flaviapadovani.org/ Topical Collection Description: Hans Reichenbach is among the most important philosophers of science of the Twentieth Century and without doubt one of the most prominent philosophers of physics of the first half of the past century. His work has ramified in fundamental ways into virtually every major debate in the philosophy of science and physics. While Reichenbach's philosophical project is no longer seen as viable as a whole, his work continues to be influential often in unnoticed but deep ways. Although many of his ideas still retain their interest and are discussed in current philosophy of science, he remains, in fact, one of the least understood and least carefully studied philosophical thinkers of his time. Be...