Call for Papers History and Plant Sciences: Interdisciplinary Approaches Workshop – Angers (France) – December 8-9, 2014 Organisers : Cristiana Oghina-Pavie & Stéphane Tirard Plants have double historicity: on the one hand due to their biological history (evolution, reproductive cycle, etc.), on the other hand due to their human history (botanical studies, selection, cultivation practices, usage, etc.). These legitimate interdisciplinary approaches take into account both the biological and the human history of plants. We propose a two-day workshop conducive to analysis of interdisciplinarity at work in research that crosses the historical approach and the experimental plant sciences (genetics, physiology, pathology, systematics, study of the evolution, etc.). Indeed, interdiscplinarity develops a complex interaction between these disciplines and raises methodological and epistemological questions. We welcome papers that are, preferably, jointly submitted by a histo...