Social History of Medicine: Co-Editor Vacancy
Social History of Medicine (SHM) seeks a new co-editor to join Professor Pratik Chakrabarti (co-editor), Professor Patricia Skinner (co-editor),
and Dr Vanessa Heggie (book reviews editor).
The new co-editor will succeed Professor Graham Mooney, who will stand down in 2017.
Social History of Medicine
is a leading international journal and covers all aspects of the
social, cultural and economic history of medicine. It is published by
Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for the Social History
of Medicine (SSHM). The journal appears four times annually.
We are looking for
an experienced and well established medical historian who will ensure
editorial cohesion. Expertise in all areas of history of medicine and/or
time-periods will be considered.
Applicants are asked
to send a C.V. and statement of interest to the Chair of the Society
for the Social History of Medicine, Dr Carsten Timmermann, Centre for
the History of Science, Technology and Medicine,
Simon Building, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL,
United Kingdom (email:
carsten.timmermann@manchester., by
31 January 2017.
The application
should provide a brief statement of why the candidate is attracted to
the post, an outline of what they would contribute to
SHM, and a synopsis of their relevant experience.
Informal enquiries about the nature of the post can be made by e-mail to Professor Pratik Chakrabarti (pratik.chakrabarti@
or Professor Patricia Skinner (
Further details about the journal and the Society for the Social History of Medicine can be found at