
Mostrando entradas de octubre 1, 2023

DYNAMIS: VOLUMEN 43 (1) 2023

DOSSIER: Cosmética y estética. Los cuidados del cuerpo durante la Edad Media y el Renacimiento.  Editado por Ricardo Córdoba de la Llave y Javier López Ryder El cuidado del cuerpo en la Edad Media y el Renacimiento: entre la cosmética y la salud. Ricardo Córdoba de la Llave y Javier López Rider Recetario médico-farmacológico para el cuidado y el embellecimiento del cabello: fuentes árabes medievales. Ana María Cabo González Entre la estética y la medicina: el cuidado del cuerpo en el Breviarium de Johannes de Sancto Paulo. Victoria Recio Muñoz En pos de la belleza. Cuidado de rostro y cabellos en los recetarios hebreos medievales. Meritxell Blasco Orellana y Carmen Caballero Navas Higiene y cuidado dental en recetarios hispanos de la época medieval y moderna. Ricardo Córdoba de la Llave Medicina y masculinidad: el cuidado de la barba en los recetarios domésticos castellanos del siglo XVI. Montserrat Cabré i Pairet y Javier López Rider "[...] ad agritudinem ...

CfP: Mind, Body, and the Arts, 1100-1800

Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt . Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK as part of The Arts as Medicine? New Histories of the Arts and Health Research Networking Grant. March 28, 2024 Please respond by sending an abstract of 250-500 words by November 15 2023 to Alexander Wragge-Morley In recent decades, scholars across the humanities have grown increasingly interested in historical understandings of the effects of art on the mind and body. In the Middle East, for instance, Islamicate medics regarded certain musical modes (maqāmāt) as having therapeutic properties, linking them to states of mind and body thought to depend on the four humors. In pre-modern China, writers such as the Song historian Lu You (1125-1210) identified poetry as a means of healing a mind that was closely interwoven with the body. Meanwhile, in Europe, emotional states such as melancholy, nostalgia, or hysteria were theorized as stemming not only from an imbalanc...

CfP: Children, Dependency, and Emotions in the Early Modern World, 1500-1800: Archival and Visual Narrative: Bonn, 2024

Children in the early modern world were dependent upon caretakers in many ways: physically, socially, and emotionally. Children could also be subjected to and negotiated social and economic dependencies, including conditions of serfdom, indentured labour, servitude, slavery, and family ties. Highly mobile, children were traded and trafficked between households, across cultural boundaries, and over land and oceans. These experiences could be exacerbated through considerations of gender and (premediated) sexuality. Wedged between these intersections of power, space, and (in)visibility, children have frequently been neglected in history writing, with their limited traces in archives contributing to this marginalisation. Following recent calls for praxeological approaches, global history, and the history of material culture, their silences are beginning to break. We wish to foreground children’s representations, articulations, and their experiences in archival and visual narratives as mo...

Call for Abstracts: Session "Climate sciences framing climate change debates (1970s – 2000s)" - ESHS Conference, Barcelona 2024

Session Title: Climate sciences framing climate change debates (1970s-2000s). Session Organizer: Carolina Granado (iHC, UAB) Conference details: Science, Technology, Humanity, and the Earth. 11th ESHS Conference 4-7 September 2024, Barcelona (Spain) Session Description: Climate change is a global challenge with profound scientific, social, and political implications. At the heart of the climate change discourse lie different sciences (climatology, meteorology, chemistry, oceanography, geology, glaciology, …) which have significantly influenced the way we understand, discuss, and respond to this critical issue. This session invites scholars and researchers to contribute to a historical exploration of the ways in which different climate sciences have shaped academic and public climate change debates. Contributions may address topics including, but not limited to, the following:  Climate Models and Predictions: Analyse the role of climate models and predictions in the understanding o...

CfP: The Epistemology of Narrative Knowledge - Rivista di Estetica 1/2025

The Epistemology of Narrative Knowledge. Advisory editors: Erica Onnis (University of Turin), Sarah Worth (Furman University) Historically, human beings have been variously characterised as “social”, “political”, “rational”, or “economic” animals. Recently, another definition has presented them as “storytelling animals” belonging to the species Homo fictus, the “great ape with the storytelling mind” (Gottshall, J., The Storytelling Animal, p. 10). Humans do love to tell stories, but storytelling is not only an amusing and entertaining activity, nor a peculiar and more or less successful style of communication. Stories play fundamental epistemological roles. They help humans in organising and understanding the complex dynamics in which they live; they provide a structure to facts and ideas that would otherwise remain separated; they encode a form of knowledge that is easy to remember and enables action; they describe the world without defining it. The universal scope of this human d...