
Mostrando entradas de marzo 17, 2019

Exposición “Ciencia, ciudad y cambio”

El crucero del Hospital Real y la Biblioteca Universitaria de la Universidad de Granada albergan entre el 6 de febrero y el 17 de mayo de 2019 la exposición “Ciencia, ciudad y cambio” , una apuesta decidida del Vicerrectorado de Extensión por promover la identificación entre ciudad y Universidad con vistas a la declaración de Granada como Capital Europea de la Cultura en 2031. La exposición ha sido comisariada por Alfredo Menéndez Navarro , catedrático de Historia de la Ciencia de la UGR, y ha contado con un amplio elenco de asesores y colaboradores procedentes de la Universidad de Granada y del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. La muestra incluye más de 200 piezas procedentes de las colecciones patrimoniales de la Universidad de Granada, de otras instituciones locales y de particulares, así como cuatro audiovisuales, uno de ellos inmersivo. Así mismo, destaca la exhibición de la Farmacia Zambrano, una oficina de botica originaria del siglo XVIII recientemente adq...

María Jesús Santesmases: "Curar y gobernar las infecciones: historia de las penicilinas en España" (Disponible on line)

Ya está disponible para su visualización el vídeo con el seminario  Curar y gobernar las infecciones: historia de las penicilinas en España , impartido por María Jesús Santesmases ( Instituto de Filosofía, CSIC) y  coorganizado por el Máster Conjunto de Salud Pública (Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche / Universidad de Alicante) y el Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero de Estudios Históricos y Sociales, sobre Ciencia, Tecnología, Medicina y Medio Ambiente - sede de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.

Call for Book Proposals: Palgrave Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Medicine

PALGRAVE STUDIES IN MEDIEVAL AND EARLY MODERN MEDICINE edited by Jonathan Barry (University of Exeter, United Kingdom) and  Fabrizio Bigotti (Julius-Maximilians- Universität Würzburg, Germany). "Palgrave Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Medicine"  provides a high-quality outlet for academic monographs and edited collections devoted to the history of medicine in the period 1100-1800. The series pays particular attention to intellectual history and history of ideas, including the  history and philosophy of science ,  history of medicine and technology ,  history of medical institutions ,  medical biographies  as well as mutual bearings between  medical humanities and the arts  (including music and architecture). Further topics include   history of medical traditions and practices,philosophy  of medicine  and publications of  medical correspondences and archival documents.  The empha...

Seminario on line: “We all killed those birds”: Trabajo simbólico emocional en la crisis medioambiental del plástico

Dimecres 27 març.  18 hores La sociologia de les emocions és un àmbit emergent que promet oferir explicacions per a entendre fenòmens claus com l'acció col·lectiva. En aquesta presentació utilitzem la teoria de Randall Collins (tal vegada el sociòleg nord-americà viu més destacat) sobre l'energia emocional per a emmarcar el nostre cas d'estudi sobre l'ús de símbols visuals en la recent crisi mediambiental relacionada amb el plàstic. Els resultats de la nostra anàlisi qualitativa i “netnogràfic” de dades procedents en gran part de les xarxes socials d'un moviment mediambientaliste nord-americà, ens permet dotar de contingut empíric a un nou concepte, el “trabajo simbólico-emocional” (TSE). La noció de TSE pretén alleujar algunes de les manques de la teoria de Collins respecte a l'agència en l'ús de símbols per part   d'individus específics en els processos de generació d'energia emocional. Biografia David Barberá Tomás és Professor Titular ...

Invitation: Irregular War and Technology at SHOT2019

We organized a panel for the  Society for the History of Technology annual meeting  that will take place  Milan (October 27-29, 2019) -titled  “ Technology and irregular warfare in the Twentieth Century ” -.  If anyone is interested in participating in our panel, we look forward to your proposals (an title and abstract sent to this email). The deadline to submit abstracts is due in a few days, by March 25th (hopefully they will extend it!), but we will give a couple of more days. DESCRIPTION Arms, explosives, maps, garment and physical infrastructures constitute some examples of the objects fabricated, used or adapted in modern warfare. The relationship between war and technology has interested historians of technology from the outset of the discipline. Moreover, it has been also a primordial concern of general historians. However, most of the literature on the subject focuses in wars or conflicts between states (regular wars). In this session...

CfP: Health, Care and the Emotions Conference

The  Surgery & Emotion  project is pleased to share the CFP for its upcoming interdisciplinary conference, 'Health, Care and the Emotions', which will take place at the University of Roehampton from 3-5 September 2019. We welcome proposals for papers/panels on a range of subjects including medicine and surgery, nursing, mental health care, social care, self-care and wellbeing, end-of-life care. We also encourage proposals on any related areas. For more details, and to download the CFP, click here:  http://www. surgeryandemotion.com/news/ view/health-care-and-the- emotions-conference-call-for- papers .  Deadline for submissions: 1 May 2019. The conference is generously funded by the Wellcome Trust. There will be no conference fee. We also have funds available to support 20 bursaries for PhD students and Early Career Researchers. Please refer to the CFP for more details.

Synthese special issue: Non-Standard Approaches to Emergence

Synthese  special issue :  Non-Standard Approaches to Emergence Guest editors : Olivier Sartenaer (Cologne) and Umut Baysan (Oxford) Submission deadline : August 21, 2019. Aims and scope: When British emergentists initially appealed to the concept of emergence in the early 20th century, they aimed at laying the groundwork of a philosophy of nature that was supposed to constitute a middle course between two antagonistic worldviews, namely (and in a knowingly anachronistic phrasing) reductive physicalism and nonphysicalist dualism. Emergence, as a relation between an “emergent” and its “emergence base”, was indeed to be construed from the very start as a conjunction of two demands. First – call this the “dependence demand”, which is in tension with some versions of dualism – emergents were thought to somehow  depend on  their bases. Second – this is the “distinctness demand”, which  prima facie  conflicts with a reductive version of physicalism – eme...

Seminario on line: The Creation & Expansion of the Worldwide Smallpox Eradication Programme - 28 March 2019

Global Health Histories Seminar 121 – ‘The Creation & Expansion of the Worldwide Smallpox Eradication Programme’ 28 March 2019, 14:00 - 16:00pm GMT Venue: Bowland Auditorium, Berrick Saul Building, University of York Admission: Free and open to all – please register for a free ticket at  https://www.eventbrite.co. uk/e/the-creation-and- expansion-of-the-worldwide- smallpox-eradication- programme-tickets-58103584385 Webcast: Livestream link -   https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=dSeSPzup-uU The world was declared free of smallpox in 1980, but the road to eradication was not a straightforward one or swift one. In this seminar, our panellists will focus on the smallpox control programmes operating in the 1950s and 1960s, with particular reference to China, Nepal, Brazil and India. This will demonstrate the crucial, yet commonly overlooked, role of local attitudes, administration and programmes in the expansion of the worldwide smallpox eradication programme....

Two years postdoc position on the history of amateurs in science - LeMans University (France)

Two years postdoc position at Le Mans Université (Le Mans, France) on the history of Amateurs in Science. ****************** Le programme ANR-18-CE27-0027-01 – "AmateurS. Amateurs en sciences (France, 1850-1950) : une histoire par en bas" recrute un.e post-doctorant.e. •       Durée : 24 mois à plein temps. •       Date de prise de poste : 15 juin 2019 ou 1er septembre 2019 •       Affiliation : Le Mans Université, Le Mans, France. Compétences attendues : o   Doctorat : de préférence en histoire (histoire sociale ou culturelle), histoire des sciences ou sociologie des sciences. o   Familiarité avec les sources historiques françaises et leur utilisation. o   Familiarité avec la constitution de base de données. o   Français courant. Anglais courant. o   Disponibilité et mobilité (Paris, Le Mans, missions nationales dans des fonds ...

DCDC19: call for papers

The National Archives and Research Libraries UK are delighted to invite submissions for this year’s Discovering Collections Discovering Communities (DCDC) conference, which will take place between 11 – 13 November 2019 in Birmingham. The theme of DCDC19 is ‘Navigating the digital shift: practices and possibilities’ . We will explore the possibilities of the digital shift for collections, audience expectations, and professional practices. We seek to go beyond recounting the huge change that the digital shift has represented, and to examine possibilities for the future. We invite proposals from heritage and cultural organisations and the academic community, which might include, but are not limited to, the following: ·           Rise of the machines: artificial intelligence, interpretation, and creativity ·           Digital inclusion: use of digital technology to increase engagement wi...