
Mostrando entradas de octubre 15, 2023

Presentación del libro: Pensar la medicina amb la història. Homenatge a la professora María José Báguena Cervellera

Pensar la medicina amb la història. Homenatge a la professora María José Báguena Cervellera, Carmel Ferragud y José Ramón Bertomeu (eds.), Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2023 Jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2023, a las 17 h. Salón de Actos, Palau de Cerveró (Valencia). Zoom: https://uv-es.zoom.us/j/96349408410 Intervendrán: José Ramón Bertomeu y Carmel Ferragud (Universitat de València), editores del libro. María Isabel Porras Gallo (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha). Rosa Ballester Añón (catedrática emérita de Historia de la ciencia, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche). Dieciséis investigadoras e investigadores han colaborado en este volumen que rinde homenaje a la profesora María José Báguena, que fue miembro del Instituto López Piñero desde su fundación, así como docente del Departamento de Historia de la Ciencia y Documentación durante muchos años. El libro recoge los cambios que la historia de la medicina ha experimentado en las últimas décadas. Se han ampliado los tema

1a Carta Circular referente ao 19º Seminário Nacional de História da Ciência e da Tecnologia (19º SNHCT)

A Sociedade Brasileira de História da Ciência (SBHC) tem a alegria de anunciar o 19º Seminário Nacional de História da Ciência e da Tecnologia (19º SNHCT), em modalidade presencial, a ser realizado entre os dias 29 de julho a 02 de agosto de 2024, nas dependências da Universidade Federal da Bahia, na cidade de Salvador-BA. Convidamos você para visitar nossa página ( https://www.19snhct.sbhc.org.br ), realizar sua inscrição e começar a planejar sua viagem a Salvador. Dentre as atividades previstas estão conferências, mesas redondas, simpósios temáticos, minicursos, apresentação de pôsteres de iniciação científica, premiações, lançamento de livros e programação sociocultural. Com mais essa edição do encontro nacional, a SBHC fortalece e, ao mesmo tempo, renova sua trajetória de sociedade científica comprometida com o pensamento e a transformação social. Fique atenta(o) aos prazos do 19º SNHCT: Inscrições: 25 de setembro/23 a 30 de maio/24 Submissões para coordenação de Simpósio Temático:

CfP: The Epistemology of Narrative Knowledge - Rivista di Estetica

The Epistemology of Narrative Knowledge Advisory editors: Erica Onnis (University of Turin), Sarah Worth (Furman University) Deadline: March 15th, 2024 Historically, human beings have been variously characterised as “social”, “political”, “rational”, or “economic” animals. Recently, another definition has presented them as “storytelling animals” belonging to the species Homo fictus, the “great ape with the storytelling mind” (Gottshall, J., The Storytelling Animal, p. 10). Humans do love to tell stories, but storytelling is not only an amusing and entertaining activity, nor a peculiar and more or less successful style of communication. Stories play fundamental epistemological roles. They help humans in organising and understanding the complex dynamics in which they live; they provide a structure to facts and ideas that would otherwise remain separated; they encode a form of knowledge that is easy to remember and enables action; they describe the world without defining it. The universal

CfP: Crises, Challenges and Post-Pandemic Prospects

Studia 2023 Special Issue on Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes Deadline: 15 February 2024 Special issue information: This special issue focuses on Languages for Specific Purposes and welcomes papers taking a research, pedagogical or theoretical perspective on the topic. Language for specific purposes (LSP) is an approach to language education based on identifying the specific language features, discourse practices, and communicative skills of target academic groups, and which recognizes the subject-matter needs and expertise of learners. It sees itself as sensitive to contexts of discourse and action and seeks to develop research-based pedagogies to assist study, research or publication in English. It requires teachers to identify the diversity of disciplinary languages used in the workplace or academy and encourage students to engage analytically with target discourses and develop a critical understanding of the contexts in which they are used. This is probably the most w

CfP: Comic, Catastrophe, and Conservation: Reflections Beyond the Pandemic

Depictions of apocalyptic (non/alternative) futures have been popular in the comic ‘mode’ (as McCloud suggests), irrespective of the approach to formalistic manifestation: manga, graphic narratives, visual novels and so on. In the 20th century, wherein humanity has been torn apart by repeated belligerences of modern warfare and violence, doomsday sagas have garnered sustained attention; whether it is MARVEL’s ‘Apocalypse’, or the Herculean ‘mecha’ robots of anime. The recent pandemic perhaps has fueled the darker side of imagination even further. However, the objective of the proposed volume is not to augment the extant discourse of the cyberpunk-ish, post-apocalyptic dystopia. Rather, it is to focus on the possible constructive purpose which comic narratives can serve during the survivalist aftermath. Allied to the context, comic and graphic texts have long been recommended for the purpose of publicity and propaganda, owing to their visual appeal. Captain America was conceivably a sym

CfP: Climate Change, Empire and the Legacies of Environmental Determinism

A two-day workshop exploring the imperial legacies of environmental determinism in an age of changing habitability and climatic crisis. We live in a time when concern about human effects on the environment and climate are greater than ever. For much of human history, however, the opposite was true, and environments’ and climates’ effects on people were often the more pressing concern. Environmental or climatic determinism – the idea that people are shaped physically, culturally and even morally – by their environments has a long and often insidious history. Determinist thinking had particular utility in the age of European and global empires in the 19th and 20th centuries, taking on new forms amidst attempts to expand and justify imperial dominance. Everything from ‘energy’ to racial characteristics and from ‘civilisational success’ to the limits of habitability were seen as environmentally and climatically determined. The historiography has traditionally suggested that imperial forms

CfP: Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science

Call for Proposals: 26th Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science (SAHMS) March 7-9, 2024 Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC) hosted by the Wake Forest University Department of History; We welcome papers on a wide variety of topics related to the history of medicine, science, and technology. Papers do not need to be southern in focus. Scholars, professionals, and students are invited to submit, and early career scholars are especially encouraged. Some graduate students may be eligible for a travel grant. Submissions for individual papers and panels can be made online at the SAHMS website, at http://www.sahms.net/call-for-papers.html The deadline for submissions is Friday, October 27, 2023. Contact Information Vicki Daniel, SAHMS President URL:  http://www.sahms.net

CfP: Colloquium "Ignorances in the Sciences"

Call for contributions for the philosophy of science colloquium entitled "Ignorances in the Sciences", to be held on 14 and 15 March 2024 in Lyon (France). You will find details of the call for proposals (arguments, registration and submission procedures) on the following platform: https://ignorancessciences.sciencesconf.org/ Summary of the rationale: The main objective of the conference is to examine the way in which ignorance influences research in the various scientific disciplines (in both fundamental and applied research). Proposals for papers should contribute to a philosophical and epistemological investigation into ignorance - or ignorances - in the sciences. The ambition is therefore as much to question the philosophical content of scientific practices as to use the latter to construct a definition of ignorance or to put current conceptualisations to the test. The overall aim is to obtain a conception of ignorance that is enlightened and informed as much by its philo

Proposal for a panel series at the 11th Tensions of Europe Conference, Frankfurt/Oder 19-21 September 2024. Transformations, fundamental change and technology.

Title of the panel series: Datafying the environment, environmentalizing data Conveners: Gemma Cirac-Claveras (UAB) and Sabine Höhler (KTH) Over the last decades, the environment and its governance have undergone a transformation towards progressive datafication. Environmental goals, indicator systems and performance reviews build on the availability of environmental data. As the environment becomes “datafied”, data become increasingly “environmentalized” – as proxies for the environment itself or currencies in environmental discourses. This ongoing transformation has become so comprehensive that scientific, political and economic knowledge about the oceans, the atmosphere, the land surfaces and the ice, and their governance, today rely on vast flows of data gathered, made evident, shared and consumed through a myriad of tools. Concepts such as “environing media”, the “digital climate/digital environment” or the “mediated planet” have been proposed to capture the epistemological, polit

Accepting Applications for Visiting Fellowship - Fall and/or Spring 2024 - 2025 Academic Year - Deadline December 10th

Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  Start Date: 9/1/2024 Job Description: Visiting Fellow at the Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh The Center for Philosophy of Science invites applications for a visiting fellowship during the fall and/or spring term of the 2024-2025 academic year. Visiting Fellowships enable philosophers of science to spend a fall and/or spring academic term working in the Center for Philosophy of Science on a project in philosophy of science that they nominate. Ten Visiting Fellowships are offered each year. Most Fellows stay for a semester, although some stay for a whole year. Visiting Fellows must have a doctoral degree. It is expected that the doctorate will be in philosophy, in history and philosophy of science, or that the applicant has an established position in the professional community of philosophy of science. We particularly welcome submissions from members of underrepresented groups. The Center expects a Visiting Fellow’s researc