
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 29, 2019

XXII Simposio de la SEHM. Madrid 28-29 de noviembre 2019

El simposio lleva por título "PARA UNA HISTORIA (DE LA MEDICINA) EN EL PRESENTE" y consta de 5 mesas en las que dos ponentes dialogarán sobre un problema sanitario o médico desde la perspectiva histórica y desde la perspectiva actual, intentando valorar especialmente qué puede aportar el trabajo histórico para pensar el presente. La reunión se celebrará en la Sala Menéndez Pidal (0E18) del Centro de Ciencias y Humanas del CSIC, sito en la Calle Albasanz 26-28 (Madrid). Comenzará la mañana del jueves 28 y acabará a la hora de comer del viernes 29. El 28 por la tarde se celebrará la ASAMBLEA anual ordinaria de la SEHM. (Véase fichero del programa) Las personas interesadas deberán cumplimentar la ficha de inscripción que se encuentra más abajo y abonar la cantidad pertinente en la cuenta de la SEHM (IBAN: ES61 3025 0006 2814 3326 5710). Tanto la ficha como el comprobante del pago deberán ser enviados preferiblemente por correo electrónico al siguiente correo electrón...

“Del hachís y de la alienación mental”, de Jacques-Joseph Moreau de Tours

El professor de la Universitat de València i investigador de l'IILP Enric Novella ha editat i traduït (en col·laboració amb Silvia Fervenza i Marisa Cuñat)  Del hachís y de la alienación mental , de Jacques-Joseph Moreau (de Tours), per a la Col·lecció de Llibres d'Història de l'Associació Espanyola de Neuropsiquiatria (AEN). Adjuntem una breu presentació d'aquesta obra que enriqueix aquesta prestigiosa sèrie amb un nou títol fonamental. Jacques-Joseph Moreau (més conegut com Moreau de Tours) és, sens dubte, una de les figures més fascinants de la història de la psiquiatria. Entre 1836 i 1837 va viatjar com a acompanyant d'un acabalat pacient del seu mestre Esquirol a Malta, Turquia i Egipte, on va començar a familiaritzar-se amb els efectes fisiològics i psicològics del cànnabis. Fundador d'un efímer Club des Haschischins que va reunir la flor i nata de la intel·lectualitat parisenca (Gautier, Delacroix, Baudelaire, Nerval, Dumas pare, etc.), Moreau es va...

New book: Politics, Statistics and Weather Forecasting, 1850-1910

Aitor Anduaga ABSTRACT Taming the Weather examines the role played by nation-state building and  statistics in shaping weather forecasting across the long nineteenth  century. It asks how knowledge about weather prediction was constructed,  showing first how there was a confrontation between two rival approaches,  Eulerian and Lagrangian, and how then the former consolidated its hegemony  in practice. The physical theories alone were not capable of providing  satisfactory answers to questions about the most appropriate approach. Rather, state interests related to order, security, and centralization  played a key role in a selective process. In this sense, the book is about  how the abstract idea of the weather was transformed into a  representation--the isobaric map-that seemed scientifically predictable and  politically controllable and manageable. It shows how the modern Western  states, through their national weather services, ...

Exposición: Agrociència i propaganda (1940-1960): Fullets de divulgació agrícola del primer franquisme

30 de setembre- 28 de novembre de 2019 Institut Interuniversitari López Piñero. Palau de Cerveró. Primera planta. Comissaris de l’exposició: José Ramón Bertomeu i Luis Moreno. L’activitat divulgadora fou una de les tasques fonamentals del serveis agronòmics dels inicis del segle XX. Es varen crear càtedres ambulants, publicacions divulgatives en forma de fullets i articles de diaris, cursos de capacitació per a tècnics especialitzats, museus de fitopatologia i vivers de demostració, cartilles i manuals, revistes agronòmiques, programes de ràdio i obres de cinema documental, tot amb la participació de destacats enginyers agronòmics dels anys 20 i 30. Aquesta primera divulgació va estar adreçada als llauradors i pretenia la incorporació de noves màquines i agroquímics com fertilitzants i plaguicides. Va ser impulsada des de els serveis agronòmics provincials i les diferents granges experimentals i estacions de recerca agronòmica i fitopatologia creades a les darreries del segle X...

Graduate funding opportunities in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine at Cambridge, 2020-21

The Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge is the largest of its kind in the UK, and has an unrivalled reputation for teaching and research. Staff have expertise in the history and philosophy of a wide range of sciences and medicine. If you are interested in studying for an MPhil or PhD in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine at Cambridge, you will find everything you need to know about the Department, the courses, the academic staff ( http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/ people/staff.html ), and the application process on our website at  http://www.hps.cam. ac.uk/studying/graduate/ The Department offers two MPhil options: an  MPhil in History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine  and an  MPhil in Health, Medicine and Society  (taught jointly with Social Anthropology and Sociology) as well as the  PhD . For those considering doing a PhD, the Department will be running a workshop ...

CfP deadline 30 Nov: People, Places, Practices, 6-8 July 2020 St Andrews

CfP People, Places, Practices, Conference 2020, organised by the BSHM-CSHPM/SCHPM.  Submission deadline 30 November. Individual talks, symposia, workshops, encouraged:  https://easychair.org/conferen ces/?conf=bshmcshpm2020 . Conference 6-8 July 2020, University of St Andrews, UK http://www.mcs.st-andrews.ac.u k/bshm-cshpm/index.shtml People, Places, Practices, will showcase a broad range of approaches to the history of mathematics: •       People allows discussion of the cultural roles of mathematical biography, the historiographic and technical challenges of writing mathematical biography, as well as more straightforward biographical approaches •       Places provides for the influence of location, geographical, spatial, conceptual or cultural, on mathematics and mathematicians •       Practices encompasses the ways in which mathematicians and mathematical practitioners work or have worked, ...

CfP: BSHM Research in Progress

The British Society for the History of Mathematics will be holding  'Research in Progress', its annual meeting for research students, at  The Queen's College, Oxford, on Saturday 29th February 2020.  The day  provides an opportunity for early-career scholars in the history of mathematics to showcase their current research, and will conclude this year with a keynote lecture by Professor Alice Jenkins (Glasgow). A small number of places remain available in the programme for short talks of around 20 minutes each (followed by time for questions). Research students who are interested in offering a presentation are invited to send a proposed title and abstract (of no more than 250 words) to Christopher Hollings by 30th November 2019.  The organisers will be in touch shortly thereafter with a decision. Registration costs will be waived for speakers, but unfortunately we are unable to provide travel or accommodation expenses. The day is expected to begi...

CfP: History of Logic and its Modern Interpretation

https://sites.google.com/view/ creativity2019/workshops/ history-of-logic-and-its- modern-interpretation With the innovations within the logic of the 20th century, the history of logic was long regarded as an outdated discipline that could no longer contribute to current developments and ideas. The gap between traditional syllogistics and the mathematical or philosophical logic of the 20th century appeared too great. Some authors simply divided the history of their discipline into two areas: the old and the new logic. In recent decades, however, researchers have often shown that there are old logics with enormous potential: numerous modern systems in the field of visual reasoning are based on the Aristotelian square of opposition, on the arbor porphyriana or on Euler's logic diagrams. In Arabic and islamic logic the consequence relations show alternatives to modern approaches. Today, Indian logic is often associated with paraconsistency and dialetheism and in the field of n...

PhD Studentship at University of Cambridge in the History of 20th Century Biology

Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Collaborative Doctoral Award (CDA) PhD Studentship From Potato Farming to Pharmaceutical Factories: The Business(es) of Plant Virus Research in Britain, 1920-2020 Applications are invited for a doctoral studentship in the history of modern biology at the University of Cambridge, to start in October or January of the 2020-21 academic year. This project offers the opportunity to prepare a pathbreaking historical account of twentieth-century biology and biotechnology in Britain, drawing on extensive and largely untouched archives related to  plant virus research  held at the John Innes Centre in Norwich. The research student will investigate three distinct eras in plant virology: virus control in crop plants at the Potato Virus Research Station, molecular biological investigations at the Virus Research Unit, and the development of industrial biotechnology at the JIC Virus Research Department. The result will be a novel account ...

PSA Search for Host Institution and Executive Director – Request for Proposals

The Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) is seeking a new home for its executive office starting January 1, 2021. As part of this search, the PSA will be hiring a new Executive Director (ED); the start-date is negotiable, but ideally the incoming ED would take up this position in July 2020 so they can assist with PSA2020 and begin the transition to a new office. The PSA is open to considering a variety of institutional arrangements; the search committee welcomes proposals from institutions interested in hosting the PSA executive office as well as from prospective EDs.  The deadline for initial expressions of interest is November 15, 2019; please send a “letter of interest” to  office@philsci.org . The Search Committee is committed to working with prospective applicants to develop their proposals; feel free to contact Search Committee chair, John Dupré, or committee members Hasok Chang , Sandy Mitchell  or Kevin Zollman. For further information can be found on th...