
Mostrando entradas de julio 18, 2021

CfP: Arbor. Pensamiento, ciencia y cultura

Arbor. Pensamiento, ciencia y cultura   abre el plazo de recepción de artículos para los números de 2023.  La pandemia de la Covid-19 ha puesto en un primer plano la reflexión sobre la vida, sobre las vidas vivibles, y sobre la necesidad de situar los cuidados y las emociones en el centro. Por ello el equipo editorial de   Arbor   quiere invitar a reflexionar, con este telón de fondo, sobre algunos de los principales   desafíos a los que se enfrentan hoy las sociedades contemporáneas.   1) Espacios.  Arbor  busca recoger propuestas que piensen sobre los cuidados del entorno en el que vivimos desde distintas perspectivas: la arquitectura, el urbanismo, la economía, la geografía, los estudios medioambientales y los estudios culturales de la ciencia, la tecnología y de género.  Así, quiere incorporar a sus páginas un debate que hoy preocupa a un sector amplio de la sociedad con la publicación de trabajos que reflexionen sobre cómo hacer los espa...

CfP: Dossier temático. COVID-19, cuidado y tecnología

La pandemia por COVID-19, desde su aparición, ha puesto en entredicho acciones institucionales y políticas sanitarias de los más distintos gobiernos occidentales. El virus ha mostrado una existencia política reflejada en la fragilidad de los sistemas de salud y la dificultad para entenderlo, domesticarlo o controlarlo; así como en la organización de las prácticas de cuidado del personal sanitario y de la población en general. ¿De qué forma se ha contenido la pandemia? ¿Cuáles han sido las acciones que se han instrumentado para “atacar” un virus     desconocido? Estas preguntas urgentes, desde que se declaró la pandemia, han  circulado en diversos niveles y espacios y no encuentran una única respuesta. Nuestra propuesta es abordarlas de manera oblicua, abriendo una ventana analítica a las tecnologíasy a las nociones de cuidados implicadas en la existencia del virus del Covid-19. Se apuesta por cuestionar definiciones clásicas sobre el cuidado enmarcadas solo en ciertos atr...

CfP: Responses. Rulers and Subjects in Early Modern Epidemics

Resilience and adaptation to emergencies and shocks are central themes today. Reflection on the past and reconsideration of the ways in which different human groups in their complexity were able to act in difficult times help us to analyse our present and future reactions. Today, as then, under the pressure of epidemics and food crises societies transformed their sociality. Early modern people found themselves alone in front of voids that were not only demographic but also social, economic, and moral, constraining public spaces, movement, religious rites, cultural activities, economic exchanges, and the entire life.  Epidemics offer an important point of view. Today, as then, political authorities have to adopt emergency rules and procedures and people have to act - and react - within exceptional circumstances. Early modern societies put in place several responses to epidemics, adapting reactions to contexts and managing frequent conflicts. While accelerating the birth of public he...

CfP: Teoria crítica e tecnologias digitais

Url:  https://www.ifch.unicamp.br/ojs/index.php/teoriacritica/digtech As tecnologias digitais surgiram e ganharam a sua própria rede interativa de comunicação no século XX, porém foi a partir do início da década de 2000 que ultrapassaram os domínios dos centros de pesquisa e industriais para atingir com um impacto forte e crescente a vida social e cotidiana das pessoas, inclusive no sul global. Hoje em dia as maiores empresas do mundo são as que oferecem plataformas digitais, grande parte dos empregos formais e informais são mediados por aplicativos, e análises preditivas moldam e intensificam a financeirização da economia. A cultura e as artes também foram invadidas pelos mais diferentes meios digitais e as interações humanas ganharam uma forma nova e um ambiente próprio com as redes sociais, que muitas vezes misturam a vida profissional, privada e pública dos indivíduos. Essas mesmas redes sociais tiveram um papel importante e crescente nas decisões políticas em todo o globo terr...

CfP: Applied Historical Methods for the Environment

Sponsored by the Consortium for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, the group will meet monthly to broadly explore the use of primary historical sources in studies of environmental economics, policy, law, and science.   Please submit your original manuscripts or working papers to present for feedback by August 15.  Paper and presentation submissions can be submitted at: https://www.chstm.org/wgpaperwgpaper We are also open to proposed reading lists that feature secondary sources from environmental fields so long as you can obtain samples of cited primary historical sources from the archives for analysis.  All are welcome to join the conversation.   Once you have joined the Workshop, you will be invited to register and set up a profile in order to attend virtual workshops and participate in a group message board.  Questions can be sent to convener Amy Coombs, Social Science Teaching Fellow at The University of Chicago. Special thanks to Fre...

CfP: Critical Theory and Digital Technologies

Special issue on Critical Theory and Digital Technologies Digital technologies emerged and formed their own interactive networks of communication in the 20th century, but it wasn’t until the beginning of the 2000s that they went beyond research centers and specialized companies to reach people’s everyday life, including in the Global South. Today, the largest corporations are those focused on digital platforms, work is mediated by apps, and predictive analytics shapes and intensifies the financialization of economy. Moreover, multiple digital media began to percolate through the domains of art and culture, so that human interactions gained new forms and new environments, such as social networks, which fuse people’s professional, personal and public lives. Social networks have also been occupying a central role in politics all over the world, from social movements to electoral campaigns. Many scholars have delved into the relation between digital technologies and contemporary societies,...

CfP: The “Vichy parenthesis’’ ? Trajectories of academics and disciplinary reconfigurations during the Occupation and the immediate post-war period

Special issue of  Philosophia Scientiæ  27/1 (February 2023)   Guest editors: Nicolas Brisset, Christophe Eckes, Céline Fellag, Raphaël Fèvre   Submission Deadline:  January 1st 2022 Acceptance notification:  April 1st 2022 Final version due:  September 1st 2022   Description This thematic issue aims to bring together contributions from specialists in the history of law, social sciences, economics, and exact sciences in order to complete or to question the historiography devoted to academic disciplines, universities, or scientific institutions during the Occupation of France and the immediate post-war period. Since the 1990s and the 2000s, global studies have been devoted to universities under the Vichy regime [Gueslin 1996], as well as to the purge of academics [Singer 1997] and [Rouquet 2010]. Monographs have also been devoted to universities or Grandes Écoles during the Second World War, as shown by the examples of the École polytechnique [Baru...

CfP: Palgrave Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Medicine (PSMEMM) - Springer Nature

Series Editors:   Jonathan Barry   (Exeter) &   Fabrizio Bigotti   (CSMBR, Wurzburg) The series focuses on the intellectual tradition of western medicine as related to the philosophies, institutions, practices, and technologies that developed throughout the medieval and early modern period (500-1800). Partnered with the  Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance (CSMBR ), it seeks to explore the range of interactions between various conceptualisations of the body, including their import for the arts (e.g. literature, painting, music, dance, and architecture) and the way different medical traditions overlapped and borrowed from each other. The series particularly welcomes contributions from young authors. We will consider proposals from colleagues working on any aspects of the Medieval and Early Modern Period. We accept single monographs as well as edited collections and translations/editions of texts, either at a standard length (70-12...

PhD Opportunity: Philosophy of Astrobiology at Durham, UK

We are now seeking to recruit a PhD candidate to join our collaborative interdisciplinary research project,  Exploring Uncertainty and Risk in Contemporary Astrobiology   (EURiCA) , funded by the Leverhulme Trust and led by Peter Vickers at Durham. I have reproduced below the explanation of this project from my previous blog post. The candidate will be based at Durham and supervised by Peter (Durham Dept. of Philosophy), me (Edinburgh), and Chris Greenwell (Durham Dept. of Earth Sciences).   Click here to download the PhD studentship advertisement . The application deadline will be   August 15th.

Seeking In Vivo Editor for Endeavour journal

Endeavour, an international journal for the history and philosophy of science, published by Elsevier, is seeking a section editor for its In Vivo section. In Vivo features short conversational papers where authors leverage their expertise in history and philosophy of science (HPS) to comment on present-day issues of general concern to readers. They demonstrate how HPS offers valuable insights and perspectives on modern problems and/or innovative solutions in addressing those problems. They consider how questions of today may indeed have precedents, both historical and philosophical, and yet offer an opportunity to rethink our standard narratives through interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary considerations. In Vivo is a place where authors can be visionary, experimental, provocative, and perhaps even playful in engaging their readers in issues of general concern while showcasing the value of HPS-informed perspectives. The editor will possess a keen interest in recruiting submissions f...

Research Fellowships Available Applications Due: September 15, 2021

The Consortium invites applications for research fellowships in the history of science, technology and medicine, broadly construed. These fellowships are open to scholars at all stages of their academic careers, and will support research travel to Consortium member institutions as research activities can resume. Scholars residing in Brazil, India and South Africa and working in medical humanities and the history of medicine are eligible for additional support generously provided by the Wellcome Trust. Submit an application here. The Consortium comprises 27 educational and cultural institutions using their exceptional resources to promote academic and public understanding of the history of science, technology and medicine.  The Consortium offers rich opportunities for research. Taken together, its collections of rare books, manuscripts and artifacts are unparalleled in historical depth and breadth. The Consortium also provides a vibrant, challenging and collegial community. Fel...