
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 27, 2016

Seminario on line: VI Seminario Gadea. Espacio y Salud

Espacio y salud: el proceso de descentralización en el marco autonómico español El Seminario podrá seguirse en directo por Streaming a través del enlace: https://vertice.cpd.ua.es/sede Descargar díptico en formato PDF La Constitución de 1978 abrió el proceso de descentralización política en España que cristalizaría en la creación de 17 comunidades autónomas y 2 ciudades autónomas, durante la década de los 80. En el ámbito sanitario, significó el fin de una estructura política centralizada y una desconcentración meramente administrativa de ámbito provincial. Los intentos descentralizadores anteriores a la Guerra Civil no tuvieron continuidad en el contexto centralista de la etapa franquista. Con la llegada de la democracia, la organización sanitaria desarrollada por la dictadura no respondía a las necesidades políticas y administrativas, incluidas las sanitarias, previstas en la nueva Constitución. En ese escenario, la configuración y posterior desarrollo de una alt...

CfP: The 8th Tensions of Europe Conference Athens, 7-10 September 2017

The 8 th  Tensions of Europe Conference Athens, 7-10 September 2017 Conference Theme:  Borders and Technology   The 8 th  Tensions of Europe Conference will have as its main theme the history of borders and technology . We invite papers studying the history of the relationship between national borders and transnational infrastructures, hidden technological linking and delinking that reinforced or challenged border delineations and demarcations, the relationship between borders and technologically-induced environmental crises and disasters, the virtualization of borders and the territories that they contain through the use of electronic and related technologies, geopolitics and technology, the redefinition of borders due to the use of technology (and vice versa), all the way from the production to the circulation and use of goods and commodities. One central aim is to cross-fertilize between disciplines and we therefore invite contributions from ...

Exposició Escoltar per auscultar. IHMC2

Dijous 1 de desembre. Hora: 19:00. Inauguració de l’exposició “Escoltar pera auscultar. Els sons de la medicina”. Lloc: Sala José Puche, Palau de Cerveró, Plaça Cisneros, 4. 46003 València Tel. 963 926 229 Horari de l’exposició De dilluns a divendres de 9 a 20 hores Visites guiades 963 864 922 visites.guiades@uv.es Entrada gratuïta www.uv.es/cultura/exposicions www.uv.es/ihmc Apartats de l’exposició 1. Els instruments científics com a mirada històrica 2. Estetoscopi, símbol i representació 3. Laënnec i els inicis de l’auscultació mediata 4. Medicina hospitalària i el naixement de la clínica 5. Morfologia i estructura de la malaltia 6. Dels humors als teixits 7. Principis tècnics de l’estetoscopi 8. Progrés i canvi en la exploració mèdica del cos 9. Refl...

CfP:Genealogies of Knowledge conference

Genealogies of Knowledge I Translating Political and Scientific Thought across Time and Space 7-9 December 2017 1 st Call for Papers http://genealogiesofknowledge. net/2016/11/23/genealogies- knowledge-i-translating- political-scientific-thought- across-time-space/ The production and circulation of knowledge across temporal and cultural spaces is a well-established research theme among classicists and historians of political thought, ideas, science and medicine, but recent developments have opened up new perspectives on this area of study. The study of social knowledge flows has advanced our understanding of these transit processes in critical and productive ways. While earlier ‘diffusionist’ models of knowledge production and distribution were predicated on the ascendancy of European thought and science, and the treatment of other cultures as no more than producers of data to be collected, theorised and understood, emerging models of social knowledge ...

CfP: Historical moments in PUS: highlighting the value of historical enquiry for the development of the scholarship in and about science communication and the public understanding of science

The journal Public Understanding of Science runs a new rubric, Historical Moments in PUS, of which the last item, by Dr Hsiang-Fu Huang, has just appeared. See here: http://sagepus.blogspot.com/ 2016/11/the-role-of- popularizers-in-vulcan.html and here: http://pus.sagepub.com/ content/early/2016/10/10/ 0963662516679045.full.pdf+html The rubric is meant to highlight the scholarly value of an historical approach to the study of the communication of the sciences and of the public understandings of science, two fields of scholarship which may sometime suffer from a slight lack in historical awareness. As such, this rubric is an ideal place for historians of science and technology, as well as science studies scholars, particularly those interested in the history of the public cultures of science, to draw the attention to salient features of their research, past and present. A typical piece for this rubric is between 1500 and 2000 words and is published alongside a sh...

Santorio Fellowship

SANTORIO FELLOWSHIP FOR MEDICAL HUMANITIES AND SCIENCE F ondazione C omel – I nstitutio S antoriana announces an international scheme entitled to the Italian physician  Santorio Santori   (1561-1636),  who introduced the quantitative method to medicine and is considered the father of experimental physiology.  A im  The fellowship aims at encouraging cooperation amongst scholars across the Europe and is awarded to early career researchers and PhD students whose interests in the field of Medical Humanities (History of Medicine and Biology, History and Philosophy of Science, History of Ideas, Classics) are particularly strong and well recorded.  For the academic year 2016-2017, the scheme will support participants of the international conference  Humours, Mixtures and Corpuscles. A Medical Path to Corpuscularism in the Seventeenth Century   organised by Fabrizio Bigotti and Jonathan Barry. A pplication process 5 x Santorio ...

CfP: Revista Internacional de Investigación e Innovación en didáctica de las Humanidades y las Ciencias

Convocante:  Revista Internacional de Investigación e Innovación en didáctica de las Humanidades y las Ciencias Tipo de convocatoria:  Artículo Fecha límite:   Sáb, 2016-12-31 Correo electrónico:  secretaria@didacticahumanidadesyciencias.com Como algunos ya sabéis, hace dos años pusimos en marcha una revista on-line con el sistema OJS dedicada a la investigación en la didáctica de las humanidades y las ciencias, y a la innovación docente, la titulamos  Revista Internacional de Investigación e Innovación en didáctica de las Humanidades y las Ciencias :  http://www. didacticahumanidadesyciencias . com   El sentido de la misma es servir de altavoz para las experiencias didácticas y docentes que cada uno de nosotros desarrolla en sus diferentes áreas de conocimiento. Cumple con todos los requisitos para ser valorada en las acreditaciones de la ANECA y las ...

CfP: War hecatomb: effects on health, demography and modern thought (19th-21st centuries)

War hecatomb: effects on health, demography and modern thought (19 th -21 st centuries) Lisbon, 19-20 June 2017 Organisation: Institute of Contemporary History - FCSH/NOVA Venue: FCSH/NOVA, Lisbon (Portugal) Deadline for proposals: 15 th of February 2017 Since the 19 th century until nowadays several wars marked History, which effects are still present in the collective memory. The different military conflicts had a direct impact on health of military as well as civilians, namely of the families that stayed far from the conflicts. In a way, there were an important number of casualties, and in another way, those that were wounded, invalid and sick had to return home, trying to reintegrate themselves in the society. Sometimes, unconsciously, they transmitted illnesses contracted in the battle fields to their families. Furthermore, conflicts changed material and moral conditions, with consequences in the agricultural, industrial and commercial prod...

CfP: "Making and Unmaking the Environment" - Design History Society annual conference 2017

7–9 SEPTEMBER 2017. UNIVERSITY OF OSLO. Design and designers hold an ambiguous place in environmental discourse. They are alternatively being blamed for causing environmental problems, and hailed as possessing some of the competences that could help solving those problems. Despite this long-standing centrality of design to environmental discourse, and vice versa, these interrelations remain underexplored in design historical scholarship. Half a century ago, Leo Marx coined the phrase ‘the machine in the garden’ to describe a trope he identified as a prominent feature of 19th and early 20th century American literature, in which the pastoral ideal is seen as disturbed by the invasion of modern technology. Marx subsequently shifted perspective from this fascination with ‘the technological sublime’ to a deep concern for the environmental ramifications of technological progress. The question of how we as society deal with the allegorical machine in the proverbial garde...

Job: History of Modern Science, Cambridge HPS

Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge Applications are invited for a 3-year post in the history of modern science and technology with an emphasis on the period after 1900. The successful candidate will have completed a PhD (and will hold a PhD certificate) before taking up the post. The role holder will help support and maintain the Department's national and international reputation for excellence in teaching and research. The role holder will be expected to continually update their knowledge and understanding in the field and to write up work for presentation, publication and lecturing. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the lecturing, supervising, examination and administration of courses for both undergraduate and graduate students in the Department. The candidate should be prepared to deliver lectures and supervise written work on a broad range of topics in the history of technology from 1900 until th...

Social History of Medicine: Co-Editor Vacancy

Social History of Medicine ( SHM ) seeks a new co-editor to join Professor Pratik Chakrabarti (co-editor), Professor Patricia Skinner (co-editor), and Dr Vanessa Heggie (book reviews editor). The new co-editor will succeed Professor Graham Mooney, who will stand down in 2017. Social History of Medicine is a leading international journal and covers all aspects of the social, cultural and economic history of medicine. It is published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for the Social History of Medicine (SSHM). The journal appears four times annually. We are looking for an experienced and well established medical historian who will ensure editorial cohesion. Expertise in all areas of history of medicine and/or time-periods will be considered. Applicants are asked to send a C.V. and statement of interest to the Chair of the Society for the Social History of Medicine, Dr Carsten Timmermann, Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Med...

HYLE 22-1: "Ethical Case Studies of Chemistry", Part 1

HYLE: International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry Vol. 22, No. 1, November 2016 http://www.hyle.org/journal/is sues/22-1/ Special Issue "Ethical Case Studies of Chemistry", Part 1 A collection of cases for teaching ethics to chemistry students including cases on scientific misconduct, chemical weapons research, pharmaceutical research, industrial chemicals, chemical waste disposal, chemical enhancement, and Synthetic Biology. Edited by Tom Børsen and Joachim Schummer Tom Børsen and Joachim Schummer: "Editorial Introduction" (pp. 1-8) Janet D. Stemwedel: "The Case of the Finicky Reactions: A Case Study of Trust, Accountability, and Misconduct" (pp. 9-29) Stephen M. Contakes and Taylor Jashinsky: "Ethical Responsibilities in Military-Related Work: The Case of Napalm" (pp. 31-53) Klaus Ruthenberg: "About the Futile Dream of an Entirely Riskless and Fully Effective Remedy: Thalidomide" (pp. 55...

Les sciences de l'homme en manuels: Revue d'histoire des sciences humaines n°29

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la parution du numéro 29 de la Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines ( http://www.publications- sorbonne.fr/fr/revues/rhsh/ ). Son dossier porte sur "les sciences de l'homme en manuels". En voici l'argumentaire suivi de la table des matières du numéro: Argumentaire du dossier: "Le manuel d'enseignement supérieur est un objet peu estimé, qui n'a pas suscité la m ê me attention que ses é quivalents destinés à des publics scolaires. Tenu pour une synth è se, voire une vulgarisation, de connaissances élaborées ailleurs, il n’intéresse guère les historiens des sciences ou de l’enseignement. L’ambition de ce dossier est de contribuer par une historicisation rigoureuse à indiquer toute la complexité et le caractère évolutif de ces objets de savoir et de montrer combien leur production a pu donner lieu à des investissements stratégiques, qu’ils soient le fait d’individus isolés, de collectifs dévoués ...

CfP: The Globalisation of Autism: Historical, Sociological, and Anthropological Reflections

Papers are invited for the following symposium: 'The Globalisation of Autism: Historical, Sociological, and Anthropological Reflections' Organised by Bonnie Evans, QMUL. Queen Mary, University of London, 20th and 21st April 2017 ‘Autism is not limited to a single region or a country; it is a worldwide challenge that requires global action’ – Ban Ki Moon, UN Secretary General, 2012 The autism diagnosis has become an important category of global health; capable of attracting large amounts of funding, shaping disability rights legislation, and impacting education, health and welfare policies internationally. This symposium will bring together scholars from across the world to reflect on how and why the autism category has achieved such significance in shaping international healthcare, research, and policy interventions, since the middle decades of the twentieth century. It will consider how and why autism became a global category, and what the implica...

BSA History of Science Section - Postgraduate Rep

The History of Science Section of the British Science Association is looking to recruit a current UK-based postgraduate student from the history or philosophy of science to join its steering committee. In addition to advising the BSA on issues related to the history of science, the section organises a minimum of two events at the British Science Festival , held annually in September by the BSA. This is a volunteer role and the postgraduate representative chosen will be expected to attend between 2-3 Section meetings per year and the festival itself (travel expenses covered). The postgraduate representative will work with the rest of the Section committee to source, develop, plan and deliver exciting lectures, debates and other science communication activities. The role is open to any UK-based current postgraduate student, who is studying any aspect of the history or philosophy of science, and is a great opportunity for anyone interested in public engagement and scienc...

Fellowships: History and Philosophy of Science (Descartes Centre, Utrecht University)

The Descartes Centre at Utrecht University offers fellowships to promote intellectual exchange and collaboration in the history and/or the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities. Two kinds of fellowships: A Junior Fellow conducts research at Utrecht University and/or at Dutch museums or archives, and presents the results of their work at one of the colloquia of the Descartes Centre. A Senior Fellow not only conducts research but also contributes actively to the Descartes Centre by means of public lectures, research seminars and/or teaching. Candidates should have a clear affinity with the history or the philosophy of the sciences and the humanities, as shown by their list of publications and research proposal. Furthermore, the application should demonstrate an existing or potential collaboration with one or more members of the Descartes Centre, a collaboration that is supported by a corresponding letter of recommendation. Fellows are expected to partic...

CfP: XVIII Universeum Meeting - 8-10 June 2017

XVIII UNIVERSEUM NETWORK MEETING University of Belgrade, Serbia, 8-10 June 2016 Mobility of University Heritage The European Academic Heritage Network UNIVERSEUM announces its 18th Annual Meeting.  UNIVERSEUM is concerned with academic heritage in its broadest sense, including university collections, museums, archives, libraries, botanical gardens, astronomical observatories, and university buildings of historical, artistic and scientific significance. We invite you to submit papers to one of the sessions below. Papers in the thematic sessions 1, 2 and 3 need to present an argument that can be discussed. Descriptive presentations can be submitted to the poster session (session 4). 1. THEMATIC SESSIONS on Mobility of University Heritage Oral 15-min papers followed by 5 min discussion In Europe, where people and goods move more or less freely, the mobility of museum collections has been researched and promoted over the past decade. Mobility of...

BSHS PG Engagement Fellowship with Pump Room Museum, Harrogate

Fee payable to Fellow: £1000 Deadline for applications: Friday 16 December 2016 Fellowship to be completed by: end June 2017 The Royal Pump Room Museum, Harrogate, are delighted to be hosting a BSHS Engagement Fellowship in the first half of 2017. Supported by the British Society for the History of Science, this post will enable a current postgraduate student to carry out research in the history of science, drawing on the unique collections at the Museum. The Fellowship, which is worth £1000, provides for one month’s work, taken flexibly, and the successful applicant will collaborate with museum staff to produce public-facing outputs, as well as inform future gallery developments, developing valuable skills in object-based research, partnership working and public engagement. The Fellow will also be able to draw on up to £500 to support engagement activities, which might include gallery trails, public workshops and education events, or object biographies. The m...