
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 5, 2023

Novedad bibliográfica y presentación: Éramos todos iguales Relatos de vida en torno a la lepra

Autor: Antonio García Belmar. Enlace a la editorial: https://publicaciones.ua.es/libro/eramos-todos-iguales_148784/ Enlace a la imagen de portada: https://publicaciones.ua.es/media/unialicante/images/edition-141188.jpg Éramos todos iguales no es un libro sobre la lepra, aunque todo en él gire alrededor de esta enfermedad. Los relatos de vida aquí reunidos nos hablan de la experiencia reciente de personas que se enfrentaron a una enfermedad asociada al pasado y de las estrategias individuales y colectivas con las que lograron recuperar la identidad arrebatada y defender su dignidad personal. Nos trazan trayectorias vitales marcadas por el miedo y el rechazo y nos desvelan las razones e intereses que los alimentaron. Son relatos anclados a un tiempo y a un lugar, pero su lectura nos transporta a territorios atemporales y universales de la condición humana. Son historias de unión, amor y resistencia de personas que lograron volver a sentirse iguales en un mundo que les señaló como diferen...

Novedad bibliográfica y presentación: El cénit de la ciencia republicana: Los científicos en el espacio público (Curso 1935-1936)

Autor: Leoncio López-Ocón Cabrera Url:  https://www.silexediciones.com/producto/el-cenit-de-la-ciencia-republicana/ Está generalizada la creencia de que la relación de la sociedad española con la ciencia a lo largo del tiempo ha sido una historia de desapego, de distanciamiento. El tópico de la polémica de la ciencia española atraviesa generaciones desde que se iniciase la reflexión de la relación de los españoles con su pasado científico en tiempos de la Ilustración. Para defender la tesis de las limitaciones del desenvolvimiento de las actividades científicas en el seno de la sociedad española se acude a una metáfora atribuida a Cajal, aquella que dice que al carro de la cultura española le falta la rueda de la ciencia. Sin embargo, como se expone en este libro, el propio Cajal a sus ochenta años hizo un balance más positivo de los logros alcanzados por los científicos españoles coetáneos, debidos a un trabajo acumulativo de un cuarto de siglo. Esta obra sigue la estela de esas r...

Anuncio Contrato doctoral (antinguas FPI), Historia de la Ciencia, IMF-CSIC

Información para presentarse a un contrato doctoral de 4 años (antiguas FPI) en la Institución Milá y Fontanals de investigación en Humanidades (CSIC) de Barcelona, dentro del proyecto del ministerio «La ‘infancia excepcional': el niño precoz y talentoso como sujeto cultural y científico en España (c. 1850-1940)», dirigido por Andrea Graus . El plazo estará abierto hasta el 20 de noviembre a las 23:59h (CET). Todas las personas que deseen participar en este proceso selectivo deberán cumplimentar la solicitud en la aplicación telemática disponible en los servidores de información del CSIC CONVOCA: https://www.convocatorias.csic.es/convoca/ Aclarar que el hecho de estar admitido en un programa de doctorado o la homologación de los títulos serán requisitos a la hora de formalizar el contrato, no durante el proceso de solicitud. Resumen del proyecto:   Este proyecto propone explorar los orígenes de la fascinación por el talento y la precocidad infantil en España (1850-1940) entendido c...

CfP: XVIIIe Colloque International Hippocratique

Primera circular (call for papers) del próximo Coloquio Hipocrático tendrá lugar en Madrid, en la sede de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, durante los días 2, 3 y 4 de octubre de 2024. El presente coloquio, cuyo título es: “El Corpus Hippocraticum, espejo de la sociedad: la mujer, la familia y las diferencias sociales”, pretende ofrecer un amplio espectro de visiones de la realidad clásica a través de la mirada del médico que actúa como testigo de su mundo en múltiples campos vedados al resto de la sociedad. Este aspecto es particularmente interesante en el caso de las mujeres y su mundo, ya que los textos médicos aportan datos sin paralelo en otras fuentes. Los aspectos biológicos relativos a la maternidad, los cuidados médicos que se le asocian, los efectos de la capacidad reproductiva o sexual en la morfología, el comportamiento y la actividad femenina, las diferencias entre la fisiología femenina y masculina, la cosmética, la higiene, el bienestar psicológico, y el contexto fa...

CfP: Paper proposals on Oceans HSTM for the 2025 ICHST in Ōtepoti Dunedin, New Zealand

The International Commission for the History of Oceanography (ICHO) is seeking paper proposals to join its sessions at the 2025 International Congress of History of Science and Technology to be held 29 June - 5 July 2025 in Ōtepoti Dunedin, New Zealand (for details, see: https://www.ichst2025.org/ ). Hybrid sessions permitting remote participation will be possible. Proposals should address some aspect of the history of ocean science and/or technology (broadly construed) in conversation with the conference theme Peoples, Places, Exchanges, and Circulation, explained below. Please submit proposed abstracts by Friday, March 1, 2024 via this form .  Conference theme: Peoples, Places, Exchanges, and Circulation. One of the most important trends in the field of the history of science, technology, and medicine has been a move towards more integrated, expansive, and connected histories that seek to include the participation of the entire world. Our Congress theme strives to further this...

CfP: Dossier História em Revista "Cultural Heritage of Health and Welfare: reflections on a multidisciplinary field"

The cultural heritage of health and welfare consists of the set of objects and buildings, as well as intangible practices, that have developed in the context of the welfare and health care provided to different individuals. It is a type of heritage that has become increasingly important as a result of individual initiatives - by historians, archivists, architects, doctors, among others - and national and international research networks. The aim of this dossier is to provide an opportunity to disseminate research that reflects on the disciplinary field of the history of the cultural heritage of health and welfare at national and international level. Proposals for articles should deal with themes relevant to the scientific field of the cultural heritage of health and care, using documentation available in archival, bibliographic, museological, iconographic and sound collections, as well as architectural heritage, observing the domains of theoretical, methodological and historiographical ...

CfP for BSHS PG Conference 2024 now open

The CfP for the 2024 British Society for the History of Science’s PG conference is now open! The conference theme is the Global History of Science, Technology and Medicine. The event will be held in person at the University of Warwick in collaboration with Warwick’s Global History and Culture Center (GHCC) and will take place on Friday 19 April and Saturday 20 April 2024. We welcome papers from postgraduate students working in any area of the history of science, technology and medicine, in any period of history. We are committed to providing an accessible forum for scholarly discussion and exchange and encourage graduate students from any nationality to apply. Priority will be given to PGRs in the earlier stages of their academic career to practice presenting in front of their peers. Please note: If you have ever presented at the BSHS annual conference, you will not be eligible to present at the PG conference. Papers will be 15 minutes long, followed by a discussion with panel speakers...

CfP: Special Issue of ArtefaCToS. STS Studies in Dialogue

Science, Technology, and Society Studies (STS) have been, since their very origins, a cross-disciplinary field, acknowledging that the complexities of its object largely transcend the boundaries of specific academic perspectives. Instead, thriving at the intersection of diverse fields, STS is inherently rooted in dialogue with others, enabling it to adeptly address the dynamic, ever-evolving landscape of science and technology co-implications with society, politics, ethics, and culture. STS not only offers insightful critiques but also provides innovative viewpoints into how we can navigate the intricate and often ethically charged terrain of scientific and technological advancement. In this spirit of dialogue, this special issue of ArtefaCToS aims to celebrate and enhance the rich tapestry of knowledge exchanges with an array of disciplines that define STS. We invite submissions of original research articles, review papers, and theoretical contributions that explore the rich interpla...

Revitalizing Science and Values - Deadline November 15

Conference Dates: April 6-7, 2024 Location: Center for Philosophy of Science, Cathedral of Learning, University of Pittsburgh The arena of science and values has grown in size and prominence in recent philosophy of science. But debates about the role of science remain fairly limited in terms of both the scope of topics discussed and the range of views expressed. The aim of this conference is to broaden the horizons of work on science and values, partly by making room for new (or new versions of older) ideas and partly by getting it to interact with other parts of philosophy. In this spirit we invite papers which expand the boundaries of current work in the field, and/or that argue for views that are outside of the current mainstream. These include, but are limited to: Views bucking the trend towards value-laden science, and/or defending (new) versions of value-freedom. Discussions aiming to bridge work on values in science and general value theory, especially political theory, politica...

CfP: SI of History of Meteorology on 'Connecting Oceanic Asia'

We’re organizing a special issue for our journal History of Meteorology . The theme is “Connecting Oceanic Asia: Production and Application of Meteorological Knowledge”, which focuses on how modern meteorological knowledge was produced under the influence of regional interaction, especially in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. We already have several contributors lined up, but we’d like to invite another 2 or 3 papers from ICHM member’s concerning this theme. If you are interested in contributing to this special issue, please send an abstract (no more than 300 words) and a brief C.V. to our email addresses below. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly. Contact Information: Dr. Xiao (Shawn) LIU Dr. Zhenwu QIU Abstract Submission Deadline: 10th December, 2023 (The selected contributors would be expected to provide their draft paper by 15th March 2024) Alexander Hall, PhD, Assistant Professor. School of Interdisciplinary Science